All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1094: Melee

The first thousand and ninety-four chapters melee

This is just an ordinary order, but there are two parties who issue the order.

Those archbishops and angels issued orders at the same time, which made the believers below feel confused.

Whose orders should you listen to?

God! Why are you unwilling to point your believers?

Is this also your test?

To test whether we can use our own eyes to distinguish who is the real messenger of the gods?

However, this is too difficult.

The angel legions in the sky are fighting together, and the enemy and the enemy are very different. One of them has the appearance of God's Domain, and the other party does not have a God's Domain watch.

If this situation is placed on the earth, then the people on earth can definitely quickly tell which side is the enemy, because the God's Domain watch is the witness of the God's Domain, and it is absolutely impossible to fake it.

But these glorious Vatican people are different.

Caroline had a pious belief at the beginning, but because her belief was not pure belief, but based on her own wisdom, she decided to believe in the God of Glory after having free will, but because of this, she directly Was obliterated.

Because the glorious Holy See does not accept this form of faith.

Since you want to believe in gods, it should be unconditional trust.

Therefore, it is too difficult for those believers to distinguish between true and false by relying on their own wisdom. What they need now is the guidance of the gods.

It is said that the archbishop can listen to the voice of the gods, but the holy light cast on them before is real, which means that the angels are real.

Now, how do they distinguish it?

The archbishops of each district shouted loudly:

"Don’t believe each other’s lies. They are the messengers of the devil. What they are best at is fraud. Let us kill those heretics that blaspheme the gods. Let’s take a look at the God’s Domain watch in our hands. This is the proof that we are a family. Angels who don’t wear a Gods Domain watch on their hands are our enemies."

Hearing the voice of the archbishop, countless believers felt convinced.

"The archbishop is the ground spokesperson of the gods, and their words will not be false."

"I believe in the archbishop."

"Kill heresy!"

Because most of the believers do not directly listen to the voice of the gods, for them, the people they have the most contact with are the archbishops of the major regions, and their will is the will of the gods.

Therefore, under the call of the archbishop, countless believers began to charge towards the angel legion. They wanted to use their weapons to defend the dignity of the gods and prove their beliefs.

However, at this time, Vivian's voice also reached everyone's ears.

"Every believer who believes in the gods is a child of the **** of light, and can gain the power of angels and fight for the gods. The blessings of the angels come on you and become your power instead of being your punishment. The best proof.

The blasphemer, after getting the gift of the gods first, in order to enjoy the gift of the gods alone, he deceives you and prevents you from gaining the power of angels.

Now the angels of the gods have come from the kingdom of gods, leading you to punish these readers together. "

After hearing Vivienne's voice, the expressions of the archbishops changed.

Because Zulong Xing did not compete for opponents of faith, they did not have the experience of fighting over the believers.

If the believer is unwilling to believe in the gods, just burn to death.

But now is different, now there are real blasphemers.

Sure enough, under Vivian's voice, the hearts of many believers began to shake.

Their belief in the gods is unquestionable and unshakable, and Vivian did not shake their beliefs, but made their beliefs stronger.

Just now when the Angel Legion spread the holy light, everyone received the blessing of the holy light. Now Vivian, the blessing of the holy light is also a blessing for the angels. Everyone who receives the blessing of the angels is a devout believer of the gods. Their loyalty can be bestowed by the gods.

But since their belief in gods is extremely firm, why is there no angel power?

Why can only a few people become angels?

The reason came out, because those who gained the power of angels did not want more people to receive the gift of the gods, they wanted to enjoy the gift of the gods alone.

If they question this sentence, they are questioning their belief in gods.

"Don’t listen to the devil’s bewitching. If you want to gain the power of an angel, you must have a firm conviction and pass the test of the gods. As long as you have firm conviction, everyone can become an angel, and everyone can. Become a messenger of the gods."

The archbishops wanted to try to save, but their explanations did not save too many people.

"Are you questioning your belief in gods? For gods, all people are equal. As long as the belief in gods is strong enough, everyone can get the blessings of gods, and the power of angels descends on you, It is the best proof.

Those who want to enjoy the grace of the gods alone are just blasphemers who steal the faith of the gods. They have no way to spread the glory of the gods on everyone. "

After Vivian finished speaking, thousands of angels suddenly stepped out and began to spread the power of the Holy Light.

The pure holy light fell like raindrops, nourishing everyone's soul.

Those who received the blessing of the Holy Light became more determined in their hearts.

"This is the power of the gods, this is the light of the gods!"

"We can accept the blessing of the Holy Light because we are devout believers."

"We are devout believers, and we can also gain the power of angels."

"Holy light is the most powerful evidence. This is the power that the spokesperson of the gods can have."

The eyes of countless believers began to become fanatical. Since both sides are angels and cannot distinguish between the true and the false, then only the real angel is the one who speaks the power of the Holy Light to them.

Because according to the record on the "Sacred Book of Light", the angel of the gods can spread the glory of the gods and act on the will of the gods.

Since these holy lights can nourish their bodies and purify their hearts, it means that these angels are genuine messengers of gods.

As for those angels who wear God’s Domain watches, since you have gained the power of the gods, why are you not willing to bless us with the holy light, and why not use the holy light to purify us?

And those angels who didn't spill the light on them were pagans.

A **** is a benevolent god, not a selfish god.

All of a sudden, the believers who received the blessing of the Holy Light began to turn to each other.

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