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Chapter 1071: Meet the blood-clothed demon again

"what do you want to say in the end?"

The Demon God finally tasted the long-lost horror, and he was horrified to discover that his fear of Han Chen was spreading and increasing.

This made him feel very unbelievable, how could he have fear of a legend?

"You just gave up killing me for the sake of dignity because of a warning just now. It can be seen that for you, your own interests should be more than anything else. Selfishness may in many cases allow your own interests in many situations. Maximize and reduce a lot of one's own constraints, but just as no one can sweep the entire God's Realm with just this skill, it is stupid to rely too much on selfishness."

Han Chen said, waving the sword of the night demon in his hand, forming a portal in front of him, and behind the portal is an abyss channel.

Seeing the appearance of the abyss channel, the devil once again felt an inexplicable panic: "What do you want to do?"

Han Chen's actions have completely exceeded his expectations, making him unable to predict.

"What you should ask is not what I want to do, but what I want to do."

Han Chen walked toward the abyss channel step by step, "Look at what you look like! Do you really still look like a devil? Maybe when you rise in the micro-moon, you will have the courage to go out, but when an absolute When selfish people grow to the top, they will be reluctant to bear everything in their hands.

According to your personality, in fact, no matter what the abyss becomes, as long as you create an opportunity for detachment, it will be considered as a sacrifice for the entire abyss. It is also worthwhile for you. When you have the certainty, Of course, he is not willing to take risks.

But I do. "

With that, he walked into the abyss channel.

"It's the passage to Zulong Star, to what extent has he reached?"

The Demon God's eyes were full of horror, and he realized that he could no longer see Han Chen. This was an incredible thing for him.

Originally, the development of things should be within his grasp, but now there is a special case like Han Chen, which is likely to interfere with his plan and add many variables.

But he also understood that there was no way to stop Han Chen.

Because God's Domain's eyes are on his body.

"When there is value, let it go, and when there is no value, let it go without mercy. It should be said that it is truly a God's Domain!"

After walking out of the abyss channel, Han Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Why does God's Domain allow the existence of the abyss? It is because the existence of the abyss is a kind of pressure for the entire God's Domain, which can be used as a place of experience.

After all, a strong opponent is more important than most growth resources.

But now with the emergence of racial disasters, the abyss can no longer play a role in bringing pressure to God's Domain, so it is simply given up by God's Domain.

The reason why the Abyss Demon God chose to abandon the abyss so simply and neatly, rather than as a way for him to leave behind, also has this reason.

Anyway, failing earlier is also a failure, and failing later is also a failure. It's better to simply admit defeat and put all your bets on a new path.

After leaving the abyss channel, Han Chen descended on Zulongxing.

Opening the eyes of the night demon, Han Chen looked around for a while, and soon found a familiar breath approaching him quickly.

"Blood-clothed devil, long time no see."

Han Chen looked familiar and greeted the people who came.

The blood-clothed demon holding two scimitars saw Han Chen and couldn't help but grinned and said, "I didn't expect to let you escape last time. This time you fell into the trap again. Could it be that you can't find a place to stay? Place, can I only choose to come back here to find death?"

Last time, Han Chen was chased by him into the abyss channel.

It's just that the situation is different this time.

"Looking for death? Really?"

Han Chen looked at the feet of the blood-clothed demon, and measured the distance between the two sides with his eyes, "Then why are you so far away from me? Instead of coming over and killing me quickly?"

After discovering the abnormal fluctuation, the blood-clothed demon immediately walked through the space and came to where he was, but after seeing his figure clearly, he stopped again.


The blood-clothed demon looked angry, but did not rush to do it.

Behind him, the demon legion is constantly coming. When the legion arrives, he will be more certain, so there is no need to rush for a while.

Seeing the cautious look of the blood-clothed demon, Han Chen couldn't help saying:

"Didn't you just say that I was lucky to be able to save a life last time? Why don't you rush to do it now? Are you still worried that I can set up traps in this place?"

This is Zulongxing. If Han Chen can set up a trap on Zulongxing, it would be a big joke.

"The radical method is useless to me."

The blood-clothed demon said, "You unexpectedly appeared in front of me again. It must be a certainty that you can escape again in my hands. If you are not hunting down for the purpose of killing the enemy, it is a waste of time."

His implication is that I am not unsure of dealing with you, but your kid is running too fast. What I want now is the assurance of killing you completely, not just chasing you. For a period of time, then give up, which is a waste of time.

"Very good reason, I almost believed it."

Han Chen put his right hand on the sword of the night demon, making the blood-clothed demon vigilant.

"According to the speed at which the legions are coming, there should be more than ten seconds before the legions will come here! But the demon ambushing nearby should be barely enough for you! But I will come here. It’s not to tell you about the old, but there is something to do."

With that, Han Chen's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Seeing Han Chen's figure suddenly disappeared, the blood-clothed demon suddenly hid beside him.

Then, his double knives turned into blood shadows, and dense knives filled the space on the left.

Massive **** sword aura, almost harvesting all lives.

Unfortunately, this life does not include Han Chen.


The blood-clothed demon suddenly awoke and quickly turned around. The blood-colored scimitar in his hand made a beautiful arc, and the bright red sword energy directly cut away a black figure.

But just as the sword energy fell, the old force was gone, and when the new force was not born, a black long sword pierced through the throat of the blood-clothed demon from the phantom that Han Chen was cut apart.

What the blood-clothed demon sensed just now was indeed Han Chen's real body.

However, in front of the true body, there is still an incarnation cover.

When the avatar was beheaded, Han Chen's real body followed the cover of the avatar and issued a fatal blow.

"You, you really knocked the door of the mythical realm." The blood-clothed demon stared in disbelief.

"Knock the door of the mythology field? You say yes, then so be it!" Han Chen did not explain.

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