All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1121: Born to protect

This question sounds a bit like a philosophical discussion, but it is a very important thing for Han Chen.

Because this is directly related to the weakness of the gods.

"The so-called **** of the earth is just a legendary life level existence, and it has not really reached the realm of mythology. It only ignited the divine fire under the influence of the power of faith, and then he became a god. , Possessing the ability comparable to the myth level."

This is also the reason why God's Domain has to conceal this method to become a god.

An opportunity to become a legend is nothing to Han Chen, because even if he misses it once, there will be another, the next.

For geniuses, there is never a shortage of opportunities.

But for ordinary people, such an opportunity is enough for them to spare their lives to fight for.

This is not a strange thing, but human nature.

Even on the earth, there are many people who take risks in order to obtain people's money and wealth, sell their conscience in order to obtain higher positions, and even make money and kill for this.

This is the instinct of human greed, but it is also the source of human evolution.

People whose desires exceed their own limits will be eliminated, but those without such evolutionary instincts and greed will eventually be eliminated by the times.

Those who can stand at the top of the cruel nature are those who can control their desires and then control their desires.

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

The Tao here does not have to be upright, but it must be able to measure the limitations of one's abilities and have an expectation of the dangers that one will face.

"From the perspective of a legend, an opportunity to become a **** is enough for them to let go of everything. For those legends in the realm of gods, if they are given a chance to follow the path of faith, I think they should go without hesitation. Going on this road, of course, it is also possible to go on this road after hesitating."

This is a low-risk, high-yield path, because it is not oneself but others who need to take risks.

I don’t care if I walk on this path alone. If everyone walks on this path, then all intelligent lives will be no different from puppets.

All intelligent lives will become lambs of gods.

"If the way of faith is something as poisonous as a poppy but can bring people happiness, and most of the intelligent life cannot resist temptation, then the best way is not to let the intelligent life come into contact with this kind of thing.

Therefore, God's Domain has transformed itself into a war machine, a cradle born to cultivate the strong, and then screens out fighters who can deal with the way of faith.

Of course, the danger in the universe is not just the gods of the way of faith. For the perilous universe, the fragile intelligent life is still too weak. The warriors trained in the gods’ realm have the ultimate goal of being in the dangerous universe. It creates a safe space for intelligent life. "

When Han Chen understood these things, he was actually very tangled inside.

Because from the human point of view, everything God's Domain does is honourable.

Even though there are still some nasty things in this process, in general, the existence of God's Domain does create a safe space for intelligent life.

The reason for rebuilding after destroying those civilizations is even simpler.

When a civilization is born with characters who can influence the entire civilization for their own benefit, and when the direction of a civilization is determined by these strong people, then regardless of whether these strong people are willing, the civilization will inevitably embark on it eventually. The way of the way of faith.

Why is World Tree so optimistic about China?

The talent of Huaxia people is one thing, the most important thing is that under the unique influence of Huaxia, the possibility of being forced to follow this path is relatively small.

"But in any case, even if the existence of God’s Domain is really a positive existence, as long as there is a threat to the earth, then I will never accept everything in God’s Domain. I will look for a new path, and then change God’s Domain so that The earth can have a stable development space."

The perspective of God's Domain is based on the overall situation, but if the existence of this overall situation will affect the earth, then don't blame Han Chen for being a villain.

He was a selfish person from the beginning, he would consider others when he had spare capacity, but under a fixed situation, he would give priority to himself and the people around him.

With this idea in mind, Han Chen kept traveling in the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

During this process, he also discovered one thing, that is, less than one-third of the place occupied by intelligent life in the chaotic star sea.

Most of here are uncivilized areas, similar to barbarians like giants.

Of course there are many savage tribes, as well as all kinds of weird lives, but one thing caught Han Chen’s attention, that is, there are lives here that can be named, or can be listed as one alone. The lives of races basically exist in God's Domain.

This is certainly not a coincidence, but a deliberate act of God's Domain.

Since God's Domain is to be used as a training ground, wouldn't it save a lot of time by directly using the enemy's image as the training object?

As for the significance of this, it is because even if it is a detached person, even if it is an invincible existence, the destructive power per unit time is extremely limited.

No matter how powerful it is, it is weak in the vast and infinite universe.

So when fighting against enemies outside the realm of the gods, of course there will be legions under the detachment, and of course the source of this legion comes from beings in the realm of gods.

"Could it be that the reason God's Domain tolerates the existence of the abyss is because the abyss demon grows up and becomes the best subordinate?"

Thinking of this, Han Chen felt a little chilly.

However, in his capacity, there are not too many secrets.

So this kind of guessing is meaningless whether it is true or false.

Only when he makes a career here and the development of the earth can produce some bright spots, his guess will be valuable.

Of course, at that time, there is no need for his guess.

After traveling for a period of time, Han Chen came to an uncivilized area.

There was a killing here not long ago. All the barbarians who refused to obey were killed. The remaining people began to learn writing and language under the command of the missionaries.

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