All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1087: Attack the Holy Mountain

Chapter 1087: Attacking the Holy Mountain

From the perspective of the people of the earth, they have now entered the stage of a strategic counter-offensive, and it takes a certain amount of time to digest the fruits of the battle and transform the harvest into the strength of the earth.

However, in Han Chen's vision, they are actually walking a tightrope all the time.

As long as you make a wrong step, you lose everything.

And this is a road that cannot be retreated at all, the earth can only move forward.

So whether it's an empty city or a trap, it doesn't make much difference to Han Chen, because he has no choice at all.


A guard of the sacred mountain of light made a warning sound, but a black long sword pierced the heart immediately.

The movement here moved more people.


"How dare you attack the holy mountain!"

"court death!"

"Kill this kid who doesn't know the heights!"

Countless guards and priests of Guangming Sacred Mountain started to siege Han Chen regardless of their lives.

Under the guidance of the gods, they became fearless.

Unfortunately, their fearlessness cannot change the gap between the two sides.

The black figure shuttled through the Guangming Sacred Mountain like a **** of death, each life withered in Han Chen's hands, countless black curses followed the believers of Guangming Sacred Mountain and entered the kingdom of God.

Feeling the speed at which the curse of darkness disappeared, Han Chen probably felt the weakness of the God of Light.

But this does not rule out the possibility that the God of Light is a disguise.

"Could it be that the God of Light really didn't leave behind here?"

After hundreds of lives had fallen in his own hands, even Han Chen couldn't help being a little bit suspicious, but he immediately put this suspicion behind him.

As the closest place to the gods, the sacred mountain of light, even if the **** of light does not leave behind here, it is completely feasible to remind everyone to be vigilant.

Perhaps this alert does not play a big role, but at least it can delay a little time.

But when he attacked here just now, the people here were completely defenseless.

"Anyway, you must be careful."

Even if you know that there are traps here, you have to come in. This is courage, but to step on regardless of any trap is reckless.

There is only a thin line between bravery and recklessness, and those who can hold the boundaries are called the strong.

While Han Chen was slaughtering here, countless believers with angel blood came to encircle and suppress them, queuing to die regardless of their lives.

"The sacred mountain of light is the manifestation of the gods, and the enemy should not be desecrated."

"Guard our god!"

"Those who blaspheme spirits will kill them!"

Countless believers followed and formed a tragic song.

However, Han Chen didn't feel much about the initiator of all this.


Every player who entered God's Domain has experienced countless killings. Because God's Domain is too real, many players can't distinguish between God's Domain and reality.

The casualties of thousands of people, let alone Han Chen, the vast majority of players on the planet came over to treat this feast of killing with ordinary hearts.

Every time a person is killed, the damage to the kingdom of God becomes more serious.

Every time a person is killed, Han Chen gets closer to the gods.

With the withering of countless lives, thousands of dark curses have entered the kingdom of the **** of light. Although these dark curses were quickly extinguished under the cover of the holy light, from the feedback of the disappearance of these dark curses , The God of Light is constantly becoming weak.

Of course, it was not just Han Chen's contribution that caused all this.

Creatures from the underground world and believers of the God of Light are also unending enemies, and they contain most of the energy of the God of Light.

Therefore, Han Chen has not been relaxed, because he knows that the God of Light is not incapable of dealing with himself, but because his energy is not in his body now.

It is naive to expect the constraints of the real world to protect oneself.

Han Chen didn't believe in what he didn't understand. He didn't know how much the real world restrained the gods, but he knew that the person who counted on this domineering blessing was dead.

With the fall of angels and the death of several bishops, countless believers knelt under the sacred mountain of light and cried and prayed for the miracle to come.

"God! Why don't you perform miracles?"

"Great God of glory! Why do you tolerate infidels raging in your territory?"

"Great God of Radiance! Is this the punishment that the gods descend on us?"

Seeing this family who only knows to pray for God but not for self in times of crisis, Han Chen feels a little sad. If the earth is defeated, will it become like this.

"I understand why God's Domain will destroy every new civilization. It is not only because of destroying the past civilization that a new civilization will be born, and there will be brand new possibilities. There is also a reason, that is, a face If the distressed civilization is saved, everyone will believe in the savior.

If personal force is greater than anything else, one person can be above everyone else, and only one person can save the entire civilization, then the efforts of others lose their original meaning, so that after a period of time, the entire civilization It will become a place of faith for one person or several people. "

Thinking of this, Han Chen felt a little chilly.

Every civilization that fails the test will be destroyed by God's Domain, and then a new civilization will be born on the original soil. This is not only screening, but also preventing the appearance of gods of the way of faith.

Maybe the model of God's Domain seems cold-blooded, but at least it won't turn one's own into an enemy.

And he also somewhat understood why God's Domain would screen the strong in a game.

If there is a big strengthening of the whole people from the beginning, it will soon become a world where the strong are respected. In this world where the strong are respected, everyone will be in awe of the strong.

Awe of the strong is actually normal, but if you are not careful, you will become dependent.

When the degree of dependence gradually deepens, it will gradually transform into faith.

After trying to understand this, Han Chen's hands were slightly slower.

"The crisis faced by the earth is not just an external enemy, but also a crisis from itself. Now China has one of the greatest advantages, that is, although it will respect those who have made great contributions, it will not become faith. In other words, the awe of most people will not turn into faith."

"If I become stronger and become the hope of the entire planet, and let the hope of detachment of the entire planet rest on me alone, then I will become a brand-new **** of light, or a brand-new **** of darkness, this It’s not important. What’s important is that I, who defeated the enemy, may become a brand new enemy on the earth."

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