All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 218: The anger of the earth god...

Boundless fear spreads in people's hearts, but in this fear, the flames of anger have ignited in some people's hearts.

Why, why should they make free contributions to the gods?

They believed in the God of the Earth because the God of the Earth protected them, but now that the God of the Earth has abandoned them, why do they still believe in it?

Of course, what they didn't know was that the **** of the earth was also angry.

"Who? Who is it?"

In the golden kingdom of the earth god, countless mountain ghosts began to collapse, and the ground of the **** kingdom was constantly trembling, which was the anger of the earth god.

"Who the **** is it? I dare to pretend to be me, and I can steal my power from the world. Who is it that actually made the move? That's what happened?"

When the empire suffered another disaster, he had already reacted.

But after all, he is not the **** of light of the glorious Holy See, his own abilities are extremely limited, not to mention that there are wars between the gods.

Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars is not a good place, although when facing foreign enemies, the gods of faith here can unite to the outside world, but when there are no foreign enemies, it is a nightmare for weak gods.

The **** of the earth, even though he has an empire exclusively, in fact this so-called empire is just a remote corner.

In a place hundreds of times larger than the earth, he can only control a small country with a population of 2 million. It is conceivable how bad this **** has mixed up.

If placed on the earth, it would be equivalent to a country with a population of less than 10,000 people.

Therefore, no other gods came to teach in various places. After all, this place is too remote, it is equivalent to a primitive tribe, and it is also a primitive tribe in the vast ocean.

This is why he has survived to this day.

Of course, this does not mean that he can sit back and relax. All the gods in the sea of ​​chaos, the kingdom of God are in the same plane, where there are people there is war, as one of the gods in the sea of ​​chaos, of course he cannot avoid participating All kinds of magical battles.

Of course he himself was unwilling, but other gods did not need to seek his consent.

After all, who would be assured that a **** would accumulate his own power over a long period of time? If their strength is consumed in the war, but this weak life becomes stronger after long accumulation, wouldn't it give him a chance to profit?

Since no one can rest assured, when there is nothing wrong, a **** will come and hit him.

It is not a life-and-death war, but just to consume the power of his faith.

But what made the God of the Earth angry was that he couldn't continue to live even such a stable life in a corner.

In this kingdom composed of ants, there was an existence capable of stealing the power of the gods, stole the power he bestowed on the bishop, and then gave it to the giant.

"Don't these ignorant human beings see that this is a conspiracy?"

The **** of the earth is angry for these stupid humans.

But anger returned to anger, and he was still helpless.

Since he wants to treat the entire empire as a farm where he is constantly harvesting the power of faith, of course, the people here must not be too high in IQ, let alone those with high IQ, even if it shows that he wants to go to the outside world and pursue freedom. Signs of death, he had to order his men to kill.

Because he knows that people like that are the easiest to create...accidents.

Miracle is exclusive to gods, not a term that mortals here are qualified to possess.

After people with high IQs have been harvested, how high can you expect the remaining people to have their IQs? This is like expecting sheep to have the wisdom of wolves.

Since you are herding sheep, don't expect them to become wolves.

Faced with the changes in the empire, the God of the Earth certainly wanted to contact the world more than once, and wanted to bring down his power, but whenever he brought power to the human world, its power would be unknown The existence of the name was stolen, and then passed on to these giants.

Of course this is also because of his own death.

Because these relatively powerful giants originally gained his power to become stronger, he also used the threat of these giants to keep the people of these empires in fear, and then under fear, they can only be Look for spiritual sustenance here.

Since you are not innocent, don't blame others for pouring dirty water on you.

The divine power of the **** of the earth and the power of the giants really fit together, so neither humans nor giants can find a reason to refute.

In particular, the scene where the archbishop sacrificed himself and turned his power into a giant sword, but eventually helped the giant turn into the legendary golden giant, even more so that the faith of those believers fell to the bottom.

Now their feelings of despair are gradually gone, because they have completely lost hope.

"This, what is this?"

Just when the God of the Earth was incompetent and furious, he suddenly discovered that a large number of black ripples appeared in his kingdom of God, casting a shadow on his kingdom of gold.

He quickly understood what these shadows were.

"No, these humble ants dare to curse me."

The voice of the earth **** was full of anger, but mixed with fear.

The power of faith works in both directions. Since he accepts the faith of the people of the empire, he cannot refuse the curse of the people of the empire.

In the past, he could easily punish those who cursed him, but now he has lost the ability to punish those who blaspheme.

Countless dark forces spread in the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of gold became increasingly dimmed.

The God of the Earth uttered a roar of grief and indignation. He just wanted to find a way to solve this difficulty, but as long as his power descended on the world, it would be stolen.

"Ah! These humble ants dare to curse me, don't they know that contributing their faith to me is the best way for them to prove their worth? This is their highest glory, and they want to do this now. Abandon the highest glory of

He constantly mobilizes the power of faith he has accumulated, trying to wash away the power of these curses, but his power of faith is getting less and less, and the power of these curses is increasing.

What was even more frightening was that he was shocked to find that part of his power of belief had also begun to deteriorate and became a curse.

He stared at his hands blankly, the golden ring on his hands had begun to be infected with the black curse, and had even begun to spread to his soul.

"No, this is impossible!"

The desperate roar echoed in the kingdom of God.

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