All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1119: Human counterattack

"That so-called **** of the earth, shouldn't dare to use his power easily!"

Han Chen, who hadn't felt the power of the **** of the earth for a long time, said to himself.

Every time the God of the Earth drops his power on those sacrifices, Han Chen will steal these powers directly and place them on the giants.

Anyway, these giants are in a good fit with the earth, and part of their power comes from the **** of the earth, so there is no obstacle to integration.

Even accidentally created a product like the golden giant.

The people of the entire empire are in a cloud of despair, and those abandoned believers have begun to curse their **** of the earth in turn.

Since we believe in you piously, but in the end it only brings destruction.

Then we simply curse you, curse you and those nasty giants.

Not to mention the ordinary people, even the protagonists, after witnessing the birth of the golden giant, their firm beliefs were shaken.

These bishops who were closest to the gods began to pray frantically.

But the content of their prayers this time was already questioning the God of Earth.

"Great and benevolent **** of the earth! Why are we your strongest believers, but you want to bestow the power of God on these giants?"

"If this is a test, don't we have enough tests in the past?"

"Why these giants can accept your great power? Shouldn't your great power be used to protect us and resist these giants?"

"Why would the great sword formed by the divine power of the Earth City God become the weapon of the Giant King?"

"Why did the Giant King transform into a golden giant after gaining power?"

"Could it be that those powerful giants were originally the changes after gaining the power of the God of Earth?"

A loud question was passed directly to the kingdom of God.

The **** of the earth in the golden kingdom wanted to explain all this, but he no longer dared to bring his power to the real world.

What's more, he was originally innocent.

The power of those giants originated from him, and it is not clear how to explain this kind of thing.

Besides, he is a god!

Even if he can really come to the world, can you expect a **** who is always above the other to have a debate with a pretender?

If he really did such a thing, then the majesty of the gods would be exhausted.

Once he has done something that undermines the majesty of the gods, let alone whether these believers will rebel, even other gods will not let him go.

Without the majestic gods, how can we recruit believers?

Therefore, under such contradictions, the God of the Earth could only start to expel those cursing forces in a panic, but he dared not do anything in the world.

In the voice of the bishops' doubts, the **** of the earth only felt that his life was like thousands of flies flying around his ears, making him upset.

The bishops who did not receive a response from the God of the Earth now only had the deepest despair left in their hearts.

Among the chaotic imperial people, a voice echoed in the ears of countless people.

"The God of the Earth has abandoned us. No, these giants were originally children of the God of the Earth. We are only used by the God of the Earth as food for these giants, just like we grow crops on the land or graze on the pasture. Like cattle and sheep, we are nothing but food for these giants."

"From the beginning, we were just treated as food by the God of the Earth."

"From the very beginning, the **** of the earth has never cared for us."

"We want to use our own power to fight back against these giants, so the God of the Earth gave these giants more powerful power, so that we can't get out of the wall, and now we have won a war again. After the dawn of defeating the giant, the **** of the earth created the golden giant."

"Give up! Obediently accept your fate as food!"

"Humans are only qualified to become desserts on the table. It is impossible to defeat these giants in turn."

"This is the fate given to us by the God of the Earth, and we can only accept it."

People don't know where this voice came from, but this voice has a bewitching effect, making the despair in the hearts of countless people deeper.

Countless believers fell on their knees, and the prostrate figure was full of tears.

"Is this really our destiny?"

"Is there no way we can change the fate given to us by the God of the Earth?"

Disaster broke out here, despair shrouded here, devout believers were wailing, and giants were reaping their lives unscrupulously here.

This is a desperate country, this is a dark country.

People in this country are left with despair and pain.

The entire empire has become a paradise for giants.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

I don't know where it was, but a roar full of grief and anger was conveyed.

A warrior with a height of 2 meters, holding a sword taller than a human, rushed towards the giant in front of him, his eyes were already red, and his soul was crazy.

There was only one thought left in his mind, and that was to kill all these infringements.

The giant discovered his existence, waved the giant stick in his hand, and slammed towards him.


The broken stick fell to the ground, making a series of sounds.

With a strong wave of the warrior holding the giant sword, he directly chopped off the giant's legs, causing the giant to lose weight and fall to the ground. The tall warrior took the opportunity to rush up and cut off the giant's head with a sword.

The tall warrior was half kneeling on the ground, panting, physical exhaustion was second, and more importantly, spiritual exhaustion.

The onlookers around, seeing the soldiers' actions, reflected the brilliance of hope in their eyes.

This is the beginning of the human counterattack against the giant.

At this moment, the tall warrior suddenly felt that it was getting dark. He turned his head and found a tall figure appearing behind him.

This is a giant with a height of 10 meters. Compared to the little giant he just killed, I don't know how much stronger it is.

The giant waved the huge wooden stick in his hand and waved towards the brave warrior.

"Is my life going to end here?"

The eyes of this tall warrior were full of despair. He had just used his own power to kill a giant, but he didn't expect to have time to do more before he had already put himself in a desperate situation.

But just as he was about to appoint, he found that the arms of the giant in front of him suddenly fell limp, and the huge mace in his hand also fell to the ground.

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