All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1090: Poison of Faith

"Who dare to pray at this time!"

Countless prayers passed through the barriers and passed directly to the soul of the God of Light. This is the voice from the soul and nothing can block it.

The kingdom of the **** of light began to disintegrate every inch, the divine body composed of the holy light appeared cracks, the feathers of the angels serving the gods in the country began to fall, the face began to wither, and it was an apocalyptic scene.

With a wave of the hand of the God of Light, everything returned to normal.

All the angels returned to their original appearances, and the cracks in the kingdom of God were restored as before, as if they had never received any harm.

Only the mouthful of golden blood and the dim holy light indicate that this place has suffered a disaster.

"How dare he do this? How can he do it!"

The God of Light roared, and there was a strong sense of fear in his heart, because he found that his weakness was actually known to the other party, and it must not be a coincidence to be able to do this, but a long time ago. Start the layout.

At this time, a large number of black runes entered the kingdom of God.

Looking at these curses presented in a magical way, the anger of the God of Light became more intense.

Countless holy lights shine, and the curse of darkness melts like snow under the shining light, as if it has never appeared here.

However, the holy light on the God of Light became even more dimmed.

"Han Chen, you are fine, really fine!"

The God of Light gritted his teeth and said.

When an abnormal change occurred in the kingdom of the God of Light, the white feathers of the angels who besieged Han Chen began to fall, and the holy light became dim.

The holy light that originally sealed all spaces has now begun to become chaotic.

"It's now!"

Han Chen's figure turned into seven, six of them appeared behind the six angels at the same time, and the sword of the night demon quickly penetrated the angel's heart.

The rune technique appeared and the curse of darkness descended, killing all angels instantly.

In the next instant, the feathers on the angel no longer fell, and the holy light began to become normal, but there was no way to save the life that had been lost.

The chaos just appeared for a moment, but Han Chen seized the opportunity of this moment and came back after suffering a group attack.

"Han Chen, you were ready to kill me a long time ago, how dare you do this!"

The majestic voice of the God of Light appeared in Han Chen's ears, but now this majestic voice sounded in Han Chen's eyes and ears, but it was a bit vain.

Some even seemed like the fury of the incompetent.

The God of Light couldn't believe that Han Chen, who was so weak in the past, dared to murder him, and even worked out a series of plans and made detailed preparations.

How dare this ant do such a thing?

"The most powerful thing about the way of faith is that the power is almost endless. It can be continuously accumulated or continuously strengthened, but everything is causal. Since you have gained power from those believers, then It must bear certain cause and effect."

Han Chen's movements did not stop in the slightest, and he kept harvesting lives.

Although he has reversed the situation now, it is still not the reason for his negligence.

The so-called cause must have an effect, this sentence is a law, not a fixed formula.

But even if this law can be summarized by people, it shows that this law can be adapted to many places.

In the inheritance of the dark sacred text that Han Chen obtained from the inheritance of the dark god, there is a record that when the **** spreads his faith, he must fix an image of himself. This image can be an upright and stalwart image, or it can be Like the war image of killing.

When believers pray to the gods and contribute their faith, this image created by the gods will serve as a medium for receiving faith.

One disadvantage of this approach is that when the image of a **** has been fixed, even the gods themselves cannot easily violate the image they have set.

On Zulong, the God of Light had no rivals.

But because he has always been cautious and accustomed, the image he created for himself is also an upright image, as well as an image full of compassion.

It doesn't have to be that she herself is compassionate, but at least he has to.

The impression he leaves in the hearts of believers must match the impressions in the scriptures recited by the believers when they arrive together. Only when the two sides match, the power of faith will be picked up by the gods.

In the hearts of the believers of the Glory Vatican, the God of Light is such a compassionate god. He purifies all the dirt in the world with holy brilliance, wants to bring bliss to the suffering world, and uses his own power to save all suffering. Among the struggling creatures.

But just now, in order to restore his power, the God of Light directly collected the souls of 300,000 believers and forcibly restored his power.

In fact, no one accuses him of what he did, because even if this matter was taken out, most of the believers would not think it was a problem.

Dedicating their lives to the gods is what they should do.

As long as the gods need it, the mere soul is not a problem.

This is a trivial matter for believers. They can understand the God of Light, but it is easy to deceive others, and it is the most difficult to deceive their own hearts.

The higher a person's realm, the easier it is to perceive, and the harder it is to deceive oneself.

Having reached the point of the **** of light, it is impossible to deceive oneself.

So when he collected those souls to restore his own power, his approach had already violated the bright and great image he had created in the "Sacred Book of Light".

Without Han Chen's preparation, what he did against his own image would cause pollution to his soul, which is the impurities in the holy light.

For him, this is not a big deal. Give him 10 years to purify.

However, at this time, suddenly more than 100,000 people prayed devoutly.

The original level of faith of these 100,000 people did not reach the level of fanatics, because true fanatics still believe in the gods with the most pious attitude after understanding the gods, instead of being driven by everyone and not even thinking. Direct faith.

But under Xia Mengsi's hypnosis, these people almost achieved the effect of a fanatic.

In addition to the effects of the knowledge recorded in the dark ceremony, you only need to pay a certain price, and then you can directly transmit the voice of these people's prayers into the kingdom of God.

In normal times, these prayers will only become the power of the God of Light, making him ecstatic.

But at this most critical moment, these pious beliefs conflicted with what the God of Light did just now, and they became deadly poison.

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