All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1153: Free spirit...

Han Chen knew that after his spiritual realm improved, he already had the power to see through the heart, or the power to feel the heart.

This is not the same thing as mind reading, but a kind of open-mindedness after seeing through people's hearts.

His realm has reached a whole new level, and everyone's thoughts are in his eyes like ordinary people's swordsmanship in his eyes.

The actor in the eyes of others is nothing but a child's naughty lying in his eyes.

The reason why he kept Janet by his side was not because he never met someone as good as Janet again, or because he missed old feelings.

But because Janette never gave up his ambition to replace him.

This ambition is exactly what he expected.

At this moment, he felt sadness from these angels. Although the illusion of these angels' tears has disappeared, those sad feelings still linger in Han Chen's heart.

It’s not that he has never seen someone who is sad. Although many people’s hearts are filled with faith and will not feel sad even if their loved ones leave, there are still many people who regard their loved ones as more important than life. I was very sad when I left.

But even the sadness of the departed family members is only temporary.

There are many people in Huaxia who ignore their lives for the sake of their parents, but there are too few people who have died of grief because of their parents' departure.

One is because those who die are for those who survive, and the second is that there is a limit to grief.

But Han Chen felt a sadness engraved in the soul in these angels. This sadness felt like human desire and instinct, even deeper than desire and instinct.

This level of sadness, even if it was only perceived from a distance, made Han Chen almost cry.

Han Chen thought that he had seen through the whole life and could be indifferent to the joys and sorrows of ordinary people, but he is still affected.

Otherwise, he could also cut off this feeling forcibly, but that would lose its meaning.

What he has to do is not to cut, but to face.

"Why are these angels crying, why are they sad from the soul?"

Han Chen just thought for a few seconds, and quickly found the answer.

"So this is ah!"

He suddenly thought of Remilia and Vivian in the realm of God, as well as a group of angels, including the holy lord of the angel race.

While in the realm of God, the earth took a dangerous path.

At that time, only the Lord of the Stars was willing to support the earth, and even bet on the entire Point Star Palace, and the future of the earth was like a storm.

But at this time, the Angel Race violated its position uncharacteristically.

Maybe their help to the earth is not as direct as Dianxingdian, but it is definitely not a lot.

If it is the Lord of the Stars who helps the earth and has his own selfishness, then it seems that there is no benefit to the angel race to help the earth.

The angel race has already stood at the pinnacle of the gods, with special privileges, and even an exclusive holy land.

Regardless of whether the future of the earth is glorious or ruined, the status of the angels will not be affected.

But they still chose to help the earth, and even gave themselves a dagger that could break all barriers, giving Han Chen a chance to take out that thing.

In the beginning, Han Chen also doubted the angel race, after all, there is no idiot lunch in the world.

But after the angel tribe attacked the **** of the glorious Vatican at any cost, Han Chen felt that even if the angel tribe wanted something from him, as long as it didn't affect China's future, he didn't need to be stingy.

Even if it is to fight for his own life, it is not impossible.

Now at this moment, he has found the answer.

"Every life longs for freedom, and perhaps each life has a different definition of freedom, but the essence of longing for freedom will not disappear. Even those who have contributed their beliefs to the gods have lost their spiritual freedom. , But in essence they just yearn for spiritual relief."

"Then which race in the world is most eager for freedom? Is it Human? Maybe it is! But Human ambition is really too great. Power, beauty, wealth, food, achievement, etc. have all kinds of desires. Occupying the human heart, even for many people, freedom has become a bargaining chip for exchange, even those who sacrifice freedom and become slaves of wealth."

"Only when the spiritual realm reaches a certain level and can see through the nature of wealth and power, will we understand what is the most valuable thing."

"But there is also such a special race, that is, the angel race. Some of the angel races originally came from humans, and some came from other races. These angels have dedicated everything in their hearts before they can become gods. Angel's."

"They have given up everything they have, and they have also lost everything. When they lose everything, including their feelings, they will understand what they desire most in their hearts."

"Therefore, angels are the closest beings to gods, and the ones that desire freedom the most."

In Han Chen’s eyes, these beings who stretch their wings are no longer angels who spread their wings and soar freely. Instead, their souls are blocked, their feelings are beheaded, and even their freedom of consciousness is completely deprived. The whole soul becomes a pitiful existence of a puppet.

These angels who have become puppets don't even know what freedom is, but this has become the only desire in their souls.

When I help you lose everything, you will understand what is the most precious thing.

Even if you have forgotten even the most precious things, they will still be engraved in your soul, and you will never forget them anyway.

"I am really a double-standard dog!"

Han Chen laughed at himself, then picked up the sword of the night demon.

But this time he picked up the sword of the night demon, no longer to kill these angels, but to try some idea in his heart.

"In my whole life, I don't mention the killing in God's Domain. Even in the real world, the number of killings is not too small. However, to me, killing has always been a means, not an end."

Han Chen’s sword of the night demon flashed with gloomy light, “For me, the meaning of power is to protect. Without the power of this meaning, there will be no value. If my power can really echo me My heart, then, the sword in my hand should also be able to achieve my heart’s wish."

The sword of the night demon gleaming with gloom, slashed down, and shuttled through the body of an angel.

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