All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1155: I give you freedom

When these angels shed holy light, the people with loyal faith all showed a happy look.

This is the blessing of angels, this is the blessing of gods.

However, the next moment.

The bodies of countless people were directly cut off.

"Ah! Why is it like this!"

"Ah! The great God of Light! Why did your angel attack your people?"

"No, they are not angels, they are demons."

When a part of the people were beheaded, they thought that those who were beheaded were those who were not strong in faith, but when more and more people were slaughtered by these angels, they finally couldn't contain the panic in their hearts.

The survival instinct can make them run away in embarrassment.

They don't understand why things turn out to be like this. They don't understand why these angels attacked themselves. Are these outward angels actually demons in essence?

No, they don't believe it.

They don't understand either.

Some people still knelt on the ground because they couldn't believe the facts before them, until death came.

But there are also many people whose beliefs are not strong enough. At this moment, their beliefs collapsed suddenly.

It is obviously a messenger sent to the world by the benevolent Lord, why would they wield a butcher knife against these devout believers? Why kill them.

"Why, is it possible that the great God of Light no longer protects his people?"

A believer whose faith has collapsed shouted hoarsely. His faith has collapsed and his spirit has collapsed. Even if the angels who are killing people are about to descend in front of him, there is no look of fear in his eyes, because there is no What is more terrifying than the collapse of faith.

For them, faith is the meaning of their life.

Everyone’s spirit has a limit to endure. When this limit comes, no matter how strong people are, they will collapse.

The holy and beautiful angel aimed at him with the sword in his hand, but at this moment, a confused look appeared in the angel's eyes.

"He, why doesn't he kill me?"

This believer whose faith had collapsed was a little confused, and then he watched the angel pass by his side and continued to hunt down the devout believers.

"Freedom, when you believe in gods, your soul has already lost freedom."

While causing the killing, the angel muttered to himself, "I have obtained the freedom of my soul now. Let me bring you liberation now."

This tragic massacre continues, and the Angel Legion continues to slaughter people who believe in gods.

Countless people chose to kneel down and pray to the gods when you were in danger. Without exception, these people were cleaned up by the angel army.

On the contrary, those whose beliefs have collapsed, or those whose beliefs were not firm, have escaped this time.

"These angels don’t have much wisdom yet. All they want to do now is to protect their own freedom. But while protecting their own freedom, they are trying their best to protect the freedom of others, or instinctively. Want to bring freedom to others."

Han Chen was able to perceive the thoughts of these angels. Using these angels' thoughts was too simple and simple. It was simply writing his inner thoughts on his face.

These angels originally chose to slaughter these believers in order to deal with the gods, but when they saw these believers, they found that they were in the same situation as themselves, or once themselves, so they wanted to bring them to each other. relief.

But they don't know what to do, because all they can do is kill.

So they follow their inner instincts and use killing to solve the problem.

"But these angels don’t know what freedom means. For them, it’s better to die than to continue to believe in gods. So they impose this concept on others. They don’t think they are killing. , On the contrary, he thinks he is helping people to liberate."

Seeing this, Han Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

For the death of ordinary people, it is now difficult for him to cause too many waves.

It has nothing to do with his spiritual realm, mainly because he has seen more.

After having experienced enough in God's Domain, it is really difficult to be touched by the death of some people who have nothing to do with him.

Only the departure of the people close to him and the people he cares about can have some impact on him.

So he now looks at the life and death of ordinary people, and sees the tragedy in the world below, but from the perspective of God, he feels that this scene should not happen.

From the perspective of the mind. Of course these angels are not wrong. For them, they don't know how to bring others the same relief as themselves.

But to impose one's own ideas on others is inherently stupid.

But no one will stand up and accuse these angels of their stupidity.

For these believers, living in this cruel world is an instinctive thing to find spiritual relief, so even believing in gods is justified.

After all, the way of faith also has its own positive side.

Of course it is not good for the way of faith to develop to its extreme, but everything must have a process.

The killing of angels continues, and more and more believers who are not strong enough in their beliefs have collapsed. Those believers with strong beliefs even have the courage to fight these angels. Of course, these people have a miserable end and become angels. Under the sword of the dead soul.

The commotion caused by the Angel Legion has become more and more influential.

The Pope of the Holy Empire received instructions from the gods and began to dispatch a large army to encircle and suppress these angels. Of course, the angels originally represented the top combat power in the world, so the role of those large army was very small, even some members of the army. , Seeing the angel involuntarily put down the weapon.

"We are believers in the God of Light. These angels are the messengers of the gods. Why should we fight against the messengers of the gods?"

Many soldiers questioned their hearts.

The pope shouted hoarsely: "These angels have turned their backs on the gods. They have turned to the embrace of evil. They are no longer loyal servants of the gods. They have fallen and become messengers of the devil. We must represent the great God of Light. Give these fallen angels the harshest punishment."

These soldiers will be suspicious. Some people choose to believe the words of the pope and take up their weapons and want to fight these angels. Some people put down their weapons and knelt down in front of these angels.

These angels don't know what to do. Maybe their IQ is not low, but their past has become a blank. Without past experience as material, IQ can't be used.

The battle between the two sides is about to break out.

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