All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1107: Aftercare

The first thousand and seven chapters

"What do I want?"

Caroline felt a little confused.

She was not a true fanatic.

Even if she initially thought that she firmly believed in the gods, this belief was also conditional. When this condition could not be met, she became a blasphemer.

Therefore, rather than saying that she is a fanatic, she is a person who seeks to identify with herself.

Believing in gods can bring her spiritual pursuits, then she believes in gods, and if faith can't do it, then she herself becomes a god.

However, for her, it was almost an instinct.

"Well, although the battle between the Abyssal Demon and the Fallen Angel is still going on, but since I no longer help the Fallen Angel, then the Abyssal Demon who has been cut off will surely be able to regain the upper hand. During this process, you are in control of the Glory Holy See. Time, you have plenty of time to think."

Han Chen said, "The Zulongxing matter is left to you. When I meet next time, I don't know if I will become enemies with you. Of course, we are not friends now, but at least we should sue them separately!"

"Where are you going?" Caroline blurted out.

"Where to go?"

Han Chen's gaze penetrated layers of void, "I don't know where to go, but I have learned to trust others, maybe I should go where I can solve the enemy!"

After speaking, his gaze turned to Vivian: "The abyss demon has given up the abyss. I will first open up some of the passages between the abyss. These are the foundations for the future development of the earth and the earth-friendly forces in the gods. You can also get a certain amount of development time."

"Don't you plan to return to Earth?"

Vivian heard the extraneous words of Han Chen.

Han Chen did not deny: "Yes, whether I return to the earth or not will not help the earth's development much. The future of the earth is ultimately in the hands of every earthly person. I will take what I know. Make cuts and adaptations, and then make some reminders, but in the end it's up to them."

"how about you?"

"I have more important things."

Han Chen looked at the God's Domain watch, "I got the power to break the rules from the God's Domain watch, but this power also has a price. God's Domain did not ask me for a replacement price, it was like a free gift, but sometimes Free is the most expensive. I'm going to pay the debt."

Vivienne didn't ask too much, and it was meaningless to ask more.

It's about the Gods Domain watch. If she should know, she can naturally know it through the angel race. What she shouldn't know, even if Han Chen tells her, it will only harm her.

The reinforcements of the angel race returned to the realm of God.

Although the creatures of God's Domain that came to the real world were restricted by rules and were not allowed to return, the Angel Race itself had certain privileges in the God's Domain by relying on the Holy Land.

Those rules used to restrict the ordinary race obviously do not apply to the angel race.

More and more people from the glorious Vatican who received the oracles of the gods gathered on the sacred mountain of Guangming. At the highest point of the sacred mountain of Guangming, Caroline wore a crown on her head, raised the angel's scepter, and shouted:

"I am the walk of the God of Glory. The sinners who blaspheme against the gods have been purified. I will lead the Holy See to a new peak by the will of the gods. Starting today, I will be the Pope of the Holy See."

The angel's scepter emits a holy brilliance, and the coercion of the gods sweeps the earth.

Countless followers of the glorious Holy See knelt to the ground, weeping with excitement.

Their pious beliefs were finally rewarded, and the mercy of the gods finally came to everyone.

Caroline was crowned as the Pope and announced the first will: "The will of the gods, everyone can gain strength through the gods as much as possible, and strengthen themselves. This is the test given by the gods. Those who gain the most powerful power through the gods. Will become a true angel and serve the gods forever."

The high-end power of the Glory Vatican has been exhausted, but fortunately, as long as the reputation of the gods is still there, and there are people walking in the world in the name of the gods, they will regard suffering as nothing.

Here will usher in a big disaster, but it is also an opportunity.

The source of this disaster is Han Chen, but Han Chen is destined not to feel guilty about it.

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to himself. If Han Chen chooses not to do this, then the object of the disaster may be the earth.

Han Chen, who had done all this, entered God's Domain again.

When others enter God's Domain, their body and soul are separated. Except when they enter God's Domain for the first time, the body is also undergoing transformation from God's Domain.

For today's Han Chen, body and soul have become one.

He can choose the soul to enter the realm of God, or choose to enter the soul and body together.

Even if he loses the God Domain Watch, he can open the channel between the two on his own through space coordinates.

After entering God's Domain, he opened up the passage between the abyss.

There shouldn't be a passage between the abyss and the realm of God, so no matter whether it is to establish or maintain the passage, it needs to pay a certain price.

But between the 99 levels of abyss, there should be a passage originally.

In order to block the route of the counterattack in God's Domain, the Abyss Demon forcibly cut off this passage, but if it wants to maintain the price of cutting off the passage, the Abyss Demon still has to pay a price.

What Han Chen needs to do is to remove the obstacles on the passage.

However, he did not open up all the channels, he only opened up two-thirds of the abyss, and many channels just provide a coordinate to the earth, and then open a crack. The specific work of opening the channel is given to Dianxing. The temple and the earth were completed by themselves.

This is also to prevent the Abyssal Dog from jumping over the wall, lest they temporarily counterattack.

Abyss Demon is extremely cunning and extremely selfish. If they are left desperate, they will certainly not lack the courage to fight to the death.

But if they were left with a way out, they would never have the option of sacrificing half and saving the other half.

Everyone wants to be the one who survives even if they are desperate.

They can unite for common interests, but they will never become monolithic because they face common dangers.

Of course, Han Chen's movement of cutting off the abyss channel did not hide the blood from the blood. Although these channels are not connected to the 5 abysses laid by the blood, since these passages have begun to penetrate, the blood has the possibility of opening the channel again. Up.

When the passage between the two is opened, there must be a battle between Dianxing Palace and the blood race.

However, Han Chen had no plans to intervene in this battle. This was also a test he left for the earth, and he could only grow up after experiencing wind and rain.

After doing these things, he returned to the earthly team to gather with everyone for a while, and left part of his own guesses that could be released.

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