All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1096: Kill the Kingdom of God

The first thousand and ninety-six chapters kill the kingdom of God

After four hours of fighting, the battle soon came to an end.

The God of Light can no longer convey his voice to reality, so the outcome of the battle can be predicted.

Without the blessing of the gods, the Angel Legion of the glorious Holy See was simply vulnerable.

The subsequent angel army did not continue to come, but began to disappear.

This is also a very normal thing. Under such an absolute gap, no matter how many angel legions come, they will only send food, but will give Han Chen a chance to kill himself.

"What happens next? Kill the people of the glorious Holy See?"

Vivian asked Han Chen for instructions.

Now that they have an absolute advantage, it is only a matter of time before they want to destroy the entire Glorious Vatican. As long as the Glorious Vatican is destroyed, the God of Light will be like the fish on the chopping board.

Han Chen shook his head: "Don't worry, have you found the information I asked you to check last time?"

Vivienne shook his head: "Of course we have records. Only the Holy Master is qualified to consult. According to the Holy Master, even if you know some knowledge, it will bring you great harm. If you personally If you go to God's Domain to read it, you can show it to you, but you must never let others relay it."

Some knowledge, even if you know it, will bring harm to yourself.

Han Chen understands this kind of thing.

After all, the existence of underground monsters really cannot be judged by common sense. Han Chen accidentally awakened the underground monsters because of understanding.

"I understand."

Han Chen didn't force it, but asked several legendary angels, "What I want to do next is very dangerous, do you want to come together?"

An angel replied: "When we came to the real world, we were ready to give our lives."

"That's good, let's kill the kingdom of God together."

Han Chen said concisely.

"What, kill the kingdom of God?"

Vivian was shocked, "Do you know what you are talking about? Who can exert power in the real world is completely different from the power exerted in the kingdom of God. You can indeed push the gods into desperation in the real world? , But this does not mean that your life can also be against the gods."

The kingdom of gods is the home ground of gods.

The full power of a **** can only be embodied in the kingdom of god.

A legendary angel said: "We are indeed ready to give our lives, but we don't want our lives to be sacrificed worthless."

The arrival of the creatures of God's Domain in the real world is inherently dangerous, and it is also a way of no return.

So these angel legions who came to help Han Chen are all ready to sacrifice.

This is the gambling of angels and their pride.

The reason why they are so adventurous is not entirely because of their friendship with Han Chen.

After all, the angels in God's Domain are the greatest enemies of the Gods of the Way of Faith. They also joined the God's Domain for freedom and the will to fight for freedom.

If you are not sure, then forget it. Now that some people are going to fight against the gods of the Tao of Faith, can the angels still not take action?

Your allies risk their lives in order to confront your enemies of life and death.

So you didn't give any reason to watch.

However, although these angels are willing to give their lives, they are not willing to sacrifice their lives for no reason. They even hope that their lives will be sacrificed at a price.

If they can sacrifice for no reason, what is the difference with continuing to be servants of the gods?

Now directly killing the kingdom of God, that is simply seeking a dead end.

The important thing is that death has no value.

The power that the gods can exert in the kingdom of gods is very terrible. They go in as a gift, and may even become a tonic for the gods to restore their power.

Han Chen said: "Since I have made this decision, I have a certain degree of certainty. I know that it is a bit too much to convince you of me without explanation. But I have my own reasons. After this battle, I I will go to the angel clan to explain to you."

Several legendary angels looked at each other.

They also hesitate, whether it is because of their relationship with Han Chen or what Han Chen is doing now, they have no reason not to help.

Even sacrificing one life is worth it for them.

But Han Chen's request is indeed a bit excessive. We are all willing to sacrifice our lives for you. Don't you even give us the reason for us to sacrifice?

When they declined Han Chen accordingly, Vivian suddenly said:

"Don't you have the means to hurt the gods through believers? Now we have a great opportunity. Why don't you continue to hurt the gods now, expand your battle results, and wait until you have more confidence before doing it?"

Thinking of this, several angels all shined.

Since Han Chen can directly harm the gods through the connection between the believers and the gods, then they should be able to continuously consume the power of the gods by means similar to flying a kite.

What's more, Han Chen has God's Domain as a backing, so he doesn't worry about consumption at all.

With this tactic, there is no doubt more certainty.

Facing Vivienne’s questioning, Han Chen just shook his head silently: “If you miss this opportunity now, there may be no chance.”

He did not explain the specific reason, nor could he explain the specific reason.

Because he is still within the limits of God's Domain, and he is not qualified to break the rules.

"I understand."

Vivienne did not continue to question, but directly ordered several angels, "We go with Han Chen, and no matter what he wants to do, we must obey."


The angels who descended on the Ancestral Dragon star were all in Vivienne's hands. Since Vivienne gave the order, they could only obey.

And what Han Chen said just now is that if you miss this opportunity, you may not have a chance. Although this sentence makes them a little bit incomprehensible, they believe that since Han Chen said it, it makes sense.

Seeing that everyone agreed to fight side by side with him, Han Chen was also moved.

He is not a hypocritical person, since everyone has decided to live and die together, then he is not willing to say too much nonsense, because this is just a blasphemy of mutual trust.

The Sword of the Night Demon waved, and a dark passage appeared in front of Han Chen. Han Chen entered the passage first and said behind him: "Catch up."

Vivian followed without hesitation and came to a world full of light.

Then, four legendary angels followed, followed by those epic angels. After the last epic angel entered the world full of light, the black channel disappeared.

"Here is the kingdom of the God of Light?"

Vivian's gaze fell on a white barrier full of cracks. They just entered through the cracks there. It seemed that the edge of the kingdom of God had been broken.

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