All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1088: Blood Stained Sacred Mountain

The first thousand and eighty-eight chapters blood stained the holy mountain

Han Chen had heard the story of a warrior slaying a dragon before, and the warrior eventually became an evil dragon.

But what I never expected was that this kind of thing would happen to me.

Seeing Han Chen's movements slow down, the God of Light settled down a bit.

"All his actions really came from the instructions of the people behind him. Now his actions have exceeded the limit, so he has been warned by the people behind him."

Thinking of this, the God of Light affirmed his guess even more.

So he continued to stand still.

The strong always have strong self-confidence. When he firmly believes in something, it will not change due to changes in the outside world.

"Am I thinking too much?"

Han Chen laughed at himself, "Since the future of the earth is not something I can decide, and I can only serve as a guide for the future direction of the earth, then why should I worry so much? If everything on the earth needs me to worry about, It was a disaster."

Thinking of this, the depression in his heart disappeared a lot.

The future will be discussed in the future, but he is very clear about your own position. He must decide the future direction of the earth. As the tallest person, he does his part.

If he is modest in this respect, it would be irresponsible.

However, what the road ahead of the earth is, after all, it is up to all the people on earth to take it step by step.

If he even needs to consider this matter for the people of the earth, then he will really become the **** of the way of faith, and then turn the whole earth into a base for collecting faith for himself.

"No matter what the road ahead is, now I have no room to shrink."

Resolute flashed in Han Chen's eyes. If the earth's future really turned into the worst consequence, then the worst result would be destruction.

Can it get worse anyway?

Perhaps the destruction is in your own hands, which is even worse for you.

But for the earth, the result is still the same.

When Han Chen made up his mind, his massacre began again.

"No, how dare he?"

The God of Light saw that Han Chen, who had already planned to stop, suddenly waved the long sword in his hand again and continued his slaughter, feeling even more frightened.

"He just wanted to stop. I was not mistaken. The hesitation passed from his sword is absolutely not false, but he finally chose to continue fighting."

"Yes, the reason why he planned to stop just now was probably because he accepted instructions from someone behind him, but now he continues to choose to fight, then in all likelihood he should have chosen to go against the meaning of the person behind him, if it was someone else. , This is unlikely, but if it is Han Chen..."

As a **** who intends to invade the earth, he certainly knows Han Chen.

Han Chen is not someone who doesn't know how to forbearance, but sometimes forbearance only becomes cowardly, so he is also a very decisive person.

If it was Han Chen, then it would be normal to go against the meaning of the people behind him.

"In that case, don't blame me for being impolite."

The eyes of the God of Light reflected a cold and stern light, and the white holy light descended on the Guangming Sacred Mountain, which greatly increased the strength of believers on the holy mountain.

If Han Chen actually did not mean God's Domain for him, it means that Han Chen's chess piece has been out of the control of God's Domain, or is initially out of control.

This is very normal, because he knows the urine of God's Domain too much.

God's Domain wants to train the strong, and trains the strong who can stand alone, so as long as he can become the strong, it doesn't matter whether he is under his own control.

Therefore, Han Chen's approach may be disliked by some people, but it may also arouse the appreciation of more powerful people.

"Are you finally going to resist?"

Seeing a large amount of holy light coming, Han Chen was not surprised but rejoiced.

If the God of Light hasn't moved, but let him do things on the holy mountain, it can only prove that the God of Light has a bigger plan.

Now that the God of Light had already started, it made him feel more at ease.

Six 12-winged angels were in their positions, and six huge holy lights appeared in six corners, forming a six-pointed star array, surrounding Han Chen in the center.

The six-pointed star formation is a very basic formation, but even the basic formation can play a very powerful role if it is allowed to be used by the strong.

Six 12-winged angels shot at the same time, and the **** of light was operating behind them. A large amount of the power of faith came down in the form of holy light. Trapped in the center.

"Han Chen, blame you for not being here!"

A dark look appeared in the eyes of the God of Light, but also with some heartache.

He had already lost 1/3 of his savings in the power of faith when he made the shot before, but in the end, Han Chen didn't know how to resist it.

1/3 of his savings is equivalent to his 300 years of accumulation!

After spending such a big price, it turned out to be nothing in the end.

Now he shot again, and once again consumed 200 years of faith.

"This time, I can't be the only one to bear the price. The Abyss Demon, as my ally, should also share part of it."

The **** of light made up his mind, and then a large amount of holy light sealed the void.

When he shot Han Chen before, the reason why he consumed so much power of faith was not because the power of faith was used to deal with Han Chen, but because after he mobilized so much power of faith, the underground front appeared. A lot of gaps, he needs more power to make up.

But now, he has used his savings of 200 years, and these powers are directly acting on Han Chen.

Of course, the main thing is to prevent Han Chen from escaping.

"Han Chen, although I don't know what kind of method you used to hide in the deep space, but you have overlooked one thing, that is, in the process of growing up, I don't know how many difficult enemies I have encountered. Even if you master some methods that even gods cannot understand, it does not mean that such methods have no weakness."

The holy brilliance enveloped the bright holy mountain, tens of thousands of believers knelt on the ground, with excited expressions on their faces, and tears of excitement in their eyes.

However, in the next moment, their souls dried up silently.

More than 300,000 believers knelt on the ground forever with such an excited expression, and their expressions froze at this moment.

"Although this approach is a bit exhausting, as long as I can win this war, then all my losses can be made up."

Feeling the replenishment of a lot of soul power, the look of the **** of light has changed a bit.

Since these people believe in him, it is only natural for him to use his life.

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