All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1076: Extra feelings

The first thousand and seventy-six chapters superfluous feelings

The gods of the Tao of Faith are the enemies of the entire gods.

Of course, perhaps the enemy of God's Domain is not limited to this one, but it is certainly not a simple thing to be able to destroy and absorb countless famous God's Domain as an enemy.

Using a firm will to counter the collection of wisdom is the same as using absolute strength to crush an opponent, which is simply nonsense.

If I have absolute strength, do I need you to teach me how to crush it?

It seems that some people will not use absolute strength to crush others.

So Han Chen has been collecting data, analyzing the differences in each person's personality, analyzing the difference between those who can resist the collection of wisdom and those who cannot.

"Wait, all the abyssal demons and the creatures of God's Domain that have descended into this world cannot be used as the source of wisdom."

Han Chen suddenly realized one thing.

Since it already exists in Zulong Star, the other party should not be picky eaters.

What's more, the people of Ancestral Dragon Star can also enter the God's Domain. In a sense, they can be regarded as God's Domain people. Since their wisdom can be directly swallowed, then there is no reason that creatures from God's Domain cannot do this.

If there is a difference between the two sides, it is that the people of God's Domain have lost their "hometown."

In other words, lost extra feelings.

In Chinese culture, the memories of hometown are the sustenance of the soul, but in the desperate situation of life and death, boring memories will only put oneself in a more dangerous situation.

“For the creatures in God’s Domain, those with their own wisdom, many emotions are redundant, such as the Earthling’s yearning for guns and ammunition, scientific researchers’ yearning for new technologies, and artists’ pursuit of art. Even the entertainment after busy work. These feelings are superfluous feelings for improving strength. With deaths, they will become indifferent until they disappear."

"In other words, what this monster absorbs is not all feelings or wisdom, but the part that is redundant for humans."

"So, this is redundant, how can I judge it?"

If you die in God's Domain, there will be a loss of experience points, and a permanent loss of aura, but you can regain it by fighting monsters and leveling, which manifests itself as plundering other people's aura.

But some things are really gone after death.

For a new civilization like the earth people, they have a flesh body, and all their feelings and memories are recorded in the flesh body, so even if there is something missing in the soul, the flesh body will regenerate the soul and make the soul complete.

But for those who have lost their bodies, the soul is like water that has lost its source, and sooner or later it will dry up.

As the saying goes, flowing water does not rot. Without the injection of new water, the soul will rot.

So those who have lived in the realm of Gods for a long time, especially those who have died many times, and even extended their resurrection cycle to hundreds or thousands of years, have already regarded those who are not suitable for fighting and survival. All feelings and memories are discarded.

This is the rule of God's Domain, but it is also the instinct of life.

In the process of evolution, life will instinctively evolve in the direction suitable for survival, and at the same time discard those unsuitable factors.

This is the instinct of life, and so is the instinct of the soul.

Therefore, in the battles, the soul shed some burdens in order to protect itself, and the burdens disappeared with each fall.

"So, is this the instinct of the soul?"

Han Chen muttered to himself, feeling a little sad at the same time.

He originally thought that this was the ruthlessness of God's Domain, but he didn't expect that it was the soul's instinct in the end. It was the change of the soul to protect itself. God's Domain just created a screening environment.

Thinking of this, Han Chen felt a little heavy.

The more a person knows, the more he feels insignificant. Similarly, when he stands at a sufficient height, he will find out what kind of dilemma he is facing.

But he was not in a hurry, but silently thinking about the solution to the problem.

He has been waiting for a long time. When he was in the abyss, it took nine months to meditate. How could he care about this time?

But he didn't waste it either, thinking about it all the time.

At the same time, he has not given up making trouble.

As long as the Glorious Vatican has some signs of suppressing the geographical creatures, Han Chen will immediately use illusions to liberate some people's minds, awaken more creatures from the ground, and fight the Glorious Vatican and the abyssal demons.

There is a certain possibility that he will get rid of it. If one of the creatures from the ground can't control it, it may destroy the Zulong star in advance and affect the earth.

However, Han Chen didn't care too much. If he didn't even have the possibility of taking off, what would he call a table lift?

The so-called lifting of the table was originally carried out with a mentality of death.

As long as you hesitate a little bit and have a slight hesitation in the face of danger, you may be seized by the other party and plunge yourself into a situation where you will never recover.

So during this period, even if the people of the glorious Holy See seek him to reconcile, he will refuse all negotiations.

Can you in the past want to destroy our planet and China, but now you want to negotiate and live peacefully with us through negotiation?

Hehe, why didn't you negotiate with us before?

In the past, I looked down on our earth and just wanted to turn all our people on earth into a source of your faith. Now that you feel dangerous, you want to live in peace with us?

But how do I know if you are sincere?

If you really want to live peacefully with us sincerely, it's very simple, just let your **** of light be like me and give up.

If you can't, it means you still have no sincerity.

In this way, two months have passed, and underground creatures have invaded the surface world more and more frequently, causing more than 70 million casualties, most of which were borne by the glorious Holy See.

However, Han Chen did not feel cruel at all. In the past, when the Guanghui Family conspired on the earth, it directly or indirectly caused more than 500 million casualties.

If this blood debt can be repaid ten times, Han Chen may still be able to relieve his qi.

But how much have you paid back now? Still too little, too little.

During this period, some glorious priests of the Holy See found Han Chen, but they were killed by Han Chen before they could speak.

Just when Han Chen was about to create further chaos, things happened in God's Domain.

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