All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1154: Cut off the constrained one...


The members of the Angel Army focused on Han Chen's body.

At the moment when Han Chen just shot, his figure was also exposed.

Faced with this sudden appearance of the enemy, the first reaction of the Angel Legion should be to take the opponent down, or directly kill the opponent.

But at this moment, they have no desire to do it.

The gleaming sword of the night demon passed through the angel's body, but the angel's life did not die out.

Han Chen's face was a little pale, and it was obvious that cutting out the sword just now was a lot of consumption for him.

But there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his unique perspective, the sword he just used cut off the connection between the angel and the god, not just the angel who just appeared, but everything he was doing.

The power of this sword seemed to penetrate the void.

All the angels present, a certain constraint on their bodies seemed to be all dissolved at this moment.

The angels looked at Han Chen. Originally, their task should be to kill him, but when the constraints on them disappeared, they no longer had to accept the instructions of the gods.

"Go and do what you want to do!"

Han Chen left a word, and then his body disappeared into the void.

The free angels looked at each other, their eyes filled with confusion.

They only needed to obey the will of the gods in the past, because they were just high-level puppets in the past, and now they were suddenly free, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

They did not speak, nor did they make any movements.

It's just that in their minds, they seem to be recalling something.

At this moment, nameless connections began to descend on them.

They feel their bodies and souls, as if to return to the control of a certain existence.

"No, we don't want it!"

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of an angel, and then his body and soul began to burn at the same time. I don't know why he was afraid of this feeling, but the feeling engraved in the depths of his soul made him sacrifice his life. And the soul must also stop.

"I will not fall back into control."

An angel turned into a white flame, then the whole body disappeared in the holy light, and then the second and third place.

As angels burned their bodies and souls one after another, invisible power descended directly on the life of the gods along the connection between them and the gods.

"You promised to give us the liberation of our souls, but when we ascended to the Kingdom of God, you bound our souls and turned our souls into your puppets. You deceived us."

A female angel screamed into the sky.

Her cry turned into the most vicious curse, turning her life and soul into curse power, and then descended into the kingdom of God.

The **** behind the angel spit out a mouthful of blood.

The power of this curse is directly acting on its soul, and even the gods cannot stop it.

One angel after another turned to ashes, but no angel fell under the control of the gods again, because they had lost everything and now they had only freedom.

This hard-won freedom is worthy of their lives to defend.

I don't know how long it took. After the angel army was injured more than 1/3, all the angels stopped burning their souls and bodies.

Because the gods behind them are already busy offsetting the power of the curse, and now there is no way to punish them.

The angel who had just fallen into confusion now suddenly found the meaning of existence.

"As long as the gods still overlook this world, we will never be free."

An angel uttered his own cry, and then immediately received the echo of all the angels.

They are all people who have lost everything. They have lost their bodies, they have lost their emotions, they have lost their minds, and they still have faith in the past, but when they became puppets of the gods, they even lost their faith because the gods gave Theirs is not what they want.

Now these high gods still want to control them again.

These angels, who had just gained freedom, have now found their meaning.

That is to fight to the end for their hard-won freedom.

"As long as all the believers of the gods are killed, the gods who are above them will also fall."

Angels are the closest beings to gods, they are servants who serve gods, and of course they also know the existence of gods best. They know the weaknesses of gods.

So these angels began to act one after another, looking for followers of the gods they served.

Han Chen's sword cut off the constraints on them and the contractual relationship between them and the gods, but it did not cut off the deepest connection between them and the gods.

Therefore, these angels who serve the gods are able to sense those who provide faith for the gods.

"Kill, kill all those who believe in gods!"

The Angel Legion, which was still conquering Han Chen, suddenly turned to each other and began to massacre believers. Some angels left the Holy Empire and went to their own kingdom.

Believers of their gods are not here.

"It's an angel!"

The people of the Holy Empire saw the angels descend on the world, and their eyes showed excitement. They knelt on the ground, and then kissed the ground under their feet.

Those who have never heard the voices of gods in their entire lives, those who have never seen the faces of angels in their entire lives, at the first sight of angels, they recalled those records in religious texts, so everyone got it. The peace of mind, because of their pious beliefs, countless years of prayers have finally been answered.

"When people are in distress, when the empire is in distress, the benevolent and great God of Light will descend on angels to save this filthy world."

"Angels are the closest beings to gods and servants who serve gods."

"Angels have descended in this world. All the darkness in this world will be driven away by angels, and we will have eternal happiness."

"This is the blessing of the God of Light, this is the gift of the Lord."

"Anyone who devoutly believes in the great God of Light, after we die, our souls will ascend to heaven and be with the gods."

"Great angel! I am the most loyal believer of the God of Light. Please take my soul away and let me use the rest of my life to serve the Lord forever."

The people who saw the angels all had tears in their eyes.

However, these angels waved the holy light in their hands silently, and then fell.

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