"These barbarians should have been unable to contribute to their faith, but after they learn the writing and language, they can become the source of the power of faith, but they also have their own writing and language! Is it because of cultural identity? ?"

"No, teaching words and language is just representation. These barbarian tribes also have sacrifices, and their tribes also have totems, but they have not produced any subtle power of belief."

"What really works is that they can learn advanced technology more conveniently after they have learned words and languages. For example, agriculture and animal husbandry can free them from dangerous hunting, and gathering and weaving can help them. It will not be hard work."

"Even if it is a complete agricultural system, it can feed many wealthy and aristocratic people in Zhumen, so that they can obtain a lot of resources without labor. Some of these people have played a positive role in society, but more People are still useless in the country."

"A system that can reach the industrial age can liberate more productivity."

"When their material needs are met and reached a certain level, they will naturally begin their spiritual pursuits. At this time, the way of faith can be taken advantage of."

"Hi~ Is this the reason God's Domain does not allow the development of technology?"

Han Chen suddenly felt a bit of toothache. The technology in God's Domain is very advanced, and the use of technological means as auxiliary means is not forbidden, but if you want to fight, then all technological means are strictly prohibited.

Because technological means cannot be used in combat, the development is very slow.

In the past, people’s guess was that this was done to prevent people from getting used to external forces.

But now it seems that maybe that is not the only reason.

Although gods are not omniscient and omnipotent, standing at the height of gods, most of the technological means can be penetrated at a glance.

Even if I don’t understand the principle, can’t I copy it?

For example, humans have developed a kind of explosive with high explosive power, but standing at the height of the gods, you only need to scan with mental power to directly study your explosives from the molecular level. When they are in mass production, they have been directly put into use.

The most complex technological product in human society should be regarded as a computer.

But if it can be scanned at the molecular level, so-called computers are the same thing.

When you finally develop a brand-new product, the other party only needs a scan, and the results of your hard research will be used by the other party.

Therefore, the path of technological development is not feasible in this fantasy world.

It is also okay as an auxiliary method, at least reducing a lot of crime rates.

But if you want to use it as the main means of combat, then go to sleep!

What's more, the more sophisticated the instrument, when it arrives in the deep space, the higher the chance of error under the change of rules, it becomes more tasteless.

"Earth has always been committed to the development of science in the old age, thinking that science is the future of human development, but now it seems that science is the most promising profession."

Han Chen couldn’t help feeling a little ironic, “Of course, if technology develops to a certain level, it may be able to play a role and even create weapons that destroy the world, such as nuclear bombs. Possible thing."

But the development of this road is destined to be full of ruggedness and bumps, and God's Domain cannot bet on such a possibility.

There are better choices and higher possibilities, why choose science?

Han Chen continued to observe the situation below.

When those uncivilized barbarians were receiving cultural indoctrination, some people chose to resist because they could not endure such a painful life, but the final result of their resistance could only be perish, and those who were willing to accept it began to accept the Holy See’s assimilation.

"The gods of the way of faith still have a positive effect."

Han Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

No matter what, there are two sides. Even the gods of the Tao of Faith have a positive effect in spreading human culture and enlightening the barbarians. Of course, the barbarians are not necessarily willing to accept their enlightenment. Willing to accept a free life.

Of course, although that kind of life is comfortable, but the ability to fight crises is very weak.

A volcanic eruption may directly destroy a race, and a tsunami may destroy a tribe. In the face of natural disasters, humans are still very weak.

So many things are really hard to judge by right and wrong.

The higher the level of existence, the weaker the concept of good and evil. For them, there is only a stand, the so-called morality is just a tool they use to restrain their subordinates.

Han Chen has been observing here for a long time. As these civilized barbarians learn more and more knowledge, and the output of spiritual culture, the more they contribute to the gods.

"Those creatures that have not been developed, or those that have not evolved their own civilization, cannot contribute to the power of faith, no matter how high their IQ is, it is the same. Could it be said that the so-called power of faith is a derivative of civilization? No, it shouldn’t be like this, because even in civilization, there are many people who cannot contribute their beliefs, or that they are not born to believe in gods."

"It’s hard to say whether such people are firm or not, but their psychology is indeed very tolerant. They receive knowledge and culture from the outside world as if they are inclusive of all rivers. However, while receiving knowledge from the outside world, they will naturally filter out their own The good part."

"This kind of person has strong control over his own thoughts and actions, and his external performance is that he has strong self-discipline."

Thinking of this, Han Chen couldn't help but compare it with the "spiritual kingdom theory" created by him and Xia Mengsi, and found that the two are surprisingly very compatible.

When a person is very self-disciplined, he can restrain himself even if he has some bad ideas, and then he can be improved through strong self-discipline and finally succeed.

When manifested in the spiritual kingdom, it is reflected in that the ruler has a very strong control over his own kingdom, whether it is economic or military, they can be perfectly controlled in their own hands, even if there are some small nasties in the country, but With the main lifeline under control, those little nasty ones will have little effect on him.

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