All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1117: Golden giant

At this moment, all the bishops felt that the power in their bodies had been stolen.

In the next moment, Han Chen appeared on the shoulder of the Giant King.

The Giant King held the golden giant sword in his hand, with a satisfied look in his eyes. He could feel that this giant sword matched the power in his body very well, and it was a handy weapon.

Of course, with his wisdom, he couldn't tell that this sword was originally a virtual sword.

It was just at the moment of falling that Han Chen changed it into a substantial sword.

Just when he was about to try the power of this giant sword, suddenly, a powerful force poured into his body, greatly increasing the power in his body.

He felt that a certain power in his body was awakening. This was the power derived from the blood of giants, and it was also the source of his giant blood.

Of course, this is just his illusion.

Their true power comes from the God of the Earth, which is the power of faith that the God of Earth receives from the believers. After being transformed into divine power, they are given to these giants. After receiving these divine powers, they are taken for granted by their intelligence For the power of blood in your body.


The Giant King let out a roar of excitement, and his body, which was 12 meters high, began to skyrocket again, and soon reached a height of 16 meters.

His gray skin began to turn yellow, and then bloomed with golden brilliance, making his body like gold casting.

At this moment, he turned into a giant of gold.

Seeing this desperate scene, the people of the empire fell to the ground weakly.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

Countless people of the empire with collapsed beliefs stared blankly at the weapon made by the giant king holding the divine power of the earth god, and then after obtaining the divine power of the earth god, he transformed into a golden giant.

The golden giant who had gained power looked very excited. Holding a golden sword, he easily knocked down the tall rock building, and stepped on it casually, which was the collapse of a building.

At this time, the tall half-length phantom in the sky appeared again.

"These giants are my children. Human beings can only be qualified to become their food. People who believe in me, give your lives out. This is your expression of your firm belief in me. When you become the food of giants , Your soul will ascend to heaven and be with me."

Silence, silence.

If the people of these empires had doubted the existence of this half-length shadow before, then it is almost a real hammer now.

The archbishop who has obtained the power of the **** of the earth, the golden giant sword formed by burning his life has turned into a weapon in the hands of the giant, and the giant king has also gained power from this sword, becoming only in the legend The golden giant that will exist.

Is there any better evidence than this?

The people of the empire originally had no judgment, and people with judgment had been pushed over to fill the corner of the city. Now seeing this amazing scene, of course, they are convinced.

"Great God of the Earth! Why would you do this?"

A black mist began to appear on an archbishop, and he shouted hoarsely at the huge phantom in the sky, "Why do the people of the empire believe in you so piously, but you have to give your own power? These giants, let these giants wreak havoc on your children?"

Originally, he didn't expect to get an answer, but the bust in the sky actually answered him.

"Since you are my loyal believers, don’t have any doubts about my decision. Otherwise, it’s a manifestation of your lack of firm belief. If you are truly loyal to me, then dedicate your body to the giant and your soul. Dedicated to me, this is my test for you and an opportunity for you to prove your faith."

After speaking, the half-length phantom in the sky pointed again and again, and some giants began to soar in height.

The bishops of the Earth God Sect had a deadly expression in their eyes.

If you are absolutely loyal to me, then don't have any doubts about my decision.

If you question me, it means that your faith is not firm.

If your faith is not firm, then you should be punished and become the food of these giants, and then your soul will become my slave forever.

So you must have firm beliefs.

Since you have a firm belief, you will definitely be absolutely loyal to me.

If you are absolutely loyal to me, then don't have any doubts about my decision.


This is an endless loop of no solution, this is an endless loop of despair.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people’s faith began to collapse.

At this moment, I don't know how many people are left with deathly silence in their hearts.

Even the desperation has disappeared in silence.

The golden giant is still destroying the building. The giants behind him happily put their prey on the barbecue grill and start to enjoy their own delicious meal.

This is a harvest feast for giants, this is a human disaster.

In the endless silence, black patterns suddenly appeared on the golden robe of an archbishop. These black patterns became more and more and eventually filled the entire robe.

"The great **** of the earth, the reason why we firmly believe in you is that you have protected the people of the empire with your great divine power, but now that you want to abandon the people of the empire, you even regard these giants as your children. , Then I will become a blasphemer."

A strong aura lingered around him, and the black death aura with desperate power began to spread.

He was completely desperate for the **** of the earth, and since the **** of the earth wanted to abandon his people, he simply became a blasphemer.

However, the huge half-length shadow in the sky just said indifferently:

"Your faith is not firm!"

The golden light filled the sky over the empire, and a golden light fell from the air and gathered into a golden long sword, just like the archbishop who sacrificed his life just now.

The golden sword fell on the top of the bishop's head and then sank into the ground.

A blood stain appeared on the bishop's forehead, and the blood couldn't stop it from his forehead. The black pattern on the golden sacrificial clothing on his body had disappeared, replaced by red blood.

His body fell weakly to the ground, and blood spread from his body to the center for 4 weeks.

When the surrounding bishops saw this scene, their legs softened and knelt to the ground.

"This is the punishment for those who are not firm in my faith. Anyone who disobeys the gods of my earth will receive the punishment from the gods."

The towering bust made a majestic voice.

Under this terrible punishment, countless people of the empire fell to the ground again.

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