All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1138: A higher level of chasing...

The idea of ​​Fengshen was only a whim for Han Chen, but after careful consideration, he discovered that this is a completely feasible path.

What is his purpose in coming to Luan Xinghai? Is it to destroy the gods of the way of faith?

No, it is essentially to relieve the threat of the gods of the way of faith.

According to his initial thinking, the fastest way to achieve results should be to find the weakness of the gods of the way of faith, but this is only the fastest way on the surface.

On the earth, when a product is not good enough, maybe your suppression can be effective, but when a product has good enough performance and even has become a big brand, then your suppression may only promote the other party’s growing up.

Coke is so harmful to people, isn't it still selling globally?

So during the time he was collecting information, he discovered that the gods of the way of faith are not completely undesirable, at least it can make cowardly humans brave in a dangerous world, and can make people who have no hope of rising Possibility to rise.

Although the future of this road is desperate, not everyone can come to an end.

Most people don't think so long-term.

Especially those whose life level has not been able to reach the legendary existence, the life is no more than a few hundred years, very few can exceed a thousand years, can give them the opportunity to obtain eternal life, how can they not be ecstatic? What does it matter even if there are some defects?

If you can't become a god, you will only turn into a loess after all.

Even if you become a servant of the gods and gain eternal life in the kingdom of the gods, such conditions can attract a large number of people, let alone become a true god.

After all, most people are just struggling in the dust.

Therefore, the wisest approach is not to look for their flaws, nor to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of those who have not been civilized. It is simply asking everyone to become a selfless saint.

The best way is to replace.

Even if the gods of the Tao of Faith can't completely disappear, at least they must replace their supreme position and let them no longer become superior.

Whether it is in the company or the people climbing up the system, what really attracts them is not the position itself, but the benefits the position brings to them.

Whether it is economic interests or rights, it is people's instinctive pursuit.

After Janette refused to become a god, Han Chen did not feel displeased by her ambition, but strengthened her own ideas.

This means that she no longer regards the gods as the supreme being. For her, she has found a higher level of pursuit.

This is the purpose of Han Chen.

"The armistice agreement signed between me and the Holy Sword Kingdom has a three-year period. Although I don't take this agreement seriously, the credit itself still has a certain value, and I will not be involved in this small matter. I wasted this value."

Han Chen began to fight everyone's mission, "But we can plot the Holy Fire Kingdom next, but with the strength of the Holy Fire Kingdom, we simply don't need so many manpower."

"The subordinates are willing to smear the liver and brain of the master."

The soldier wearing the blue war was the first to speak.

Everyone knelt down one after another: "The subordinates are willing to take this first skill."

"Subordinates are willing to become vanguard generals and share worries for the masters."

This is obviously an opportunity to make merit!

If they can make enough credit under Han Chen's command, they should get more fiefdoms in the future.

"Don't worry, expanding your territory is not the only way to expand your territory."

Han Chen waved his hand and condensed a map in the void, "In this world, human footprints are at most 30% of the range. Your next task is to expand human footprints as much as possible and remove those that are not suitable for human habitation The savage areas of China have been developed to remove the dangers and build new homes for mankind."

Such an approach, of course, has always been done in the human world.

It's just that it consumes too much manpower and material resources, and it also consumes a lot of excellent manpower when imparting knowledge to the people of the new parish.

Although this return is long-term, after all, not everyone is qualified to seek long-term benefits.

So those who do this kind of thing are usually under the command of 8 higher gods.

Although everyone is a little unsure, they can only follow the order.

So these 24 new subordinates began to recruit people to develop wild areas.

Many strong people do not have the ability to develop wild areas, but don't think it makes sense to do that.

Although people with faith will overcome their own inner cowardice, fear itself is also one of the sources of human progress, so their pioneering spirit will be stifled.

Han Chen was not anxious about the next war against the Holy Fire Kingdom, but began to slowly develop the economy and military, and then bit by bit to erode the opponent.

This process lasted a year.

Of course, the first to be recovered was the land of the three counties, but Han Chen did not do anything to the absolute. After he defeated the red bishops, he did not kill them. Instead, he imprisoned them and released them. Take care of him in a cage he built himself.

A year later, the Pope personally came to visit Han Chen.

"Archbishop Han Chen, no, it should be His Majesty Han Chen. I didn't expect that in just one and a half years, Your Majesty would have been able to do this."

It is said that the Pope, whose appearance has been frozen for decades, seemed to be a few years old at this moment, and when facing Han Chen, he also lost his former majesty.

And he is standing, Han Chen is sitting.

Han Chen sat on a luxurious seat made of gold and jewels with a playful smile on his face: "I don't know if the Pope is crowned, what advice is there for you to come here?"

The Pope sighed, and then said: "I came here to convey the oracle of the God of Flame. We can give the power of the entire Holy Fire Kingdom to His Majesty. We only hope that His Majesty can be in the Holy Fire Kingdom and keep it for us. The right to continue preaching."

"Okay!" Han Chen simply agreed.


The pope originally had a lot of rhetoric, some were stating their interests, some were talking about the friendship of the past, and even pinning the hope of negotiations on Han Chen's kindness.

But what he didn't expect was that Han Chen agreed so decisively.

This blocked everything he wanted to say later.

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