All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1120: The weakness of the giant

"what's going on?"

This tall soldier was a little unclear, so he didn't know what was going on.

This tall giant was holding his head in pain, and then his 10 meters tall figure began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The crowd onlookers stared at this amazing scene in a daze, somewhat unclear.

They didn't know why this tall giant suddenly began to shrink.

When the figure of the giant no longer changes, the giant has recovered to its original figure of less than 5 meters. Although it is still taller than humans, there is no longer the hopeless gap.

The tall fighter suddenly reacted, and now is not the time to be in a daze.

Although this giant no longer shows pain on his face, it is still a threat to mankind.

He rushed up quickly, swung the huge long sword in his hand, and chopped off the giant's head.

"Ah! We are victorious!"

The people onlookers cheered excitedly.

They have not seen an example of defeating a giant in the past, but they have never been so excited about defeating a giant.

They don't know where this inexplicable excitement comes from, this is their cheers from the heart.

At this time, a majestic voice began to sweep the empire.

"You dare to curse me! Let my strength be weakened, and I will turn this place into purgatory, so that those of you who have abandoned the faith of the gods will be punished as they deserve."

This majestic voice is exactly the same as the phantom of the earth **** before.

But this so-called divine punishment has no way to make people feel scared.

Anyway, they have become the prey of giants, what is more terrifying than now?

Isn't the punishment of the gods coming just now?

Can you punish us in any new form?

With this mentality of breaking the jar, mankind is indifferent to this threat.

At this time, some panic mixed with surprise sounds began to spread.

"My God! The bodies of these giants are shrinking."

"The brilliance of that golden giant is dimming, and his figure is a little shorter than before. Although it is only a little bit, I can feel that he has become weaker."

"Why is the giant sword in his hand a little dark on it?"

"More giants are beginning to get smaller."

"I understand."

A voice with surprise shouted, "The power of these giants comes from the God of the Earth, but as we no longer believe in the God of the Earth, the strength of the God of the Earth is declining, as long as we all If people no longer believe in gods, these giants will return to their original heights."

The words of this unknown person reflected the brilliance of hope in the eyes of many people.

Human beings are creatures who like to follow blindly. When a person says something in a certain tone, he will always get the approval of many people.

What's more, what he said is well-founded, at least there is no way to refute it with their IQ.

The brilliance of hope was reflected in the eyes of countless people.

Especially those archbishops who have determined to betray the gods, now they are becoming more and more questioning and even beginning to curse.

With their curse, the kingdom of the gods of the earth became more and more chaotic.

As the divine power of the earth continues to weaken, the bodies of the tallest giants have recovered to a height of 3 to 5 meters, and look weak.

"Our curse has worked."

"Yes, it is because of our curse that led to the decline of the God of the Earth, so that these nasty giants lost the support of the God of the Earth, so their power would weaken."

"Don't let us continue to curse the **** of the earth."

Excited humans continue to curse the gods, they curse the gods in the most vicious language.

And their approach is completely correct.

The power of these giants really came from the God of the Earth. Of course, if Han Chen were not in the middle of it, then even if these giants were weak, they would not be able to decline so fast or so thoroughly.

Because my curse has begun to bear fruit, people are even more excited.

They have found a way to fight against the gods.

In this desperate situation, they finally found the light of hope.

Countless giants wailed, their bodies began to shrink, and powerful forces were constantly being lost from their bodies, causing them to make horrified sounds.

They did not expect that their power would be lost in this way, and they did not understand why the power of the earth **** would leave their bodies.

Even the tallest golden giant has inevitably begun to shrink.

Although not to the smallest degree, his body has already become the height of twelve meters at the beginning. Although it is still tall and strong, it has lost its initial deterrent.

Excited humans began to counterattack these giants.


"Kill these giants!"

"Defend our homeland!"


Holding the weapons in their hands, they sacrificed their lives and launched a forward and subsequent charge towards the giant.

A tall giant died under the sword of a tiny human being, and human beings became more and more crazy. They fought and fought at all costs...

"The instinct to survive, and the instinct to protect the things you cherish, is the instinct that most lives have. No matter how life changes, this instinct can never be forcibly erased. Of course, it does not necessarily mean that you can survive by yourself. It can also be the hope of preserving children and ethnic groups."

"The God of the Earth uses humans' fear of death and desire for life to make them believe in themselves and contribute their power of belief."

"But when a person has absolute faith, life and death will be abandoned, so this creates an irreconcilable contradiction."

"The people of the empire believe in the God of the Earth in order to survive, but now the God of the Earth has abandoned them because of their beliefs. Therefore, under such extreme contradictions, there has been a conflict between human wisdom and instinct. That’s why their faith collapsed so quickly."

When the development of the matter no longer needed to intervene by himself, Han Chen stopped taking action, but began to silently summarize the gains this time.

His action this time was undoubtedly very successful, leaving aside the impact on the empire, but he had already obtained the information he wanted.

This will greatly help him to deal with the gods of the way of faith in the future.

But it also brought him new questions.

"The God of the Earth collects beliefs from humans, but the beliefs gained from giants are very weak, and even most giants cannot obtain beliefs. The reason for this gap is the wisdom of both sides, but the so-called wisdom , What is the essence?"

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