All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1142: The popularization of artifacts...

The first thousand and forty-two chapters, the beginning of the popularization of artifacts

"Before we went to war with the Holy Empire, you did not make a statement, but considering the contrast between the Holy Empire and us, you did not send troops to assist the Holy Empire or provide them with war resources. This is already considered very sincere. Do it."

Han Chen said to the pope who was kneeling down, "So I can be very generous and keep half of the remaining land of the Holy Sword Kingdom, and this half of the land is the land centered on your kings. This is regarded as the armistice agreement being torn up. Make up for it!"

"Thank you for your grace!"

The pope knelt on the ground all the time.

"But there is one more thing to remind you."

Han Chen continued, "In my country, if you want to expand your diocese, you must do something for us, or provide resources, whether it’s soldiers’ resources, weapons, equipment, or food population. Yes, there is no problem in reclaiming wild areas. If you don’t do anything for this country for a long time, don’t blame me for using your remaining territory as a reward to others."

"Yes, Your Majesty, we will definitely work hard for your Majesty and serve the Great Qin State wholeheartedly."

The Holy Sword Pope is still prostrate on the ground.

"Well, you go down!"

Han Chen waved his hand, and the Pope retreated.

Janette looked at the Pope who was kneeling and leaving the hall, and looked at Han Chen with complicated eyes:

"Your Majesty, because many people often change their beliefs, they no longer believe in gods, and there are more and more such people. If this situation continues to develop, then they want to become God will become more and more difficult, and more and more dangerous."

If the power of faith is not enough, then risking becoming a **** is at best failure and serious injury.

But if the power of faith is not pure, then becoming a **** is in fatal danger.

This is why most people fail when they risk becoming a god.

This is why many people, even after becoming gods, will still be restrained by others and risk becoming gods.

Because of becoming a **** now, there is hope of a comeback in the future.

But if they never become gods, there will be no hope after they die.

However, now that many people and their objects of faith often change, the power of faith they provide is no longer pure, and has even become poisonous.

"What's your suggestion?" Han Chen said calmly.

"Now the fiefs provided by the master to those gods are all next to each other. If you want to expand the fief of a certain god, you must change a territory for him."

Janette drew on the map, "So I suggest that when planning fiefdoms in the future, it is best to be next to wild areas and border areas. Although such areas may arouse their dissatisfaction for a while, it must be in the long run. Cost-effective, after all, our territory will definitely continue to expand.

Moreover, this will also eliminate the disadvantages of impure power of faith provided by believers within the territory, and give them a large area that has just been developed, so that the land reward is justified, and the population is left to them. Go and develop by yourself. "

Han Chen looked at Janette with a playful look: "Why do you think I didn't think about it?"

"in case......"

Janet suddenly felt a chill from the soles of her feet, running along her back to the nape of her neck, making her like an ice cave.

Han Chen had already thought of this possibility?

Did he do this deliberately?

Are you kidding me?

What good is it for him? This is not conducive to a stable rule!

Not only is it not conducive to a stable notification, it is also very detrimental to opening up the territory.

"Gods seldom bestow divine tools or anger on their servants. That's because they need strength to protect themselves. I understand this. But now the Great Qin Kingdom does not allow civil wars, so they don’t now I need to protect myself. Of course, if I want to do something against them, even if they have some self-protection power, it will not help."

Han Chen took out the Earth Spear, which was the spear of the Earth when Janet became a god, "But it is different now. If they want to maintain their current rule, or if they want to go further, then It is necessary to make a contribution. The contribution of resources can maintain their current status, and only the contribution of credit can make them further.

Therefore, in this situation, there must be a **** who wants to give his subordinates their divine tools and let them go on to carry out the work of opening up the territory, so that even if the subordinates leave themselves and become new gods, according to my decision In the following rules, they will also receive large-scale rewards. "

Janette had not known how many times she was shocked by the host's various ideas.

"Lord, master, do you mean that you did this deliberately and the purpose of doing so is to obtain more artifacts, and even regard these artifacts as standing weapons in the hands of the generals who open up territory?"

She had anticipated what would happen next.

In the past, it seemed very tall and even taboo weapons that could harm gods. With Han Chen's series of policies, they will become standard weapons and become standard equipment for every general.

In this way, the majesty to the gods is simply a devastating blow.

"This matter is left to you."

Han Chen’s voice reached Janette’s ears, causing her spiritual world to tremble a bit, “Of course you can also directly reveal my plan, then I will accept the Holy Empire, the Nether Empire, and even more. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to win the battles of multiple middle-level gods or even higher-level gods, but I can guarantee that I can at least resolve you before I fail."

"Subordinates dare not!"

Janet knelt on the ground immediately, sweating unceasingly, "Subordinates are loyal to the master, and absolutely dare not have two hearts."

She no longer knows how many times she has been frightened by Han Chen. Of course, the reason she was frightened was also because of the special thoughts in her heart.

"Okay, if you are really loyal, you will choose to become a god."

Han Chen didn’t seem to mind Janette’s special thoughts at all. “But you have to understand one thing, that is that this world is huge and has endless resources. There are countless enemies waiting for us to conquer. If you If you have a special plan, you'd better wake up, but you can continue to accumulate your own power. After the territory of the Great Qin Kingdom continues to expand, you can continue to reward the gods in your fief."

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