All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1109: New journey

The first thousand one hundred and nine chapters of a new journey

For those people's objections, Han Chen didn't care too much.

He doesn't know what the future of the earth will be like, whether it is survival or destruction, is in the hands of everyone.

Of course, for those masters of the earth, Han Chen has a separate guide.

However, these words cannot be said to everyone.

[The so-called power of faith is to transform your kingdom into what I need, and then export the resources generated in your kingdom to me. 】

[Those who have lived in God’s Domain for a long time will not be affected by faith. This is because their spiritual world has undergone cruel changes in the continuous battles in God’s Domain. All arts like singing, painting, music, etc. It was eliminated because it was not suitable for the country during the war. 】

[The reason why the abyssal demons are not recognized as the original lives is also in this. The abyssal demons experienced the transformation process of the abyssal breath, the original civilization of the spiritual kingdom has been completely destroyed, even if the newly born civilization has passed the past civilization The wealth of the country cannot inherit the spirit of past civilization. 】

Because of Han Chen's supreme influence on the earth, his remarks aroused a lot of enthusiasm no matter at the top or bottom.

There are many people who agree, but there are also many people who oppose it.

Under this craze, an unpopular profession began to become a hot spot on earth.

Countless people started the upsurge of studying illusion.

Many people may not be able to perform illusions themselves, but as long as they are a little bit capable, it is easy to obtain pets that are good at illusions.

With the theoretical support of the spiritual realm jointly developed by Han Chen and Xia Mengsi, countless people who use illusion pets, or masters who are good at illusion, have begun to grow rapidly.

Although it can only deal with specific enemies, it still plays a big role in the battle.

There are more people using illusion, so of course there are more people studying how to resist illusion.

In this process, the earth paid more and more attention to spiritual cultivation.

Just as hypnosis was originally a medical method, but some people use hypnosis to do evil, the large-scale epidemic of illusion has also begun to have many negative effects on the earth. Many people who are good at illusion but have evil minds are beginning to use it. Illusion to influence others and turn them into loyal servants.

This has also caused many people to start to doubt those around them.

However, the growth process of civilization was originally accompanied by pain. The enemy faced by the earth is too strong. If it is not able to grow and transform by itself, then only destruction will meet the earth.

Humans will grow in pain, and so will civilization.

The more people use illusion to do evil, the more people also study how to resist illusion, and the more people pay more attention to spiritual cultivation.

Those who are older and experienced are usually better at resisting illusions than young people, but once they are also recruited, the probability of getting rid of it is lower than that of younger people with less experience.

This can be explained as that age and experience will increase the elements in the spiritual world, make one's spiritual kingdom stronger, and it will be easier to resist illusion.

But when a country is too large, and you cannot manage such a large country, various complicated problems will arise.

As the saying goes, a small boat makes a turn around. On the other hand, it is difficult to change the boat when it is big.

However, in the process of focusing on spiritual practice, people have not given up on the pursuit of material. After all, blindly practicing in retreat is of course not advisable. No matter how spotless you practice your soul, if you can’t resist the red dust from the outside world, you will still It's not an egg.

Reading thousands of books can make you walk faster, but the process of traveling thousands of miles must be essential.

Han Chen opened up most of the passages in the abyss. Even if they were not completely opened, cracks were left, allowing people to expand by themselves.

But this makes the Abyss Demon even more dilemma.

If they fight desperately against God's Domain, their previous hard work will be in vain, and the probability of victory is very low, the abyss is destined to be greatly injured.

Therefore, the high level of the abyss demon decisively abandoned a part of the abyss creatures, let these abyss creatures be used as cannon fodder to block the gods, and then closed the small part of the unopened passages, began to gather the most elite troops, exhausted all accumulated attacking the dragon star.

Under the unremitting efforts of the abyss demons, Zulongxing's situation gradually stabilized.

Caroline took the opportunity to integrate the glorious Holy See, as the incarnation of the **** of light walking on the earth, this identity has also been supported by many people.

As a result, the situation of Zulong became more chaotic and unpredictable.

This is a long-term and protracted war that will not yield results in a short time.

The Zulong star is suffering, and the earth is developing. While the blood race is trying its best to turn the abyss it has acquired into its own territory, it also tries to get through the abyss occupied by the Star Palace and the angel race to seek more territory and benefits. Dianxing Temple, which was reminded by Han Chen, was also preparing for this.

The threat of the Abyssal Demon to Tianzhuyuan was close to zero. After all, their main goal was not Tianzhuyuan at all, and Tianzhuyuan was just a way of blocking their eyes, or a way out.

Now that there was no way out, they simply gave up.

But this also caused a problem, that is, the powers of the gods in the outside world are trying their best to destroy the 24 Tianzhu and enter the Tianzhuyuan.

Yue sage announced her retreat and no longer intervened in the dispute between Tianzhuyuan.

Of course, Yue Sage also laughed at the outside asking her to help destroy Tianzhuyuan and ignored it at all.

Those top forces were very dissatisfied with this, and then...

It can only be dissatisfied.


Forget it.

The Moon Sage is the spokesperson of the Elf Clan in Tianzhuyuan and the monitor of Tianzhuyuan. Before they make a decision to turn their faces with the Moon Sage, they can only swallow their anger.

However, when the earth was on the right track of development and the war between God's Domain and the abyss was in the heat, Han Chen disappeared.

No matter in God's Domain or in the abyss, no one could find Han Chen's figure.

The members of the earthly team closest to Han Chen also kept silent about this. Even if they were questioned by reporters at the press conference, they would at most say "he is in retreat" and it would be fine.

Not to mention the unique identity of the Earthly Squad on Earth, even the strength of the Earthly Squad makes people afraid to get to the bottom.

Anyway, Han Chen didn't have a long-term retreat, just treat it as if he closed it again!

What they didn't know was that Han Chen had already left the realm of God's Domain, left the Zulong star, left the earth, and embarked on a new journey.

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