"Zoshi Seventy does what he wants without overstepping the rules."

Han Chen has almost reached this level now.

After his strength is strong, there is certainly no shortage of women who admire him.

To say that he has no idea about those women, it would be too fake, most men have harem dreams, and Han Chen is no exception.

The reason why Han Chen was able to act indifferent to the women around him was not that he was an absolutely dedicated person, but that he had some choices.

If there is any entanglement with other women, it is also a trouble for him.

And the relationship between him and Wu Yuan will also be affected.

Even if Wu Yuan forgave him and could even accept his behavior, it was still a very uneconomical behavior for Han Chen himself.

It would be too stupid to influence the really important feelings for things that are at your fingertips.

This is Han Chen's choice.

People who can stand on the top of the earth are also people who are good at making choices.

If you really want to say that his pursuit is noble than others, that is not necessarily, but he is willing to sacrifice more things for his own pursuit.

After observing here for a while, Han Chen returned to that little empire.

In the war between the empire and the giant, they found that the night was the biggest weakness of the giant. After paying more than 1/5 of the population, the people of the empire finally defeated the giant.

This is a huge pain for them, but it is a new beginning.

Those young people who were crushed under the city wall walked out of this small valley, out of this arrogant empire of Yelang, to a whole new world.

Then they refused to believe in gods and were all burned to death.

"This is a sad story. Not all stories have a happy ending."

After seeing the ending of those young people, Han Chen felt a little heavy in his heart.

Those people are those who seek freedom, but unfortunately there is no freedom on this planet.

"They are warriors pursuing freedom. They are the first warriors to discover the conspiracy of the gods. They are heroes who sacrificed to understand and save the empire. Perhaps their pursuit of freedom has failed, but their spirit will be inherited by us, no matter how much we experience. Through storms and setbacks, we will never give up the hope of pursuing freedom."

At the memorial service for the brave men who went out, the people of the empire uttered a cry from the heart.

Sacrifice in the pursuit of freedom. I don't know whether such behavior is right or wrong.

But they are absolutely unwilling to return to the kind of animals that are treated as playthings by the gods, or even the animals that are treated as captives by the gods, and become food for those giants.

So after the missionaries from outside discovered this place, no matter how they were in the wild, they resolutely stopped believing in any gods.

Even if they sacrifice for this, they will not hesitate.

Han Chen opened the eyes of the night demon. The eyes of the night demon saw through the layers of the void, and saw the mighty Holy See Legion coming here.

Originally there was a **** of the earth here, but since the **** of the earth has fallen, of course other gods would not let go of this opportunity and want to take over the territory here.

The price of attacking here in the past was very high, after all, there is a tribe of giants here.

Although they are not unable to afford such a price, it is clear that the pay and the benefits are not proportional.

Now the empire has eliminated the tribe of giants. Although it has eliminated a threat, it has also destroyed a shield to protect them.

What's more, they have lost the protection of the gods, so here is a source of faith.

It is a very cost-effective thing for them to exchange a momentary sacrifice for a steady source of faith.

Seeing the mighty legion in the distance, Han Chen felt a little depressed.

With his strength, of course, he doesn't put those so-called legions in his eyes. He only needs to pass by with a single sword to destroy all the 100,000 army.

But he knew that such an approach had no meaning.

Those regiments of the Holy See, under the guidance of the gods, will forget all their fears, and no matter what kind of pain they cause, they will come back after rest.

What's more, even if he can really kill the Holy See's legion, what can it be?

If he really does this, then he will become a brand-new **** of the earth, a belief in the empire, and a pillar and guardian of the empire.

Really reached such a situation, then what is the significance of what he did?

"If I act, then what I did before will be meaningless, but if I do not act, then the entire empire will be destroyed under the regiment of the Holy See. Those who refuse to surrender are bound to be wiped out and willing to surrender. People will survive."

"They are now relying on their own strength to overthrow the gods, but this is only temporary. It is their nature for humans to fear and worship the strong. There are too few people who can overcome this nature, and even if they are not willing to surrender to the new Gods, then the Holy See will only choose to kill them all, and then move a new population on this land, so that everything returns to the original point."

So after analysis, Han Chen found that he was actually caught in a dilemma.

If you take action, then everything you did before will be completely abandoned. If you don’t take action, then this empire that has just made up its determination to pursue freedom will perish again.

So no matter how Han Chen chooses, what he did before seems to be meaningless.

Under the assimilation of the whole world, the changes he can make are really trivial.

"Do you really want to let it go and let everything return to its original state?"

After this thought emerged in his mind, Han Chen immediately put it behind his head.

Some things are possible if they are done, but if they are not done, it will definitely be 0. What's more, whether it is done or not, the loss to him is only an opportunity cost. That's it.

"With your current strength, it is almost impossible to contend against the gods of the outside world. If this is the case, then I will give you a chance to develop."

Han Chen stretched out his hand to establish a space channel behind the empire.

The place where this space passage goes is a no-man’s land, of course it is a no-man’s land for humans, where there are a large number of dangerous beasts, which had not yet been conquered by humans.

After establishing this spatial channel, Han Chen pretended to unintentionally promoted this matter throughout the empire.

When the empire faces a desperate situation, they should choose to go there for a try.

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