All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1093: True and false servant

The first thousand and ninety-three chapters are true and false **** servants

The God of Light had already entered a state of absolute calm, but when the passage was opened, his heart still couldn't help feeling fear.

This is the instinct from the soul.

Even if his reason can overcome all the negative states brought to him by instinct, the fear itself will not be eliminated.

"What is he going to do?"

Han Chen's preparations made the God of Light feel a little numb.

He suddenly discovered that he seemed to have stepped into Han Chen's calculations from the beginning, and every response he made seemed to be in Han Chen's expectations.

Even though he had made desperate preparations now, he still felt that he hadn't escaped Han Chen's calculations.

Otherwise, why does God's Domain Channel just appear here?

The passage of God's Domain opened faster and faster, and soon it became able to accommodate legendary existences passing through, and then a large number of figures walked out of it.

After seeing these figures, the God of Light almost smashed the handle of his **** seat.

Coming out of the inside, it was the Angel Legion.

The angel legion from the angel clan of God's Domain.

"Han Chen, long time no see."

Wearing white light armor, Vivienne came to Han Chen with a smile, "I didn't expect you to actually be able to do this step and kill the gods as a legend."

When Han Chen first announced his plan, Vivian was shocked.

Han Chen is simply crazy, otherwise, why would he not think so?

However, out of trust in Han Chen, she still chose to help Han Chen, but the prerequisite was that Han Chen must be able to push the gods to a dead end.

"It's no big deal, someone has done it before."

Han Chen responded with ease, "The first generation of the Elf King, as a legend, singled out 7 gods in the First World War, and defeated them, so that the seven gods of the Heavenly Workers could not escape, even if they were The myth suit cannot prevent the fall of the seven gods. Compared with that one, I am still far behind."

"Although I don't know what happened at that time, it was because the first elf king found the weakness of the gods. If it is replaced by other gods, the first elf king may not be able to defeat one god. The seven gods are because of the soul suit. Died due to negative effects." Vivian said.

Although the strength of the first generation Elf King is indeed extraordinary, it is not so easy to kill the gods, and the seven gods of the Heavenly Workers tribe are also pitted by the negative effects of the soul suit.

God's Domain has never opposed being powerful, no matter how powerful it is.

Even if it fell into an abyss demon, it was within the scope of the rules of God's Domain.

But since that battle, the soul suit has disappeared.

This shows that the negative effect of the soul suit is really too great, and becoming a strong person in this way does not meet the expectations of God's Domain.

The strong with obvious defects cannot be regarded as strong as long as they can be targeted by others.

"The gods of the way of faith are also flawed." Han Chen smiled slightly.

Relying on wisdom to deal with the enemy is never a shame.

Because the direction of human evolution is wisdom.

When the two were talking, the number of angel legions appeared more and more, and soon exceeded the number of 500,000, and the number was still increasing.

Countless angels stretched their white wings and floated in the air.

Those believers who came from all over the Glory Continent saw the angel army floating in the air, and couldn't help putting down their weapons and kneeling on the ground.

"My lord is merciful, and my lord is eternal."

One side already knelt down before the battle started.

The believers of the Glory Vatican all know angels, they are messengers of gods, servants of gods, and their masters.

And they have more or less the blood of angels. Among the doctrines spread, the blood of angels on them comes from the gifts of the servants of the gods.

Now these angels from God's Domain have formed an echo with the blood of the angels in their bodies. This comes from the suppression of hierarchy and the suppression of personality.

So the identity of these angels cannot be faked.

Since there is already an angel army here, of course the gods have already taken action.

Seeing this scene, the face of the **** of light was pale, and his eyes reflected cold light.

The bishops of various districts shouted: "These are not messengers of the gods. They are sinners who have turned away from the gods. They are demons from hell. Don't be deceived by their appearance. Let us take up the weapons in our hands and fight for the gods. , Kill these heretics."

Those believers will be suspicious, wondering whether to believe in angels or bishops.

The angel legion stretched its white wings at the same time, and the sacred brilliance rained down on the believers, sweeping away the fatigue of their body and spirit.

After feeling this miracle, without any words, countless believers have believed it.

"They are true messengers of gods."

"Angels who serve the gods! Please accept our loyal faith."

"I am waiting to serve the gods and serve the angels."

After showing the miracle, countless believers turned back.

Nothing is more convincing than the Holy Light. After seeing these angels spread the light of the gods to them, they have firmly believed that these angels are the true messengers of the gods.

Of course, the God of Radiance is not without a solution.

He can directly use the voice of the gods to resound in everyone's heart, but this requires the power of faith. At this critical time, every power of faith must be used in key places.

The archbishops from all districts turned pale. Since these are real angels, what are they?

Anyone who can become the archbishop of a region can listen to the voice of the gods, and of course it can be distinguished that the angel army in front of him is not a true servant of the gods.

But how do they explain?

There is no explanation at all.

Just when they were unable to do anything, a large number of angel legions came in their direction from afar, and the bodies of these angels spread holy brilliance, echoing the angel legions in the passage of God's Domain.

After seeing this scene, all those devout believers burst into tears.

In their lifetime, this is the first time they have seen such a large-scale miracle. Years of prayers have finally been answered, and they finally have a chance to ascend to the kingdom of God.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard a command:

"The angels in front of you have turned their backs on the gods, let us take up the weapons in our hands and purify these blasphemers."

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