All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1139: The beginning

"I am not interested in the power of faith. Since you are willing to surrender all your power, of course I will not prevent you from continuing to preach in your original territory."

Han Chen said, "If you can surrender earlier, then there will not be millions of soldiers killed in the county during this time."

The Pope sighed, and then said: "Your Majesty is kind, we are the villain."

Han Chen did not have too many surprises for the surrender of the Pope of Holy Fire.

After all, this world depends on strength to speak. The Holy Fire God Sect has only two options, one is destruction, and the other is surrender.

After accepting the surrender of the Holy Fire Kingdom, the Holy Sword Kingdom fell into anxiety all day long.

They were afraid that one day Han Chen would suddenly tear up the armistice agreement and then invade their border.

But what made them breathe a sigh of relief is that Han Chen did not choose to attack them, but after integrating the two kingdoms, he began to vigorously develop the barbarians that are not suitable for human habitation.

There are many strange races in this world.

There are even some gods who dislike the beliefs provided by humans, but prefer the beliefs provided by purer races.

Although such gods are slightly weaker and weaker, after all, the power of faith that humans can provide is the most powerful, but such gods can live longer, because many races are born with a relatively loyal personality, and they will continue until they are extinct. Resolutely support the gods.

During this year's development, Han Chen convened to 24 digits and opened up a total of more than six counties. According to Han Chen's estimation, these lands can support more than 40 million people.

Of course, the growth rate of the population is limited. They just opened up the space to support so many people, but not so many people have migrated.

However, there was a small accident in the middle. Two of the 24 unknown subordinates encountered powerful enemies during the development process, and unfortunately fell. However, everyone did not care about the death of two people, Han Chen actually cared more about the troops they brought.

In the 6th month of the surrender of the Holy Fire Kingdom, the ordination of the gods began.

Yorkshire, where the population of the three nearby counties gathered, more than 12 million people, gathered in a square and began to pray to the existence in the center of the square.

This time the process of becoming a **** did not have too many twists and turns. The warrior in the blue armor successfully became a real god, and then ascended to the kingdom of God, of course, the blue he had been using. His long sword was left as an artifact for the generals to fight.

Han Chen handed this divine sword to the first pope of the new sword god.

"As the spokesperson of the gods in the world, you should fulfill your duty of making contributions to the gods. When we need war, you must take this sword and give us enough credit, so you The gods on top will be rewarded, and if you make enough credit, you also have a chance to become a god."

After the ceremony, the Holy Fire Pope found Han Chen.

"Didn’t Your Majesty have promised to retain our qualifications to continue preaching in the original territory? Why should we deprive us of our faith?"

The Holy Fire Pope put on a look of indignation.

Han Chen glanced at him with cold eyes: "Are you talking to me?"

After being swept by Han Chen's cold eyes, the Holy Fire Pope was like falling into an ice cave.

His tone weakened involuntarily: "Well, we are loyal to your majesty. I hope that your majesty will not lose justice, because this represents the loss of popular support."

If he doesn't agree, then he can only show his determination to die.

After all, the foundation of the Holy Fire God Sect is still there. If they forcefully launch a holy war, then at least 20 million people in the entire Holy Fire Kingdom will lose their lives in this war.

And this is not what Han Chen wants to see.

This is not to say that he really cares about the lives of these 20 million people, mainly because for him, population is also a very important resource.

Although the regeneration rate of population resources is fast, after all, Han Chen's age is not too old. If it is easily wasted, then at least it will have to wait until the 18-year cycle to be replenished.

"Don't worry! I promised you that I won't treat you badly. After all, I still have to use my credit to attract more gods who are loyal to me!"

Han Chen drew a circle on the map, "The newcomer is a sword **** anyway! He occupies a territory of about 15 million people, but there should be many loyalties in this territory. For believers of the Holy Fire God Sect, I think at least 20%.

If you publicize a little bit, then at least half of the people can respond to your call. Now I order you to move this half of them to this area, and then build a new home in this area, in your new home. All believers are believers who are loyal to the religion of life. "

Seeing the territory planned by Han Chen, the pope took a breath: "Your Majesty, that place is all barbaric areas! There is no population."

"The dangers in those places have been cleaned up. As long as someone passes by, there will be unexploited resources everywhere."

Han Chen said, "Would you not live without a population? I have calculated that this area can support at least a population of more than 20 million. As long as 18 years are given to you, this area will be dissatisfied with your loyalty to the Holy Fire God. The descendants of believers, I think a region full of true believers must provide more power of faith than a region full of false believers!"

The Pope frowned, the truth is indeed such a truth.

But is it really that simple?

He wanted to continue to say something, but Han Chen just said indifferently: "I speak to you well, but it does not mean that I am asking for your consent."

The pope knelt down immediately: "Thank you for your grace!"

With Han Chen's current status and status, he can even decide the life and death of a **** under one order. How can he dare to resist the other party?

It is his instinct to fight for the rights and interests of his master, but this does not mean that he is about to take his own life.

And if he really angered Han Chen, then the unlucky **** might be behind him.

What's more, what Han Chen promised is not false. If the danger in that place has really been cleaned up, and all the loyal followers of the Holy Fire Sect who migrated in the past, the possibility of their offspring becoming true believers is of course far greater Those areas that have just been conquered are taller.

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