All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1143: Tyrant Han Chen

The first thousand and forty-three chapters tyrant Han Chen

After being "accidentally" directed by Janette, some new gods have begun to give their own artifacts to their men.

Because after they became gods, they lost the function of opening up territory.

However, if they rest on their laurels, they will sooner or later be eliminated by the trend of the times. After all, Han Chen already has nearly 30 gods, and even a few of them will not matter.

The only thing that made these newly become gods feel uncomfortable is that the gods who used to be high in their eyes have turned into a position that can be used to reward his subordinates in Han Chen.

The golden period of land reclamation is over, but the work of land reclamation is even more in full swing.

Because there is also competition between gods, if you want to become stronger, if you want to get out of Han Chen's control, you must gain more faith.

Therefore, as the number of gods continues to increase, they pay more and more attention to the work of land reclamation.

However, if we want to open up wasteland, we should not only attach importance to the military, but to attach importance to the economy, people's livelihood, and culture, and improve the strength of the territory in all directions.

In this environment, the commerce of the Great Qin Kingdom has never been prosperous.

However, in this process, people's awe of gods has become less and less.

Now that the gods are about to become a managerial position under Han Chen, how much can you expect those people to respect the gods?

But for those who do not believe in gods, Han Chen's approach is also very simple.


[Anyone from the Great Qin Kingdom, if they are in the fief of a certain god, they must believe in the gods where they are located. If they refuse, then they must be exiled to undeveloped wild areas. Since you don’t want to believe in gods, Then don't live in a place controlled by the gods. 】

After such a decree was issued, it caused dissatisfaction among countless people.

Of course, most people will still choose to agree, even if they are not convinced, they must at least pretend to be submissive.

But there are still many people who resolutely set foot on the road of pioneering the wild.

It even caused a trend of land reclamation by more than one million people. In order to prevent being affected by the iron hoof of the Great Qin Kingdom, they directly ventured into the depths of the wild.

They have already lost a third of their population before reaching their destination.

However, they finally overcame the difficulties, established a new home here, and then worked hard to overthrow the tyrant Han Chen as their lifelong ideal.

Therefore, a group of so-called popes rushed to the palace where Han Chen was located.

"Your Majesty, this matter must never be done! Never let them out."

"If such a precedent is set, more and more people will refuse to believe in gods."

"These people have been initially out of the control of our Great Qin State. If they become a climate in the future, they will definitely become a confidant of my Great Qin State."

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"Please send your troops to kill all those who do not respect the gods."

Looking at the popes who knelt to the ground, Han Chen sneered.

"How do I do it, do I need you to teach it?"

The popes who knelt on the ground were all miserable.

Over 5 million people have been lost during this period, and these people have all been lost from their territories.

We must know that even people who do not believe in gods can at least make a certain contribution to the development of their territory.

Now that these people are directly exiled, who is going to develop people's livelihood?

"Your thoughts one by one, don't think I don't know."

Han Chen said with a cold face, "I issued an order last month, saying that we are going to take the initiative to launch an attack on the Holy Empire, and let you send your own soldiers and kings. As a result, all the soldiers you send are all cannon fodder troops. If you refuse to believe in the heresy of gods, what do you think I don’t know?"

The popes showed embarrassment on their faces.

A month ago, Han Chen did say that he was going to attack the Holy Empire, but in the end the war was not over.

Because they all want to keep their elite troops and make their elite troops better.

But everyone wants to retain their talents, so what is the army sent to King Qin?

Therefore, when the army is assembled, the proportion of the regular army is less than 1/3.

Because they were wrong in this matter first, when Han Chen took this matter as an issue, of course they did not dare to refute it.

"I tell you that the reason why I gave this order is to set up an opponent for you. You are all helped by the gods behind you. If you have the help and protection of the gods, the people will not be able to eat and wear. , So that they can live peacefully, what is the use of you gods?"

Han Chen shouted sharply, "People go to high places, and water flows to low places. Do you think I don't know why those people venture to go to wild areas? Is it really because they don't want to believe in gods? No, they can't live. They would rather venture deep into the wilderness than become the cannon fodder under your hands."

The look on these popes' faces became even more embarrassing.

Because these people stay in their territory, they will indeed be consumed as cannon fodder in the future. In the past, they could use some deceiving methods to deceive them, but now, as the commerce within the Great Qin State becomes more and more circulating, People's news is getting better and better.

As the human horizon expands, they can also foresee their future.

Why go deep into the wild areas? Because they are not willing to provide faith for the gods, they must be used as cannon fodder in the battle of the gods.

In order to survive, people will stimulate very powerful potential.

Therefore, they would rather go to wild areas to take risks, go to those insignificant places to build their new homes, than become cannon fodder troops.

"The reason why I expelled them is also to give you a reminder."

Han Chen said coldly, "These people have no gods, no support, and no resources from a country. If they can grow to a level stronger than you, then you can all die. I believe that there are definitely not a few people who want to become gods. If the nerves behind you are not willing to be gods, I can change the group."

Han Chen's blunt words made the popes kneeling on the ground shiver.

This was something they had never thought of before. As the spokesperson of the gods in the world, they could be so humble.

And the last sentence is a straightforward threat.

If the gods behind you don't want to be gods, change another group.

Is this still the benevolent monarch who gave orders not to easily slaughter civilians?

This is simply a tyrant!

In the eyes of such a tyrant, what are the gods who were once aloof!

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