All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1150: Salvation

"It's a miserable picture."

Han Chen shook his head gleefully.

Janet: "..."

I did not see anything! This talented and roughly founding monarch of the Great Qin Kingdom is absolutely impossible to look like this, the one just here is absolutely fake.

She did not expect that a founding monarch who started from war would do such a thing with a playful mentality.

"Do you think this is a joke?"

Han Chen pointed to the archbishop who fought bravely but was finally overwhelmed by crowds and finally died innocently. "Do you really think this is a joke?"

Janet was stunned.

Is this a joke?

An archbishop who was loyal to the God of Light was beaten to death by the distrust of the believers. Is this really a ridiculous thing?

Even from a hostile position, this is still a tragedy.

"In order to provide the people with the power of faith, these churches deliberately lowered people's IQ and prevented their wisdom from being developed, but they would not let these people really be in a primitive state of ignorance and ignorance. Need to control a balance."

Han Chen said, "All gods who follow the path of faith are like this. Their greatest enemy is the truth. The thing they fear most is that people control the truth. It is difficult for human beings who have obtained the truth to truly believe in gods, because there are everywhere. It's all because of the gods, so everyone has maintained such a tacit understanding with each other.

But if there is a person who breaks this tacit understanding, and the disruptor uses human ignorance to start cheating, it will lead to a disaster.

If you want to follow my path in the future, or go further on my path, you must understand this truth.

The rules established by the gods are just to serve ourselves, and we can do the same.

It's just that the rules they establish are to maintain the current rule, and the rules you will create in the future must also be in line with your own rule. "

Janet suddenly had a bad feeling.

Why would Han Chen suddenly explain these things to himself?

Why should he teach himself this knowledge?

Isn't it good for him to master this knowledge alone?

Then he is really not afraid that he will replace him in the future?

This chaotic scene lasted for a while, and finally subsided with the fall of the archbishop. Although some bishops of the Holy Empire were very puzzled about this matter, they all chose to sit on the sidelines, because sacrificing an archbishop to quell popular grievances Very cost-effective thing.

The people of the Holy Empire organized these believers again, but the firm belief in the hearts of these believers has been shaken.

Even those whose faith has not wavered, but for those who promote their faith, they have begun to report suspicion.

After all, there was an archbishop who fooled everyone first, and then sent over to take over them, and the possibility of calling and organizing them was false.

So this caused a lot of trouble to the bishops and soldiers.

At least let them spend more energy to appease and suppress these mobs.

After finally pacifying these people, the war broke out.

However, Han Chen didn't participate too much in this war. Anyway, it was just a time-delayed war, a war to buy time for the main force of the Holy Empire.

While the war was in full swing, Janette took a large number of people to the territory of the Holy Empire.

"I didn't expect to be able to do this kind of thing."

Janette took a deep breath, astonished at Han Chen's bold ideas.

This secretly acting team came to the area controlled by the Holy Empire, killed the church missionaries in those villages, and then changed, everyone put on the costume of the bishop.

Then they began to worry about the people.

"We are the messengers of the great and benevolent God of Light, and we are here to convey the grace and glory of the God of Light."

In a square that is only used for major gatherings, Janette began to give a speech to everyone, “The benevolent and great God of Light, can’t bear to see all beings plunged into the dire life, so he sent us here. Give everyone eternal relief."

"My lord is merciful!"

Countless devout believers knelt to the ground, showing a look of compassion, and even tears of excitement were shed in the eyes of many people.

They have always firmly believed in the God of Light, and now their faith has finally been rewarded.

After all, not everyone’s faith is unconditional. The reason why they believe in gods is also because they can obtain spiritual liberation in their faith.

Under Janet's instructions, her men took out some wooden plaques and distributed them to everyone.

"This is a decree of atonement made by the great and benevolent God of Light. It can bring eternal liberation to everyone who is born with sin. It can wash away all the sins on you, so that after your death, everyone All souls can ascend to heaven."

These fanatical believers burst into cheers.

They think this is a reward for their pious beliefs.

"Now, everyone is coming up to receive a redemption order."

Under Janet's command, people began to swarm up, lined up to take these tokens away, and then held them in their palms as if they were treasures.

Seeing everyone holding these tokens carved from ordinary wood, but looking like treasures one by one, Janette sighed in her heart.

However, Han Chen's order, she must obey.

"Your soul is destined to ascend to the kingdom of heaven, so you don't need to be affected by external matter. You should present all the external things you have. This is also the way you use to obtain salvation."

Janet gave an order, these devout believers holding ordinary tokens, and then returned to their homes, handed over all the family's belongings and food, even the kitchen utensils and farm tools are the same, and They all looked happy when they turned in.

Seeing that she had obtained a large amount of supplies so easily, Janette felt entangled in her heart.

Although it was known in the past that these fanatical believers were the best to deceive, she did not expect that there would be such operations as pretending to be **** messengers.

Of course, this is also because the people who did this were basically killed.

People who can pretend to be the spokesperson of the gods in the world, and have not been beaten to death, basically do not need to do such a thing.

Is it difficult for these people to obtain official status?

Janette, who had obtained a lot of supplies, did not hesitate to abandon these fanatical believers, and then went to the next village to continue the promotion.

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