All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1108: Illusionist and Mind

Chapter 1108 The Illusionist and the Mind

For Han Chen's departure, the earthly team felt extremely reluctant.

Wu Yuan complained even more.

However, no one can replace what Han Chen wants to do.

Before Han Chen left, he was also pointing out the future development direction of the earth and the direction of focusing on cultivation.

[There must be a battle between the earth and the Zulong star, but the key factor of this battle is not power, but everyone's soul. 】

[We can regard the gods of the way of faith and the way of spreading faith as a kind of soul attack. This kind of soul attack can change people’s will, guide people’s thinking, and turn people who should be enemies into their most loyal Servants of, can be regarded as the control of a mirage. 】

[If you want to get rid of this kind of control, you must have a strong mind. 】

[So what kind of will is considered firm, and what kind of mind can be considered strong? Is it possible to recognize a thing, and then no matter how things change in the outside world, you will firmly believe in such a thing, so that you have a strong will and a strong mind? I think the followers of the glorious Holy See can give us the answer to this question. 】

If this is called firm will, then believers in the glorious Holy See are all determined people.

Perhaps their beliefs are not unshakable, but at least they are more determined than the people on this planet who insist on something.

So these words of Han Chen, everyone understood that the principle of admitting death would not work.

"So, what kind of soul is considered strong? What kind of soul can resist the transformation of the gods of the way of faith?"

Countless people have such thoughts in their hearts.

Fortunately, Han Chen also gave an explanation in the following words.

[We can compare a person’s soul to a kingdom, and every thought is like a citizen of the kingdom. When we are under the influence of an illusionist, it is equivalent to that the kingdom of thought is being invaded by foreign enemies. Such an invasion is also a risk for the illusionist. 】

[This is like two countries that are evenly matched. If they take military aggressive measures to directly conquer their opponents, then whether they can defeat the opponent’s country or not. Even if it can be defeated, it doesn’t matter whether it is hurting the enemy or against Your own injuries are very huge. If you want to completely destroy the enemy, you must not only disarm the opponent, but also be careful of the opponent's counterattack. In this way, no matter how outstanding a military strategist, it is difficult to conquer a country. 】

[This is the reason why the illusionist has the taboo that he cannot forcefully change the opponent's will. Forcibly modifying the opponent's will is no different from directly declaring the opponent's country as one's own. At the least, it is equivalent to directly modifying the opponent's constitution, unless the gap between the two parties is too large. 】

This paragraph is the conclusion that Han Chen and Xia Mengsi reached after discussing with each other when he returned.

This is just a change of expression that is easily acceptable to everyone.

[But everyone should understand one thing, that is, wars are not only military wars. Cultural wars and economic wars also exist. China’s country has been destroyed many times, but China’s culture has always existed. This is the victory of culture wars. . 】

[The communication between people is reflected in the country of spirit as the exchange between countries. This kind of communication can sometimes bring great benefits to your country, such as drinking a bowl of spiritual chicken soup, but Sometimes it can also bring disasters to the country. For example, what you see and hear will make people feel desperate and become discouraged. 】

[The gods of the Tao of Faith are an extremely large country. They rarely choose to destroy a person’s spirit by storming. They are more of a cultural output. When you accept this culture , You will become the slave of the other party, dedicate all the resources and wealth produced in your own country to the other party, and you are still willing. 】

[The attack of the illusionist is also the same. Unless the gap between the two parties is too large, the illusionist will only choose one of your emotions, and then amplify this emotion. This can be understood as spending a lot of money in national wars. The funds support the doves, which support the reactionary forces of the people. 】

[Those who are very determined are sometimes more susceptible to the influence of illusion. For example, those who are determined to fight are equivalent to transforming their country into a militarized country, as long as the illusionist expresses his military Energetic support will accelerate the rate of destruction. 】

[On the other hand, those who are not easily influenced by the illusionist usually do not be very firm in the face of decision-making, but they are not the kind of people who waver when facing things, but are calm through their own wisdom. Analyze, but very decisive at critical times. Such people are people who are easy to succeed in any aspect, not just relying on luck. 】

[They will absorb the wisdom of others, learn from the advantages of others, and absorb the essence of their own, but they will not lose their will because of this, will not blindly worship others as they are strong, and will not use the other's experience just because of their success Seen as the truth, they will extract what they need from the path of all people, and then transform their country into a unique country. 】

[China’s culture has the strongest tolerance and assimilation. Those who identify with China’s culture will also show strong tolerance when facing illusion. At this time, the attack of the illusionist will be against They don't have much effect, because no matter how it affects them, they can quickly adjust. 】

[The next enemy the earth will face is such an enemy who is good at illusionism, or even an enemy who is good at soul control. If we do not maintain our own soul in illusion, then we can only become slaves to others, or even to ourselves The man wielded a soldier's servant. 】

Han Chen's words aroused many people's thinking.

Countless people have begun to pay attention to the cultivation of their souls in addition to cultivating monsters.

There are also some people who disagree, and feel that spiritual cultivation can't improve their own strength. What use is this kind of cultivation?

Western countries express this most strongly.

"Han Chen's words were originally a kind of cultural infiltration, and originally a kind of cultural invasion. He just took the opportunity to promote the culture of China. Don't believe him.

"Of course we must have a strong heart, but this is not the reason for us to learn Chinese culture. We have a sufficiently good culture, and our culture is the best in the world."

Just kidding, they used to control the people through spiritual and cultural influence. How could Han Chen be allowed to promote everyone's true spiritual freedom like this?

Han Chen's remarks broke their cultural monopoly from the educational level!

After all, there is no essential difference between their freedom and the freedom of a free alliance.

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