All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1131: Would you be me...

"Don't panic, I just stole the power of faith from your body."

A golden shield appeared in Han Chen's hand. After leaving Janette's body, a large amount of power of faith merged into the golden shield.

"You, who are you?"

Janet was full of panic. She had predicted that her path to becoming a **** would not be smooth, but this situation was still beyond her expectations.

It is incredible that someone can steal the power of faith directly.

"The power of filthy faith can be turned into an artifact that can harm gods, and the power of pure faith can be turned into a weapon that harms mortals. There really is nothing useless in this world, it just depends on the usage."

Han Chen very naturally took the Earth Spear from Janette's hand, which is the artifact that Janette used to contain the impure power of faith.

He has no interest in becoming a **** of faith, because he knows that absorbing too much power of faith will eventually change his soul and mind.

And the end of this road is really bad.

But this does not prevent him from using the power of faith to do something.

At this time, he realized that he seemed to have ignored the righteous master before him.

"Introduce myself. My name is Han Chen. I am a red bishop from the Holy Fire Kingdom. Although I should have a relationship with you without grievances, but because of my position, I cannot make you so smooth. Become a god." Han Chen explained briefly.

"So you were sent by the Holy Fire Kingdom to prevent me from becoming a god? I didn't expect that I had conspired for so long, and even secretly provoked a war between the Holy Fire Kingdom and the Holy Sword Kingdom, but in the end I was still a miss."

Janet’s face was ashamed, "I thought I was qualified to be a god, but I didn’t expect the gap between me and the real **** to be so big. In front of the real god, my so-called resourcefulness is just a joke. Now you It has been successful, what should I do next?"

Seeing the shocked Janet who doubted his life, Han Chen touched his nose.

It seemed that the woman in front of her had misunderstood something. She claimed to be the cardinal archbishop of the Holy Fire Kingdom, making her mistakenly believe that she was dedicated to destroying her becoming a god.

She had prepared so much, and seeing that there was only the last step left, she did not expect that the results would be stolen.

This was a desperate blow to her.

My hard preparation is a joke in front of the real gods' calculations.

"I think you have misunderstood one thing. Although I am the archbishop of the Holy Fire Kingdom, this does not mean that I will be the faithful dog of the gods."

Han Chen explained very patiently, "Now your plan has been frustrated, the next thing to greet you will be the anger of the two gods. No, it should be said that it is the three gods. After all, the Holy Sword Kingdom should also be concerned about this matter. I won’t just sit idly by, your life is in my hands. Next, are you interested in being the number one loyal dog under my seat?"

"Good." Janette agreed quickly.

"Is that so simple?" Janet's simple attitude reminded him of his attitude when he agreed to the dark kingdom.

"In the face of the anger of the three gods, I will definitely die."

Janette said, "It's you who wanted me to become your subordinate. That means you have enough confidence to bring me a ray of life. In that case, why don't I give it a try?"

If you try, there is a chance. If you don't try, you will definitely die.

A person who attempts to become a god, if he succeeds, he is a true god, but if he fails, he will become a blasphemer, and he cannot survive in any corner of the world, because blasphemers are all gods. The common enemy.

So the path to becoming a **** is a path full of dangers, and there is no turning back.

Either become a **** or fall, there is no other possibility.

"very good."

Han Chen admired Janette's IQ and xinxing very much, so he didn't need to bother to recruit new subordinates, no, it was a runaway.

"Next, call in all your loyal subordinates, and we will begin to discuss the future plan."

Han Chen gave the order very simply.

Ten minutes later, more than 30 figures wearing black hoods knelt in front of Han Chen, and one of them looked at Han Chen with complicated eyes.

He clearly remembered that he was the one who brought Han Chen over.

However, in an instant, Han Chen would have become his superior's superior.

But since they are all blasphemers, of course they accept new things very quickly, and there is no noisy behavior.

"Master, do you have any plans next?"

Janet knelt in front of Han Chen and said calmly, "These people have already contributed the power of faith once. It is very difficult to help the master become a **** in a short time, so if the master If you want to become a god, there will be a lot of additional risks."

Seeing Janette's calm face, Han Chen admired such a person more and more.

Such a person will become a hero no matter which world he is placed in. Of course, it is also possible that he may have fallen before he grows up.

Even if she became a running dog under her seat, her ambition was not extinguished.

"I'm not interested in becoming a god, but I'm still interested in this weapon."

Han Chen played with the earth spear and golden shield in his hand. Although this weapon is not even comparable to the purple epic weapon in God’s Domain, it has its own unique features. If it can be used well, it can also become special. Sharp weapon can even be used to kill gods.

Janette felt a little confused: "What does the master want to do?"

Interested in this weapon, but this is an artifact!

If weapons that can harm gods are allowed to circulate in the human world, they will become public enemies of all gods. This is simply an act of self-destruction.

"I know that you are now my lackeys, and there may be some dissatisfaction in your heart. I don't want to promise you anything now, but you have to remember one thing. Next, you have to follow my orders and it is your only choice. Anyway You are not irreplaceable people, and it is not a pity to change a group after you kill."

Han Chen's eyes gradually became cold, "Next, I will issue my first order, to integrate all your legions and gather in the suburbs of Shenglong County. Remember, all legions. "

"Yes, master!"

Janet knelt on the ground with a group of subordinates, but something inexplicable appeared in her eyes.

Even if they had the opportunity to integrate the legion, this master was a little too eager.

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