All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1124: An unexpected kind...

Ten days later, the Holy See’s legion arrived in the Giant Valley.

It was heard that people from the outside world wanted to force them to believe in a so-called **** of fire. The people of the entire empire were angry, and a war between freedom and faith broke out.

This was a very tragic war. Under the desperate resistance of the people of the empire, the Holy See's Legion suffered heavy damage and had to retreat temporarily and then waited for the support of the strong.

It's not that they can't conquer the empire, but they want to reduce their losses.

They are not afraid of sacrifice, but they want to contribute more to their Lord.

So they have to use a powerful force to make these people surrender.

At this time of truce, the people of the empire were caught up in intense controversy.

"We have decided not to believe in any gods anymore, so no matter what the other party says, we will never become those lambs to be slaughtered again. The soldiers of the empire are never afraid of sacrifice, so we must use our own strength. Look at these gods' lackeys."

A tall and mighty general made a deafening sound.

His speech was shocking and resonated with countless people.

"Fight against these gods' lackeys."

"The soldiers of the Empire are not afraid of sacrifice."

"Even if you die, you still have to give these gods' dogs some color."

A former bishop anxiously said: "I am not opposed to your heroic fighting, but we hope to leave some fire to the empire. After your defeat, I hope that some people can pass on the will of the empire. Go down."

His words also have many supporters.

Even if they are willing to sacrifice, not all sacrifices can be exchanged for victory.

In the absence of hope of victory, they are more willing to leave the fire of hope.

"I agree!"

A general drew out the long sword in his hand, "Behind the space channel just discovered, there is endless danger, but there are no gods. As long as we can establish our home in that place, we will definitely be able to change. Get stronger.

I will stay and fight against the lackeys of the gods. You can bring the young people of the empire and build our homeland in that place. When you can conquer the world on the other side of the passage, you can kill them again and bring those who are high The gods all pulled down the altar. "

On the 5th day after this meeting, the Holy See’s legion launched an attack on the empire.

Under the cover of the intrepid imperial army, more than 100,000 flames were sent to the other side of the space passage, and then destroyed the ground that maintained the space passage.

Those flames with hope have embarked on a brand new journey in another world full of wild atmosphere.

During this battle, they were full of danger, but they were fearless.

The hatred of the gods has penetrated into their souls, and driven by hatred, they will burst into unprecedented power.

The process of conquering the new world is destined to be full of sacrifices.

But the development of civilization is originally to be full of blood and blood. This is an inevitable process.

"The flame of hope has been planted, and to what extent it can grow in the future, whether it can burn the entire dark forest, it depends on you."

Han Chen did not pay attention to the follow-up development, but chose to leave here silently.

For him, he just planted an unexpected seed here on a whim.

As for whether this unexpected seed can grow into a towering tree, it is beyond his control.

If he can control it, it means that this seed has lost hope from the beginning.

After the flames of 100,000 imperial hopes were sent away, the remaining imperial armies fought desperately against the Holy See, and none of them surrendered until the last soldier.

But after the last imperial soldier was beheaded, the people of the imperial people knelt to the ground.

No matter how firm the spiritual belief is, there is a limit.

When reality overrides their spiritual will, how strong people will succumb.

After conquering the entire empire, the people of the Holy Fire tried to find those who were sent away, but they were doomed to return in the end.

But this little thing is nothing to the Holy See.

They have too many enemies, and it is too boring to cut grass and roots, and they have no interest in wasting too much energy on such things.

In order to fight for the war of faith, there will be millions of casualties casually. How can they focus their energy on the so-called flames of hope?

Under the powerful force, the people of the empire finally chose to surrender.

This is the nature of human beings, and it is also the way for intelligent life to preserve itself.

Being able to surrender until the entire empire loses half of its population has proven their courage.

And part of this is that after choosing to surrender, they are ready to look for opportunities to escape, or even look for opportunities to overthrow the Holy See.

However, the Holy See did not care much about it.

They have too many enemies, how could they care about this little thing?

After the destruction of this so-called empire, the people of the Holy See left a part of the army here to preside over the overall situation, and most of the troops escorted a large number of prisoners to the site of the Holy See.

The reason why the small country in this giant valley dared to call itself an empire was also because of Yelang's arrogance.

Even the Holy Fire Holy See, which can easily destroy the empire, has a population of more than 80 million, but it dares to call itself the Holy Fire Kingdom.

The Holy Fire Kingdom is on the verge of the Holy Sword Kingdom, the Dark Kingdom, and the Holy Empire. There are constant frictions between the several kingdoms, and a portion of the troops will be drawn to help the empire against other enemies.

They are now escorting the captives to the Holy Fire Kingdom, one reason is because these captives behaved a little stiff, they have obviously surrendered, but they are not yet willing to devoutly believe in gods.

Another reason is that the frontline battlefield needs a batch of cannon fodder.

Although they can also draw a lot of cannon fodder in their own country, since they can kill two birds with one stone, it is just a matter of convenience for them.

However, what they didn't notice was that among the prisoners they escorted, a figure appeared silently.

The number of prisoners they escorted was 150,000, and one more person would be inconspicuous.

So the figure that appeared went to the front along with the captive army.

"Holy Fire Kingdom, I hope there will be blasphemers in this kingdom."

Han Chen said silently.

He already knew enough about Luan Xinghai, and it was time to break into the opponent's interior.

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