All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1082: Game with the gods

After Han Chen's figure appeared silently, the angel suddenly burst into a holy light, and even the whole body became holy light.

Han Chen just wanted to draw a sword, but was overwhelmed by a lot of holy light.

After all, although his hiding skills are very good, his opponent is a god.

Under the crush of a higher dimension, all his movements are invisible.

However, the shackles in the eyes of the God of Light became more.

"Han Chen, what realm have you reached?"

He could see clearly that when the angel sacrificed himself and turned everything about himself into the holy light, Han Chen had already escaped from the area covered by the holy light.

He didn't care about the sacrifice of an angel.

What he cares more about is, where did Han Chen go?

When Han Chen wanted to make a sneak attack just now, he did see all Han Chen's movements clearly, so he immediately ordered an angel to sacrifice himself and seriously injured Han Chen.

It is totally worth it to exchange a 12-wing angel for Han Chen's injury.

However, those holy lights only hurt Han Chen's fur.

The real harm to Han Chen was minimal.

Han Chen had already left the place when he was affected by the wave of self-destruction.

Then, Han Chen escaped into the deep space.

A deep space that even his **** could not perceive.

"I can see that he has not become a myth, but why, his realm has reached such a level? What level of understanding has he reached?"

The spirit of the God of Light was full of jealousy, but also some regrets.

The last time Han Chen came to Zulongxing, he didn't make up his mind to pay some price to kill Han Chen, because he thought it was enough to expel Han Chen.

This was not because he was not decisive enough, but because the price of killing Han Chen was too high.

Because he wants to fight against that special life, he has run the Glory Vatican for 1000 years in Zulongxing, and he has not accumulated enough faith power. If he is used to deal with Han Chen, it will make him lose the monster. Absolute advantage.

This is something he absolutely cannot bear.

After all, Han Chen is a bit annoying mosquito to him. Although he will build a bag when he bites him, it is not fatal after all.

But that special life was a scourge for him.

If the power used to deal with a scourge that can kill him is used to deal with a mosquito, the next time the earth comes to a person, will he still do this?

What's more, even if Han Chen's body is killed, Han Chen's soul will reappear in God's Domain.

Although this will reduce Han Chen's potential, he also has some understanding of God's Domain. With God's urinary nature, it will never deprive Han Chen of the opportunity to detach himself.

The purpose of God's Domain is to train people, and the existence of rules serves this purpose.

As long as Han Chen can show sufficient potential, God's Domain will tolerate any concessions.

Therefore, he would not do such thankless things.

But he didn't expect that Han Chen would grow to this point with a difference of thought.

In the next moment, Han Chen appeared behind an angel again.

Seeing Han Chen reappearing, the God of Light almost couldn't help but another thunder descended on him, but he held it back again.

"Is this your limit?"

Han Chen laughed at the God of Light and said, "I gave you a chance to kill me just now, but you didn't have a good grasp of it. Instead, you took a safer and more secure choice. Maybe your choice was not wrong, after all. It's a battle of bullying and bullying, not desperately trying to defeat the strong, but you also missed an opportunity."

When he used the eyes of the night demon to observe the kingdom of God before, in fact, he was only a shadow clone in the outside world.

But this does not mean that the **** has no chance to kill him. After all, this is a god, and it is not incredible to have the ability to kill the whole through a clone.

However, it is already difficult for the gods to manifest their power in reality. Killing the main body through the clone will require a heavier price.

But it is this conservative method of warfare that restricts the gods.

It also gave Han Chen a chance.

"Han Chen, are you really going to work hard?"

The God of Light, "With your wisdom, you should be able to judge. If you stop now, the benefit to the earth should be the greatest."

If Han Chen stopped now, then the God of Light would directly face the special life.

In this way, no matter who wins or loses, he can buy enough time for the earth.

From the point of view of maximizing benefits, this is the most beneficial to the earth.

After all, the two tigers will be injured in the fight, as long as the God of Light does not want to lose all the followers and fall, then he must be obediently in the game.

However, Han Chen's response was only mockery.

"If you look at it from the perspective of maximizing benefits, then the earth is gradually going to extinction."

The God of Light was silent.

The position the earth occupies is really terrible. After all, it is a civilization with no background and no background. However, the enemy that the earth needs to face is too strong.

The only thing that can be obtained on the earth now is Han Chen, and the other is the potential of the earth, but the potential takes time to be able to be realized.

Therefore, if everything must be weighed against the pros and cons, and everything must be considered from the perspective of maximizing benefits, then there is only one way to meet the future of the earth.

The earth’s only vitality right now is to live after death.

"Also, Your Majesty, God of Light, I have one thing very strange."

Han Chen asked the God of Light.

"whats the matter?"

"Why have you always wanted me to stop now? Why have you been reluctant to continue fighting with me? Is it because, as long as the battle between me and you subsides, it will give you a chance to breathe, or even comeback Chance?"

Facing Han Chen's question, the God of Light responded with nothing but silence.

But his silence did not stop Han Chen as well.

"When a person is driven into desperation, the weak will shiver and wait for death to come, but the strong will look for life at all costs, even if only the strong spiritually, as a being who has become a god, as an absorption With faith, you can never be a weak person, so you will certainly not lack the courage to fight to the death.

Then there is only one answer left. You have always had the hope of a comeback. No matter what advantage I have now, I have not driven you into a desperate situation. "

Just before Han Chen's last sentence was finished, a long sword composed of holy light split Han Chen's figure in half.

But Han Chen's figure immediately turned into two dark shadows, his body disappeared, but his voice continued until he finished speaking.

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