All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1151: deceive

Following the past of Janet’s propaganda from one village to another, their actions finally attracted the attention of the Holy Empire official, so a large army was sent to encircle them.

But this is destined to be a fruitless thing.

Of those believers who have contributed everything, some are at home waiting for death in peace, while others are driven by hunger to ask for food from the legions of the Holy Empire.

The actions of these believers aroused the anger of the Holy Empire.

"You gave all your things to the enemy, and you still have the face to ask us for things."

So the legions of the Holy Empire did not hesitate to slaughter these believers.

During the march of the army, supply has always been a very difficult task. Therefore, when many legions are engaged in wars, they will collect materials from the local people along the way. Now these people not only don’t provide them with materials. On the contrary, they asked for their support.

Since these people are no longer useful, just kill them directly.

This can also directly allow you to return to the Lord's embrace in advance.

Therefore, in the border areas, the Legion of the Holy Empire had not yet fought against the Great Qin Kingdom, and took the lead in carrying out a massacre on its followers.

On the contrary, the army of the Great Qin Kingdom, after receiving a large amount of supplies, no longer worry about the issue of supplies.

At this time, Janette came to Han Chen worriedly.

"Master, I have never questioned the master's decision, but the master's behavior this time still puzzles me."

"What's the confusion?" Han Chen frowned.

"Although our actions have eased the pressure of the rear supply and weakened the other party, in my opinion, the long-term impact of such behavior on ourselves is far greater than that of the enemy."

Janet analyzed, "The Holy Empire is a country where the power of God is greater than anything else. All things of the people belong to the gods, so even if such behavior is exposed, it will have no effect, because even if the gods claim their lives, they You must also pay.

But our Great Qin Kingdom is different. Our Great Qin Kingdom is a kingdom where the power of a monarch is greater than that of the gods, and we have more than 30 gods in our kingdom. There are also open and secret struggles between different gods, so once such behavior is made public , Or being known by many people, will certainly cause many to follow suit, because they can use deception to obtain property from other people’s territory. "

To be able to obtain wealth in a simpler and easier way, then why work so hard to accumulate?

Therefore, once such a method of deception is made public, it is Daqin that suffers the most.

Because the Holy Empire originally meant that all the wealth of all people belonged to the gods, such a method did not make any sense to them.

Even if the other party had learned such a method, he would be able to obtain supplies from the Great Qin Kingdom.

Now that Han Chen's absolute strength is suppressing, otherwise the Holy Empire might have already retaliated.

"Oh? Tell me, if there are many imitators, will it have a big impact on the credibility of the church or the monarch?"

Han Chen asked with interest.

This is what he admired Janet the most.

She clearly knows that every decision she makes may seem unbelievable in a short time, but after a period of time it will show a very amazing effect, but she will still question it.

It's not that she is loyal and wants to correct mistakes for her master.

But for her, understanding the meaning behind Han Chen's order is also a kind of growth for her.

Even if Han Chen is not pleased, she will continue to grow.

"Of course... Thank you, Master, for understanding."

Janet looked like she was stunned and thanked Han Chen.

It turned out that Han Chen's actions were deliberate, because there would have been a collision between the power of the monarch and the power of the gods.

The contradiction between the two sides has not broken out yet, but it will happen sooner or later.

Because the Great Qin Kingdom is now in a stage of rapid expansion, everyone needs to coexist peacefully and unanimously outside.

But when all the benefits of rewards are divided, various domestic conflicts will burst out. In order to compete for the prestige in the hearts of the people, the gods will definitely begin to challenge the power of the monarch.

Even if they didn't dare at first, they had to do it.

Because this world is originally a world where the weak eat the strong, and this is a world where the fittest will survive the fittest, and those who refuse to be aggressive will be eliminated by the times.

Actually you don't know...

Han Chen said silently in his heart.

His actions like this are indeed weakening the prestige of the gods, but this is not for himself, because if he really wants to rule the world, then with his power, there is no need to use these little tricks.

As long as he is in power for one day, then all the gods dare not make waves.

But since he is looking for a new path, then this path must get rid of dependence on himself.

A system that requires the absolute force of the strong to be able to maintain it, so why do you want it?

Of course, there is another reason, that is, even if the place is broken, he can leave as soon as possible, so his level of expectation for the accident is higher.

With sufficient supplies, the battlefield on the front line is in full swing.

Although Han Chen did not continue to shoot, but on the contrary, it made the people of Daqin more happy.

Because it means that their supreme monarch no longer robs them of credit, so they can get more merits, and then get more benefits.

So even if many of them have begun to despise the current status of the gods, once there is a chance to make merit, they will still **** like crazy.

The army of the Holy Empire retreats steadily, and the army of the Great Qin State keeps advancing.

After such a battle lasted for more than a month, the main force of the Holy Empire finally arrived late.

Han Chen's gaze projected to the distant void, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It took such a long time to rush over. It really is because it takes more preparations to descend on enough angel legions, but what he didn't expect You can count on me so much."

In his gaze, countless angels shining with the holy past are rushing towards him.

Because of the lack of power of faith, the arrival of angels is a very troublesome thing here, especially angels with powerful power.

And this time the angel army responsible for encircling Han Chen and encircling the Great Qin Kingdom is not only the angels of the Holy Empire family, but some of them are the angels of the Nether Empire, mixed in the army of the Holy Empire.

And in Han Chen's perception, more angels with powerful auras are coming.

"The upper god, sure enough, also shot."

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