All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1083: Light and darkness

"Should it be worthy of being a god?"

It is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing to play games for the gods.

Even if Han Chen now has a lot of hole cards, in front of a true god, no matter what kind of hole cards he has, it is not enough.

To fight against the gods, you must not just go up with your blood, you need to use great wisdom to judge the situation, and calmly analyze the situation and your own pros and cons.

But courage must not be lacking, because the momentary advantages and disadvantages miss the opportunity.

If you make a mistake, you will probably lose everything.

When the God of Light was talking with himself, Han Chen actually had the idea of ​​shaking hands and making peace, and felt that it was actually good to let the God of Light just like this.

After all, compared with that special life, the threat of the God of Light was still a grade weaker.

It seems good to let the God of Light be the shield of the earth.

But this thought only appeared in his mind for a moment and was immediately expelled.

Who knows what other methods the God of Light has?

What if the God of Light can directly abandon the belief in Zulongxing and directly establish a new belief in the Holy See on Earth, and in turn use the earth as a shield to protect himself, what should he do?

Is it possible to kill all believers on the earth?

Although he doesn't mind doing this for the sake of the overall situation, this is no way after all. When facing a dilemma, the best way is not to let the dilemma arise.

He is now facing a true **** as a legend.

At this time, I still want the benevolence of the woman and give the other person a chance to breathe. It is simply not putting the gods in his eyes, it is an act of seeking death.

So when he said the last sentence, the God of Light had already realized one thing, that is, the two sides had no longer negotiated.

Negotiations should be conducted on the basis of mutual trust between the two parties.

This trust can be the trust of character, the trust of the benefit level, the trust of the wisdom level, and the trust of the decision-making level.

But the two parties have no basis for mutual trust.

Because all trust must be based on strength.

As the saying goes that a weak country has no diplomacy, Han Chen's current position is equivalent to a weak country that is thriving. He finally had a chance to counterattack the strong country. Of course, he had to kill the other party directly, or wait until the other party. After taking a breath and recuperating, it is definitely oneself who perishes the country.

The black night demon sword cut through the void and penetrated the figure of an angel.

But when Han Chen succeeded, the body of the pierced angel turned into a cage of holy light, binding Han Chen, and even the space was forbidden.

At this moment, a spear made of holy light penetrated his heart.

However, neither side was hurt.

Including the holy light angel whose body turned into a cage, also did not suffer the slightest harm.

His sneak attack just now was just a phantom, a phantom created with the power of the Night Demon's Boots, and it didn't have the slightest lethality at all.

His shot just now was a vain move from the beginning.

At this moment, Han Chen's figure reappeared, appearing behind another angel.

The Night Demon waved again, and another holy light descended, piercing Han Chen's figure.

The decapitated figure split into two halves and gradually disappeared into the air.

This is another phantom.

However, at this time, a black long sword suddenly appeared among the half of Han Chen's already dispersed figure, piercing the angel's throat.

The black rune style crawled all over the angel's body, and then the powerful erosion force directly descended on the god's body through the connection between the angel and the god.

The connection between angels and gods is even closer than the connection between believers and gods.

Han Chen can hurt the gods through believers, and can also hurt the gods through angels.

"Ant! How dare to impose a curse on the gods!"

The **** of light uttered an angry roar, the powerful holy light shone, and the power of the dark curse was directly dispelled by the holy light.

Under the powerful holy light, there is no place for the curse of darkness.

But Han Chen didn't feel the slightest frustration. If he could harm the **** by relying solely on the power of the curse of darkness, then the **** would be too weak.

What's more, his curse just now has played its due role.

"From the feedback of the curse just now, the true position of the gods is in the center of the kingdom of gods. Of course, the possibility that the gods will deliberately mislead me is not ruled out. After all, he has now begun to treat me with a serious attitude, so use some Means of deception are also normal."

Against a god, Han Chen didn't dare to be careless.

Even if most of the opponent's spirit has been placed in the underground world, Han Chen did not dare to relax at all. After all, he had to guard against the possibility of the opponent breaking the jar.

Lifting the table is not his own patent, everyone who is forced into desperation has the possibility of doing this kind of thing.

"However, although the limits of the gods are still unknown, the limitations of the gods can still be seen."

A smile was drawn at the corner of Han Chen's mouth, and then the whole world was enveloped in darkness, and the dark field descended and swallowed all light.

In this dark realm, countless black runes appeared, wrapping towards the angels.

The 16 12-winged angels who were still alive burst out with a strong holy light, using a strong light to offset all the darkness.

Under the radiance of the holy light, the dark realm was directly disintegrated in this way.

However, just before the dark realm was destroyed by the Holy Light, it received a lot of supplements, and countless darkness reappeared, and the light formed opposites to each other.

"Light has absolute restraint against darkness, but in the same way, darkness is also the most suitable for dealing with light, because the two will not tolerate each other. Maybe they can coexist under certain special circumstances, but when the intent is injected , Then it will be absolutely offset."

This is what Han Chen discovered after cursing entering the kingdom of God.

The curse of darkness was eliminated too quickly, it was not cracked at all, but as if a flame fell into the lake, it was directly melted away.

There are some existences in God's Domain that have the attributes of light and darkness at the same time, but even if they contain two attributes, they cannot be combined.

So light has absolute restraint against darkness, but if you use darkness to deal with light, you can also counteract each other.

So others may be able to fight Han Chen in the dark realm, but angels absolutely can't. They must use the holy light in their bodies to open up a territory of light for themselves.

In this way, the battle between the two sides began to become a war of attrition.

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