All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1140: Action of the Holy Empire

To divide the gods, Han Chen only chose the 4 people who made the greatest contribution to the division. Among them, three became gods smoothly, and one was in the process of becoming gods, because his realm was not enough. This accident caused Han Chen was a little surprised, but he didn't care much.

The road has been paved for you, and you can’t go up yet, who can you blame?

So he chose one of Janet's servants and awarded him as a god.

The process of canonization requires at least 5 million believers, but for the sake of safety, more than 10 million believers are generally prepared. However, since you have become a god, you only need 300,000 true believers to keep the gods burning. .

It was Han Chen who moved all the believers who refused to obey the new gods to the wild areas that had just been developed, so that they could continue to believe in the gods of the past.

Both the God of Darkness and the God of Holy Fire are very happy to see it happen.

Calculating this way, although they will have some losses temporarily, their future gains will be far greater than their current efforts.

They were originally in danger of falling, but now they are satisfied with some benefits.

Of course, even if they were not satisfied, there was nothing that Han Chen would not ask for their consent.

I can decide your life and death in one sentence, why should I seek your opinion?

After the 4 brand-new gods were rewarded, more than 10 million people were moved to the wild areas that were just developed. Because of the loss of a large number of people, these 4 gods can only use their best to develop people’s livelihood, hoping to be Keep as many believers as possible in the territory.

The great beings who have just become gods are surprised to find that they have become gods, but they can still only become humble workers.

And Han Chen also issued a strict order, that is, it is not possible to kill without compulsion.

Killing the enemy on the battlefield is the fate of the soldiers, but civilians can never be killed outside the battlefield. Anyone who violates this taboo must be put to death.

Even for those who refuse to surrender to the new gods, the biggest punishment can only be exile.

This place of exile is of course the wild areas that have just been developed.

The territory of the Holy Sword Dynasty that Han Chen attacked had a total population of 53 million, of which more than 7 million were banished.

And the wild areas have been developing.

When the Holy Sword Dynasty continued to reward the gods on the territories he had beaten down, more people would be forcibly banished to remote areas.

"The total population of your Majesty's kingdom is 180 million. Among them, 40 million people in the Dark Kingdom have been promised. The 60 million people in the original Holy Fire Kingdom can't move. Now there are close to 20 million people who have been moved. In the wild regions, the remaining people can still honor two gods."

Janette knelt in front of Han Chen and reported her work to Han Chen.

Han Chen didn't like to let people kneel down for himself, but since he came to Chaotic Sea, letting others kneel down for himself has become a thing of habit.

Even sometimes if he said jokingly to tell the other party not to kneel himself, the other party would kneel on the ground in a panic and kowtow to himself, asking for his forgiveness.

This is a cultural gap, and Han Chen did not force it.

"Today the wild areas have a total population of 50 million, but I believe that in terms of the resources of those undeveloped areas, it should be able to fill the gap of 50 million soon."

Han Chen read the memorials while giving orders, "Let them speed up their development, and finally give them half a year of preferential policies. After half a year, if you want to become a god, you must rely on your own Strength, first developed a site for me that I talked about feeding more than 10 million people, and then used these sites to accommodate the believers who were expelled, or to make enough credit for others to help open such a large site, otherwise, Then don't think about becoming a god."


After Han Chen gave the order, someone immediately took the order and left.

And Han Chen continued to read the memorial: "The commercial road has been built. Although the importance of commerce is not as important as agriculture, the resources produced in different places are different. Only the exchange of resources can promote mutual prosperity. Jane Nite, you can arrange matters related to this tax."

After a series of orders, Janette had no idea what to say.

Finally, after Han Chen's last order was issued.

"Janet, do you have anything else to say?"

"Master, if you continue to develop in this way, then the impression of gods in people's hearts will drop a lot, the people's belief in gods will become less and less firm, and the work of becoming gods will become more and more difficult. Come down..."

"It's none of my business?"

Han Chen interrupted her coldly, "Do people want to believe in gods? Is this something I need to pay attention to? As long as they can bring benefits to people, should I worry about people not believing in them? I do it well, otherwise I don’t mind changing to someone who is willing to help me."

"Yes, master!"

Janette was shocked and immediately fell to her knees.

Seeing Janette's movements, Han Chen shook his head secretly.

According to his plan, if Janette can betray her, then her plan will be closer to success, because this can convey an impression that he is not the only person who can control the life and death of gods. Other people can do this.

However, it now appears that this road has a long way to go.

Just when Han Chen finished his day's work and was ready to continue practicing swordsmanship, he again received a message: The Holy Empire is now dispatching troops and is preparing to set off for the Great Qin Kingdom.

The Great Qin Kingdom is Han Chen's new name for his country.

The Qin Dynasty and China have a unique position in the history of China. He was the first unified dynasty and was also synonymous with prosperity.

The name given to his country also represents Han Chen's determination to sweep the world.

King Qin swept Liuhe and looked at He Xiongzai.

Although he has no interest in ruling the world, if ruling the world is good for his plan, then he doesn't mind ruling the world casually.

"Are you coming?"

Han Chen had long known that his actions would definitely attract the attention of the Holy Empire, even more powerful beings.

To treat the lofty gods as their own slaves is simply risking the world's disgrace. This is provoking the majesty of all gods.

Even if he can defeat the Holy Empire, there will be more powerful enemies coming to his troubles.

What he wants to do is to subvert the current order, so his enemy is the whole world.

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