All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1089: Dark Scripture

The first thousand and eighty-nine chapters of the dark scripture

"Using such a method to make up for my own consumption, it seems that the God of Light is really close to the end of the world."

Seeing those believers whose demeanor was frozen, Han Chen was thoughtful.

"Dark Scripture, I hope you don't pit me!"

When he obtained the inheritance of the Dark God, he obtained an extra copy of the Dark Holy Book, which recorded all the information about the gods, but with his original strength, he could not read all the contents of the Holy Book.

Collecting the souls of mad believers directly can restore the gods a lot in a short period of time, but it also has great disadvantages.

This is not just a question of fishing or killing chickens to get eggs, but it will also cause certain damage to the soul of the gods.

Gods can use the power of faith to strengthen themselves, but not all components of the power of faith are beneficial to the gods.

It's like when human beings eat and drink water, they only absorb a small amount of nutrients from food, or absorb ingredients that are beneficial to themselves.

Among the power of faith, the most powerful ingredient is "grateful."

Even the gods who are not the way of faith, if they are grateful enough, will be of great benefit to their souls, and can even promote the purification of their souls.

But if the believer's soul is absorbed directly, then not only the soul is absorbed, but even the distracting thoughts in the believer's heart are absorbed together.

No matter how devout a fanatic, there must be some distracting thoughts in his heart.

These distracting thoughts are manifested as: when they encounter difficulties, they will instinctively desire the help of the gods, but at the same time they will also think that this is a test of the gods.

This is also no way, otherwise why would they have faith?

"Fortunately, the believers near the Guangming Sacred Mountain are relatively pious. As long as they don't continue to absorb it in a short period of time, then in less than 10 years, I will be able to purify these distracting thoughts."

As Han Chen guessed, after the God of Light absorbed the souls of 300,000 believers, his power had recovered, but there were many impurities in his soul.

But he didn't care about this. As long as he could win, he had time to solve this problem.

If he loses to Han Chen, it doesn't matter what impurities are not.

"Have you finally reached this point?"

Han Chen supported the dark realm and fully resisted the erosion of light.

He drank three bottles of [Apocalypse Potion] in a row, so that his strength was greatly restored, and then he put seven bottles of the medicine in his mouth, ready to digest them at any time.

But these things he did were just a dying struggle in the eyes of the God of Light.

The power of the gods to descend in the real world is indeed not strong, but this is not strong, and it is only for the gods. When a **** really wants to punish a person, there are ways.

As long as he is willing to bear enough consequences, then he can exert a powerful force.

"You are the first mortal who can push me to this step after I become a god."

The **** of light said coldly.

It's been a long time since he had tasted such embarrassment. The last time he was so embarrassed, he was expelled from his own territory.

At the beginning, he swallowed all the souls of all the mortals in his territory in one breath, and gained a strong power in a short time. It was only then that he finally escaped from birth. After more than 1,000 years, it was slow. Slowly purify the impurities in the soul.

But for this, he also lost the possibility of further progress.

But this is nothing sad for him. Even if he does not lose the possibility of further progress, it is very difficult for him to reach a higher level.

He didn't expect to taste this kind of taste again, it turned out to be persecuted by a mortal.

"It's still early!"

Feeling the consumption of light and darkness, Han Chen's mouth curled slightly.

At the same time, in God's Domain, Xia Mengsi also came to the Lost City.

After arriving in the Lost City, Li Long was already waiting here.

"Are you ready?"

Xia Mengsi asked.

Li Long nodded: "I'm ready, anytime I can."

With that said, he took Xia Mengsi to a separate storage area in the Lost City, where there were more than 100,000 players with a level of over 30, but everyone looked peaceful, as if asleep.

Just judging from the characteristics of these people, these people are all people on the Zulong star.

"Unexpectedly, Han Chen had already planned to deal with the gods."

Looking at these captives, a complicated look appeared in Li Long's eyes.

Xia Mengsi said: "If the earth is qualified to take more conservative measures, then I believe the boss will definitely be willing to use conservative methods, but since the boss wants us to take risks, there must be his reasons, maybe we are not safe at all. The development of this option."

Li Long sighed: "Yes! China had 50 years of stable development time before the advent of God's Domain, but the 50 years of stable development time was exchanged for more than 100 years of war. I don't know how much it has made in this process. Sacrifice, how many revolutionary martyrs have given their lives."

No peace is for nothing, all peace is exchanged for blood.

If you want a stable development environment, you must fight.

Even in today's peaceful age, Hua Xia uses his fists to maintain the hard-won peace. After entering the realm of God, Hua Xia has never given up the responsibility he should shoulder.

"There is no time for small talk, ready to start."

Xia Mengsi glanced at the God Domain watch, and then his eyes turned purple, and an invisible mental wave swept across. The 100,000 members of Zulongxing all opened their eyes.

"Now, begin to pray, Chapter 13 of The Glory Sacred Book."

Xia Mengsi ordered.

Illusionists can only guide the actions of others, and cannot forcibly destroy their will, but the identities of these people are all believers from the glorious Holy See, but they have lost their lives in the real world. Now let these people face the glorious The Holy See prayed, and they did not resist.

As a result, 100,000 believers knelt down on the ground at the same time and began to recite the contents of the "Glory Sacred Book".

"God brings brilliance to the earth and protects all the lives on the earth who believe in gods. Those who believe in gods will surely receive eternal bliss and return to the kingdom of light after death. Those who devoutly believe in gods will definitely not encounter benevolent gods. The abandonment of the gods, whoever devoutly believes in the gods, the gods will treat each other with compassion..."

Countless prayer sounds converged into an invisible force and dissipated in the air.

On Zulong Star, in the Kingdom of Light.


The God of Light suddenly spit out a mouthful of golden blood, the surrounding holy light began to become disordered, and countless angel bodies began to disintegrate.

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