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Chapter 1132: Han Chen is fortunate

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-two chapters Han Chen is fortunate to live

Two days later, somewhere outside the village in Yorkshire.

"Han Chen, you dare to appear in front of us!"

Frederick shouted angrily to Han Chen, this traitor actually defected to the Kingdom of Holy Fire behind their backs, and then returned to the embrace of the Kingdom of Darkness. Now he dared to bring less than 2,000 regular troops and appeared in front of him. , Do you really think that these two thousand people can solve him?

"Why don't I dare to appear in front of you? The task assigned to me by the merciful Lord has been perfectly completed. I should receive my reward next!"

Han Chen said calmly.

"what did you say?"

Frederick's face flushed, shocked by Han Cheng's shamelessness, "The task we gave you is to regain Yorkshire, but you actually betrayed the Kingdom of Holy Fire."

"Yorkshire has recovered!"

Han Chen said indifferently, “When I came here, I found that there was an organization of blasphemers who wanted to become gods, so I used their power to clean out the defenses here, and then suddenly during the blasphemer’s becoming gods ceremony. The attack not only regained Yorkshire, but also helped the kingdom capture Minghuang County and Shenglong County, and overfulfilled the mission. I made such a great contribution. Why do you say that I betrayed?"

Frederick was about to say something, a cardinal next to him hurriedly stopped him, and then looked at Han Chen with shocked eyes:

"You, you mean, was it just your own strategy to surrender to the Dark Kingdom? Was it all about acting to regain Yorkshire?"


Han Chen looked at Frederick with a look of idiot, "You can't see such a simple strategy. I really don't know how you became the cardinal bishop."

Frederick flushed and didn't know what to say.

In the previous war with the Holy Sword Kingdom, Han Chen demonstrated outstanding military talent, and even brought the entire war to an end several months earlier.

Unexpectedly, he used a strategy again now.

And his strategy was also very successful, not only completed the task of recovering Yorkshire, but also laid down the two counties of the Dark Kingdom, adding 15 million people to the Living Kingdom.

"But, how do I know what you said is true?" Frederick was still reluctant.

"What I said is true or false, you can go back and ask the pope, and there are so many people behind you, wouldn't you go and see the situation of these three counties with your own eyes? The next task is to take over the three counties. I leave it to you. The Dark Kingdom has suddenly lost such a large territory, and it will definitely counterattack. I will take my legion to resist the attack of the Dark Kingdom."

As Han Chen said, he turned and left, "I am not good at transforming the people of the parish into believers, so these things are left to you. What I am best at is fighting. The army of the Dark Kingdom is about to be assembled. I’m going back now to resist their invasion."

As he said, he waved his horse whip and left with two thousand cavalry.

Looking at Han Chen's back, the eyes of several red archbishops showed confusion.

"Have we really misunderstood Archbishop Han Chen?"

"Maybe it is true. We will send someone to take a look at the situation in these three counties. If he lied, it would be easy to expose."

"Yes, first send someone back to report to the Pope, so that His Majesty will listen to the voice of the gods, and then it will not be too late to make a decision."

"However, we can indeed try to receive the territory here. Regardless of whether Han Chen's words are true or false, the power of faith that such a large territory can provide is a lot. Even if we only have the credit for receiving, we can also allow the gods to come and reward. Give us."

The ability to add 15 million people to the gods as a source of power for faith is also a temptation that the archbishop can't resist.

So after the six archbishops discussed it, they carefully accepted the territory here, while sending someone back to ask the pope's will.

In King City of the Holy Fire King, the Pope sits on a luxurious golden red chair.

"The ins and outs of this matter are known to the gods. This is indeed one of Archbishop Han Chen's schemes. He is the Lord's most loyal fighter."

Facing the archbishops below, the pope said slowly.

"The gods have already given their will. In order to reward Archbishop Han Chen for his exploits, he specially rewarded him with a sacred artifact. As the greatest reward to Archbishop Han Chen, er, Archbishop Seth, the task of escorting the sacred artifacts to the front line is handed over. Here you are. After you hand over the sacred artifacts to Archbishop Han Chen, you don’t have to come back. You will stay in two brand-new suburbs to carry out the civilization work of the people. This is what you do best.

After speaking, the four nuns in red dresses each held a tray in front of an archbishop, and a scarlet sword was placed in one of the trays.

"My lord is merciful!"

Uh, Archbishop Seth knelt on the ground and accepted the task.

Archbishop Han Chen, is he really a fighter loyal to the Lord?

Seeing the er Archbishop Seth who led the way, the pope couldn't help but wonder.

Although it is the will of the gods to reward a sacred instrument, as the closest existence to the gods, the pope also knows some things.

Han Chen is now like a sharp sword, a sword that can open up the earth, a sword that can bring a lot of faith to the gods.

Even if he is not a loyal fighter, he has already made a lot of credit.

He not only regained Yorkshire, which was supposed to be realized, but also helped the gods occupy the territory of more than 15 million people. This is a great contribution that there is no way to obliterate it.

Han Chen, who has made such a great contribution, does not matter whether he is loyal or not.

As a qualified superior, a useful subordinate is far more important than a loyal subordinate, of course, the premise is to prevent the subordinate's rebellion.

However, Han Chen has given up his control over the land of the three counties, he should belong to the kind without ambition!

In other words, Han Chen's ambition is to use his talents, and he has no strong desire to control power.

Does he have any more requirements for a subordinate who is dedicated to using his talents?

Five days later.

"Archbishop Han Chen, this is a sacred artifact given by the gods himself, and it is also the affirmation of the great Lord's contribution to Your Excellency Han Chen."

Archbishop Hesses handed Han Chen a handful of red common ones, with a pious look.

With an excited look, Han Chen tremblingly took the flame sword, his eyes bursting with hot light:

"I am the most loyal warrior of the Great God of Flame. I will use this long sword given by the Great Lord to open up territory for the Great Lord. Give me a year and I will attack Go down the entire dark kingdom and spread the glory of the Lord in every corner of the dark kingdom."

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