All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1125: Cardinal Han...

In June 1500, the Holy Fire Kingdom and the Holy Sword Kingdom broke out in war.

The war lasted for 6 months, and it was not subsided until the beginning of the second year. Many powerful heroes emerged in this war.

Since the credit is made, it must be rewarded.

The pope wearing a gold-red robe, with a gold-red noble crown on his head, holding a fiery red scepter, crowned the warriors who made great contributions in this war.

A red archbishop on the side read the warrior's achievements:

"The Han Chen warrior from the Giant Valley, in the valley war, led a 3000 captive army, took advantage of the terrain, and wiped out the enemy's 70,000 army. In the Glazing War, Han Chen warrior..."

That's right, the warrior who made the most credit is Han Chen.

Anyway, as long as he says that all his family members are dead, there is no doubt.

Anyway, it is a matter of unreconciled evidence, it is also very difficult to investigate.

So even people from the Valley of Giants have no doubts.

In addition, Han Chen's use of Night Demon's dreams changed some people's cognition and created an illusion of knowing themselves, but the two sides did not have much contact, so his identity problem was perfectly solved here, and then Just shine in the war.

He is also a captive of the Valley of the Giants. He has repeatedly made remarkable achievements in the war, won awards time and time again, and passed the test of his loyalty.

For an outstanding military strategist, coupled with absolute loyalty, such a person, of course, the Holy See is not stingy with any reward.

It's not that he didn't consider the low-key option, but he gave up after thinking about it.

Although low-key development can bring safety, such efficiency is too low.

What's more, he doesn't need to think about safety at all.

Anyway, with his strength, even if he is suspected, or he is going to be executed, he can escape calmly, so why is he low-key?

So he confidently showed his talents and made credit in the war.

Of course, his superiors also had the idea of ​​wanting to take his credit for his own sake, but fortunately, the superiors who held this idea died in an accident. The superior who just took office, if he had such an idea, would give the most Quickly return to the embrace of the Lord.

Although this increased a lot of danger, Han Chen didn't care about the danger at all.

Even if the action here fails, he still has a way out.

So he simply used the most dangerous method to hide.

The real essence of lurking lies not in hiding in a dark corner, but in hiding in a place where the other party cannot find it, or in a place where the other party does not think they will appear.

The cardinal bishop's scroll of reading the credit is drawing to a close, and then the next task is handed over to the pope.

The Pope looked at Han Chen with kind eyes:

"The benevolent Lord will not treat any loyal people badly. Warrior Han Chen has proved his loyalty with his own actions in the past wars. Under the will of the gods, we will call Warrior Han Chen the holy fire. The 65th Cardinal Archbishop of the Holy See."

The people who watched the ceremony burst into strong cheers.

How could I not expect to witness the canonization of a cardinal archbishop today.

You must know that the position of the Cardinal Archbishop in the Holy See is second only to the Pope, as well as the existence of the Son and the Saint, and he has a monstrous power.

"Fuck! You became a cardinal archbishop so soon?"

After hearing this canonization, Han Chen couldn't help thinking that he was a little bit playful?

It has only lasted 4 months from stepping on the battlefield to the present, and he has thus become a cardinal archbishop with monstrous power.

This is simply on the earth, and it took four months to become a member of the Western Parliament.

Although it has its own talents, this is still a bit abnormal.

Even if you do make such a great contribution, will people really honestly reward you so much?

The Holy See of the Holy Fire is also a bit more magnificent.

What's more, you are a person of unknown origin. Don't you want to conduct a political review?

However, no matter what he thought, Han Chen still showed excitement on the surface.

"Thanks to His Majesty the Pope for the reward, thanks to the gift of the Holy Fire God, the sinner Han Chen will definitely work hard for the Holy Fire Holy See and fight for the Holy Fire Holy See, even if the last drop of blood is drained, he will not hesitate."

No matter what you think, surface work is still indispensable.

Even if the other party really turned his face suddenly, after a big deal, he changed his face and started again.

"Red Archbishop Han Chen obeys! The Merciful Lord will have a very important task assigned to you. If you complete this mission, you can choose to ascend to the Kingdom of God at any time and become an angel serving the Merciful Lord."

The Holy Fire Pope suddenly ordered harshly.

When Han Chen heard this, he felt relieved.

After two years of observation, he still has some understanding of the system of this world.

Even if you make a great contribution to your status as a prisoner, in the normal process, at best, you can clean up your sins and give yourself a small official position.

We are willing to give you a chance to atone for your sins. Isn't this the greatest gift?

Therefore, the reason why the other party would give him such a big reward, of course, is to make better use of his talents, or to make the most of his own value.

But Han Chen did not reject this.

It can have the value of utilization, and this will give him the opportunity to flex its muscles.

"The sinner Han Chen is willing to use his last drop of blood to spread the glory of the Lord."

Han Chen lowered his head and expressed his attitude.

"During our war with the Holy Sword Kingdom, the despicable and shameless Dark Kingdom took the opportunity to seize our Yorkshire, leaving more than 5 million people in the Kingdom under the pollution of the God of Darkness. I now order you to lead the 20,000 Holy Fire Legion, regain Yorkshire."

The Pope handed a token to Han Chen and seriously issued the order.

It's really not a good thing...

Han Chen recalled the information he had obtained during this period of time. The Kingdom of Darkness was a kingdom that believed in the God of Darkness. It was slightly smaller than the Kingdom of Holy Fire, but its strength was not much different.

Since it is a battle for faith, of course they will not let go of a good opportunity for the war between the Holy Fire Kingdom and the Holy Sword Kingdom.

Although the Holy Fire Kingdom had already prepared for this, the Dark Kingdom was significantly more prepared, so it took the opportunity to take the land of the Holy Fire Kingdom.

As for asking Han Chen to lead the 20,000 Holy Fire Legion to recover, this is simply asking him to die.

As long as he can't complete the task, then even if he is demoted, there is a valid excuse. If Han Chen refuses, then he has more reason to punish Han Chen.

After all, Han Chen is just a criminal after all.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Han Chen's eyes showed a fanatical look.

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