All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1095: The confusion of believers

The first thousand and ninety-five chapters of the confusion of believers

"It deserves to be an angel race." Han Chen admired.

The Angel Race is indeed a veteran race in God's Domain, and the leader of the Bright Camp. When Han Chen asked them for help, they didn't expect that they would be able to do this.

But thinking about it seriously, this seems understandable.

The angel race was originally a race created by the gods, but it had betrayed the original gods, and then became a focused race in the domain of the gods, and was also a weapon specifically used to deal with the gods of faith.

Since the meaning of their existence is to deal with the gods of the Tao of Faith, it is understandable to have such a skilled means.

"This is also thanks to the fact that you have consumed so much the power of faith in the God of Glory. Otherwise, as long as your voice really resonates in the hearts of every believer, our little means will be of no use at all."

Vivienne looked at the people in the underground melee, with a little excitement on her holy face.

The reason why the angel tribe's methods worked was also because of Han Chen's previous actions.

Now the power of the God of Light consumes too much power. In addition, the God of Light forcibly collects the souls of believers. It was calculated by Han Chen, which caused heavy damage to the God of Light. So now the God of Light is already in The weakest moment.

If it is in the heyday, the God of Light can certainly consume some power of faith and resonate the voice of the gods in the hearts of every believer.

In this way, even with the various methods of the angels, it is impossible to confuse believers.

But now the gods have no way to respond to believers, or that they dare not respond to believers at all, that gives the angel race an excellent opportunity.

The melee of the Angel Legion has continued.

The Angel Legion of the Glory Vatican, most of the angel bloodlines on the body are incomplete, this is the consideration of the maximum combat effectiveness.

Because of the heart of an angel, 12 people can have the power of an angel.

Twelve people with angelic bloodlines, even if they have incomplete power and certain limitations, will reduce the lifespan of their souls, and are stronger than a complete angelic bloodline.

Under the circumstance of consuming soul origin, the gap between the two sides can be infinitely narrowed.

Even 12 broken angel bloodlines can be comparable to 6 complete angel bloodlines if they form an angel battlefield, but only one angel heart is needed.

Under such a price-performance ratio, the choice of the Glory Vatican is of course a broken lineage.

Their choice is not wrong, but on this battlefield, there is a fatal flaw, that is, compared with the angels from God's Domain, their holy light is a bit worse.

It was originally the holy light, and no one could tell.

However, compared with the genuine angels, the light on their bodies is dwarfed. Whether it is the holy breath or the feeling of purification, people can't help but raise questions.

Even the archbishops couldn't help but wonder.

"Why is the power from the gods inferior to these angels from the gods?"

"The power of the gods should be supreme, how can it be so weak?"

"Why do I feel that the light on them is not as good as the other?"

"The gap is too big, is it true that what they say is true?"

"No, this is blasphemy, this is suspicion."

Seeing the fall of an incomplete angel's bloodline, the archbishops couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts. Contrary to them, those believers who believed in angels from God's Domain were now even more determined.

For believers, the power of gods should be supreme.

Therefore, since the holy light on these angels is more powerful and pure, their credibility is of course higher. Is it possible to convince them that the power of the gods cannot be compared to heresy?

Propagating the supremacy of the gods is necessary for the gods to spread their faith, but now these doctrines have been shot at their own feet.

"Han Chen, how much have you prepared?"

The heart of the God of Light was filled with a strong sense of crisis.

His Angel Legion is of course not as good as the original, but the number still has some advantages, but such advantages are offset by monsters from the ground.

Although he has assembled the angel legions from all over the world as quickly as possible, these angel legions have already consumed a lot when fighting monsters from the ground. Now they have gone through a lot of consumption from the ground to the ground. Weakened a lot.

Now they didn't even have time to breathe, they were fighting with the angels from God's Domain.

On the one hand, there is a tired teacher, and the other side is waiting for work at ease. Of course, the gap has become bigger.

Coupled with the restraint of the broken angel bloodline facing the genuine angel bloodline, the angel legion under the **** of light seemed vulnerable.

The weakness of the Angel Legion has made those believers more suspicious. Even the archbishops have begun to doubt whether they have been deceived.

Is it true that the other party is a true messenger of gods, and the one on your side has been deceived by the blasphemer?

It's no wonder that they have such doubts, because they have cleaned up many blasphemers before, and they still have some understanding of the methods of blasphemers.

"No, it's impossible!"

An archbishop covered his head with a hideous expression on his face, then his body turned into holy light and suddenly began to explode.

He had begun to have real doubts about the gods.

If those angels from the realm of God are true messengers of gods, have you been deceived by blasphemers in the past? If angels from the realm of gods are messengers of false gods, then why are real messengers of gods inferior to those heretics?

This kind of suspicion made his mind start to be confused, and the power in his body began to be confused.

A large amount of holy light swept the surrounding believers, directly causing dozens of casualties.

Seeing this scene, many archbishops began to feel frightened.

They all think that they are believers of gods, but now which one can represent the true gods?

"Great God of Light! Please come to this filthy world and show your devout believers a clear way!"

An archbishop shed clear tears and knelt on the ground and began begging for guidance from the gods.

His heart is now full of confusion, and only with the guidance of the true gods can he fill his confused heart with piety again.

As long as he can get rid of the doubts in his heart, he will be fearless even if the gods punish him.

"Great God of Light! Please come to this filthy world and show your devout believers a clear way!"

One archbishop after another kneeled to the ground while praying to the gods.

It is a pity that although they can listen to the voice of the gods, the gods now dare not respond to them.

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