All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1141: Desire to rebel...

Chapter 1141 The King Who Desires to Rebel

The holy empire's army is crushing the territory, and the Great Qin is at stake.

Of course, this is what others think.

In fact, Han Chen really didn't pay attention to this so-called Holy Empire.

The **** of light behind the glorious Vatican was a middle god, and he was still beheading such a middle god.

The existence of the Holy Empire is also a middle-level god, but his power of faith has not accumulated much, because in the past uninterrupted wars, his power of faith has been constantly consumed.

There is no alternative, because Luan Xinghai is a chaotic place.

So even if the deity can get out of the kingdom of God and come to Han Chen's trouble, he can easily deal with it, let alone the opponent's subordinates.

What he has to do is to maximize his own interests as much as possible.

The total population of the Holy Empire is 7 billion, which is equivalent to the total population of the earth. They very easily mobilized an army of 8 million and are led by a large group of masters.

However, these masters have no legend.

Those who can become legends have either already planned their own way to become gods, or have become angels under the gods, so in the human world, there are very few legendary existences.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he doesn't need to take the legendary existence into consideration.

The angels that the next **** descends on the world are only king-level, and at best can play a role in collecting the power of faith, but the middle gods can descend on the epic-level angels. If you consume some of the power of faith and the savings of divine power, You can even descend on legendary angels.

And Han Chen, who understood this, was also thoughtful.

"The gods of the Tao of Faith have one of the biggest limitations, that is, they limit the development of mankind. Excellent talents have become angels under them. How can there be a future?"

"Humans are ambitious creatures, and human ambitions can always create miracles."

"So if you want to truly subvert the current system, you must use human ambitions and use their ambitions to go further."

"People in this world just don’t know that there is a way beyond gods. In their cognition, they think that gods are the supreme existence. So what I really want to do now is to tell them that there is still such a A path."

"There is never a lack of genius among human beings. The truly outstanding people will always choose the most outstanding path, so after I set a precedent for the gods, and those true careerists should also want to be like me. Rather than being satisfied with being a mere blasphemer."

"Of course if I fail, even if they have such an idea, they can only suppress it, and then over time, my legend will be slowly forgotten."

Thinking of this, Han Chen was not in a hurry to fight against the Legion of the Holy Empire.

He just ordered the original **** of darkness and the **** of fire to mobilize a large number of congregations, a total of 500,000 troops to hoard on the border, and then amass food, build high cities, and prepare for long-term combat.

After a month of preparation, more than 1 million troops have been hoarded along the border.

This is because the gods under his hand didn't think that a mere 500,000 people could play any role, so 500,000 people were added in the name of the logistics army, and more so-called logistics corps came over.

Han Chen originally wanted to punish them, but after thinking about it, let's forget it.

If his purpose is really to unify the world, then of course these self-asserting subordinates must be punished, because this is a manifestation of their distrust of themselves.

But since I just want to set a benchmark for them, I don't need to care about this little thing.

What if those who were careful and thoughtful were killed, and the rest were afraid to rebel?

People in this world have not yet awakened their consciousness, so they have to give them some hope.

"The king who longs for his own rebellion, I should be the only one!"

Thinking of this, Han Chen laughed at himself.

Of course, what he longs for is the kind of positive rebellion, not the kind of form that tries to restore the past rule.

Two months later, a large-scale war broke out along the border.

In this war, the Holy Empire did not have any 12-winged angels from the beginning to the end. At most, there were six eight-winged angels. After being beheaded by Han Chen, the morale of the Holy Empire’s army suffered devastating Some fanatics fought desperately, and were later beheaded, while the rest chose to surrender.

Those who surrendered were mainly the identity of the cannon fodder.

After all, in a country, not everyone is a true believer. The Glory Vatican can calmly kill all those who refuse to believe in the gods, but the Holy Empire obviously cannot do this, because if you do so , Then it will definitely cause domestic deficits.

So they thought of another way, and that was to place people who would not believe in gods in those dangerous and difficult positions.

Especially in the death squad and cannon fodder in the military war.

After the angels were beheaded, these cannon fodder troops were the first to surrender.

The reason why the army of the Holy Empire had only more than 2 million people escaped was also because of the perversion of these people.

In this battle, the Holy Empire lost more than 1.7 million troops, and more than 2 million escaped, and the rest became prisoners.

The severely damaged Holy Empire was attacked by the surrounding Nether Empire, and another terrible war was fought on another border. The Great Qin Kingdom took the opportunity to seize a large area of ​​the Holy Empire, and the land area almost doubled. , The population has skyrocketed.

After seizing a large area of ​​land and population, Han Chen began to promise those people.

Among the 24 masters who had taken refuge in him in the first batch, 6 died in the development of wild areas and various battles, and the remaining 18 were all awarded as gods.

In addition to these 18 gods, 6 of Janet's loyal subordinates have been awarded as gods, and now there are 24 gods under Han Chen.

However, after they seized a large amount of land in the Holy Empire, the status of the Holy Sword Kingdom was very embarrassing.

Although the three-year armistice agreement has not yet ended, they have now faced a desperate situation.

Because when taking the land, Han Chen specially selected the land surrounding the Holy Sword Kingdom, so the Holy Sword Kingdom became a country within a country.

If they still talk about the armistice agreement that year, after the end of the armistice agreement, the entire kingdom will fall into destruction.

Therefore, the Pope of the Holy Sword Kingdom came to Han Chen to negotiate.

Negotiating on his knees.

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