All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1116: Clouds of despair

Seeing the huge phantom of the mountain-like bust, the original imperial people showed excitement.

But then, they fell into despair.

This figure, which seems to be the **** of the earth, actually gave power to the giants, turning those giants who had only a slight advantage against humans into an irresistible and powerful existence.

What is even more frightening is that the wall originally used for defense has now turned into their prison.

Humans wailed in despair, wept and prayed.

"Why is this? This empire is their hunting ground. What does that mean? Can we only become food for these giants?"

A soldier officer murmured to himself.

In the war with the giant, he has abandoned the fear of death, but what is this situation?

Could the **** of the earth have abandoned the empire?

Could it be that these giants are the objects favored by the God of the Earth.

For a while, a cloud of despair condensed over the entire empire.

Giants are still slaughtering humans. After killing humans, some giants **** humans and built a barbecue grill to start enjoying their own food.

And Han Chen has been watching silently.

"After having the power, it is too easy to be a villain."

From his point of view, if we want to free human beings from the shackles of the earth **** and have free will, then we must give them a realistic beating.

However, the people who bear the consequences of this price are the people of the empire.

The biggest difference between heroes and careerists is that heroes will take the initiative to burn themselves, while careerists will burn others under the banner of being good for others.

Therefore, at this moment, Han Chen should be regarded as a careerist.

Of course, Han Chen can also use various reasons to comfort himself, for example, for the future of these people, everyone liberated them from the hands of the gods.

However, he could not deceive his own heart.

"The war between civilizations really cannot tolerate the existence of personal emotions."

Han Chen could only sigh in the end.

Anyone who stands in his current position, if he influences his words and deeds for the sake of personal emotions, then this trip will eventually return without success.

Whether it is looking for a future for the earth or looking for tomorrow for oneself, it will become impossible.

At most, you can only do something you can do in a remote corner, and then sigh with emotion: Wow! How kind I am.

The slaughter on the battlefield continued. Countless people fell on their knees and prayed for miracles, praying for the **** of the earth to punish these evil giants.

But their request did not get any response.

An archbishop of the Earth God Sect saw the people in the disaster, his eyes showed compassion, and then stood on a high platform, trying to restore the confidence of the people as much as possible.

"The God of the Earth will not abandon us. He has already given us power. Now we should take the power given by the God of the Earth to drive away these fanatics who invaded our homeland."

After finishing speaking, he held up the golden scepter, and powerful force gathered on him.

His body was blooming with golden brilliance, which was the brilliance of God, condensed on his body at this moment, as if a towering figure appeared behind him.

Feeling this boundless coercion, countless devout believers knelt to the ground.

"The God of the Earth will not abandon us."

"When we are in desperation, only the **** of the earth can lead us out of despair."

"This is the gift of the God of Earth, and this is the blessing of the God of Earth."

Amidst the prayers of countless believers, the archbishop's figure became weaker and weaker, but his breath became stronger and stronger.

The bishops knew what the archbishop was going to do, and they were all crawling on the ground.

"Archbishop Pooh, you are the hero of the empire, you are the hope of mankind, and you are the closest to the gods in this world."

As his strength became stronger and stronger, the bishop showed a gratified smile.

"You giants will not hurt our empire."

The golden brilliance shone over the entire empire, and even the giants stopped their movements and stared at the magnificent scene blankly.

The eyes of the kneeling believers showed hope.

This is their last hope, this is their only hope.

At this time of despair, when the empire was shrouded in desperate clouds, only the brilliance of the God of the Earth could dispel all the haze.

The **** of the earth has begun to show his miracles, no matter what kind of enemy it is, in the end, he can only face the purification of the **** of the earth.

The golden light gathered into a huge long sword, exuding powerful pressure.

The huge sword made of gold gave the people a strong sense of security and made them show a fanatical look.

They believe that this is a gift from the God of the Earth, which is the proof that the God of the Earth has not abandoned them.

The giant sword made of gold fell down and landed on the head of the giant king.

Seeing this scene, the madness in the eyes of the believers is getting stronger and stronger. They believe that under the great power of the God of the Earth, no matter what kind of enemy it is, there is only one way to go.

The archbishop smiled, his figure disappeared in the air, and the bishop beside him knelt on the ground.

"No, how is this possible?"

I didn't know who it was, and made a panic sound.

The bishops who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads, their eyes frozen at this moment.

This gift of the God of the Earth, the sword that condensed all the lives of Archbishop Pooh, was caught in the hands of the headed Giant King.

"No, why is this?"

"This is impossible!"

"The power of the archbishop comes from the gift of the gods!"

"How can these bloodthirsty giants be contaminated with the glory of the gods?"

At this moment, countless believers felt that a certain belief in their hearts collapsed.

Why does this happen?

Why, this sword, which symbolizes the power of the **** of the earth, would have such a result.

"The omnipotent god! Can't even your power be able to fight against these giants?"

The bishops knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

They still believe in the **** of the earth and the existence of the **** who has been protecting them, but they have begun to question the god's omnipotent majesty.

"The faith is too firm!"

Han Chen shook his head and found that there are actually a small number of people who really began to question the gods. Even if their faith collapsed, it would still be a long way from turning them into resentment.

"Sorry, I am an evil villain."

In a place where no one could see, Han Chen's figure quietly appeared behind the bishops, and then launched [Steal].

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