All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1077: Caroline's counterattack

Chapter 1077: Caroline's Counterattack

Whenever the situation of Zulong Xing showed signs of stabilization, Han Chen would further create more chaos, leaving the glorious Holy See in a state of full operation.

But at this moment, he received information from God's Domain.

[In God’s Domain, within the area controlled by the Zulong Star, a blasphemer power appeared. The purpose of this power was to resist the glorious Holy See. The leader of the power was named Caroline, and she claimed to be a true god. On the contrary, it slandered the **** of light of the glorious Holy See as a false existence. 】

[Now the main force of the Glory Vatican has been concentrated in the real world, Caroline took advantage of this time to recruit a large number of believers, has begun to have a trend of uprising, and can even start to recruit members in an open manner, and have a positive relationship with the members of the Glory Vatican Combat. 】

[The following is a detailed report...]

After seeing this battle report, Han Chen was a little surprised.

He knew Caroline, and when he went to the Glory Vatican to steal the Angel's Reincarnation Pool, he saved the poor girl.

At that time, he might be out of compassion to save people, or it could be said to be a whim, but this is not important to him, what is important is what happened to this girl.

Caroline is a devout believer of the Glory Vatican. The education she received from an early age was to be loyal to the Glory Vatican and willing to dedicate her tiny life in order to stop the glory.

And she has a high talent, and can even directly bear the power of the Holy Spirit.

Such a loyal and talented existence should have become a loyal thug of the glorious Holy See and a big threat to the earth.

However, she was labelled as heresy and sentenced to death.

Even if she has loyal beliefs and pious beliefs, her loyalty comes from her own wisdom and rational judgment, which is not allowed by the Holy See.

What the Glory Vatican wants is your unconditional belief, which cannot be transferred because of anything, not the belief that you generate based on rational judgment.

It doesn’t matter to the earth at all, because the churches on the earth often don’t even teach you true beliefs. You only need to do superficial work and do enough superficial work, and then coax the believers to pay. .

But for the glorious Holy See, this is very important.

To the Holy See, rational judgment is an act of blasphemy against the gods. Under the brilliance of the gods, you cannot use any rational judgment to analyze the gods.

Of course, the facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with the method of the Holy See. After all, from their standpoint, you can believe in gods through reason and produce pious beliefs, and you can also betray the gods because of reason and become a blasphemy. By.

It turns out that their approach is not wrong, because Caroline has really become a blasphemer.

It's just that this blasphemer could be used as a sharp sword in their hands, but now this sharp sword has given birth to free will and used it against themselves.

It's like a saying on the earth, a person dies for a confidant.

If you are kind to me, I am willing to give everything for you, including my life, but if you don't value my talents, I will treat you as an enemy.

So are you saying that such a person is loyal or disloyal?

If you value his talents and place absolute trust in it, then he is an absolute loyal existence, even if he sacrifices his life, he will perform his duties and prove his loyalty.

But if you don’t trust, then he will betray.

But is conditional loyalty still called loyalty? This is a logical paradox.

However, this is actually a very simple choice for the God of Light:

No need to worry if you kill them all.

Human fertility is very strong. It is not a problem for a woman to give birth to ten children in her life. Even in ancient times when children often died early, an ordinary farmer could raise three or four children. If the political system can be perfected enough, the fertility rate will be even higher.

So for the Holy See, this is not a multiple choice question at all, it is just a screening question.

Anyway, the land of the Holy See is only suitable for supporting 12 billion people at most. Even if it is to reduce the pressure on land and resources, the Holy See will kill half of the people.

So to them, a person's life is nothing at all.

Even if this person is a genius who can carry the power of the Holy Spirit, what about it? Does the earth lack such geniuses?

The white bear that was once prosperous has been destroyed. Isn't the earth still turning?

So for the glorious Holy See, that would be better than letting go.

The harm of a blasphemer may be more powerful than the harm of hundreds of thousands of enemies.

Because this means that the unbreakable glorious Vatican has a crack.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest.

"Caroline has actually recruited close to one million people, and all of them have reached the king level in their lives. They can still suffer so many people under the circumstances of taking the elite route, and they are in the eyes of the gods. Underneath, this is simply a miraculous number."

After seeing this battle report, even Han Chen was shocked.

Of course, it is not shock, but surprise.

The glorious Holy See has the strongest control over its own people. Under this situation, Caroline has recruited close to one million elite members in just a few years. What is even more terrifying is that, Before she started her actions, she hadn't been discovered!

What is this equivalent to? This is equivalent to a spy who has buried thousands of people in China's army, but has not been discovered yet.

If the army is infiltrated to this level, there is no need to fight.

So if it hadn't received the exact situation, Han Chen would have never thought that Caroline could do this.

But now that there is a result, the reverse derivation process is much simpler.

After all, the intelligence showed that most of the army members who were loyal to Caroline believed that they were following the true gods.

"For most of the people of the Glory Vatican, they don’t know what a **** is like. When someone pretends to be the voice of a god, unless the real **** comes out to clarify, or the archbishop comes to borrow the god’s micro It can help them purify their hearts, otherwise it will be impossible to expose them.

People of the Glory Vatican have never had the ability to think and judge independently, so when a blasphemer has the ability to impersonate a god, he will be recognized by many people, and under the preconceived notion, even the true **** is not. It must be able to reverse these dead-headed concepts. "

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