All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1162: Golden age

The implementation of the Tweet Order made more people with lofty ideals crazy.

If in the past their credits would still be taken away by their superiors, now with the fact of the Tweet Order, they can openly discount the king's will and directly ask for rewards from their superiors.

If high-level gods are unwilling to give them rewards, they will leave a reputation for merit but not reward.

So instead of rejecting them directly, it is better to use another order in Han Chen's Tweet Order.

"The higher-level gods can spread their faith in the territories of the lower-level gods, but they are not allowed to cause conflicts. You can place more than one idol in the local temple, but it is not allowed to use the form of express prohibition, and believers are forbidden to worship those lower-level gods. Gods."

Since there was no way to stop it, they had no choice but to make a fuss about this order.

When high-level idols and low-level idols are placed in a temple, how many people go to worship high-level idols or low-level idols?

This is an obvious thing.

As a result, conflicts broke out again between the higher-level gods and the lower-level gods in order to fight for belief, but the conflict that broke out this time was not just a **** conflict.

When they started various open and secret fights in order to compete for the faith of the people, they ignored one thing.

That is, for the people, it doesn't matter who the gods are.

Nowadays, for the people of the Great Qin Kingdom, although the law clearly stipulates that everyone must believe in gods, otherwise they will be sent to the frontiers, but the faith here is no longer the whole-hearted faith of the past, but somewhat like Incense gods.

It is not enough to reach the point of "believe a little without money anyway", but for the people, the concept of gods is already higher than the specific gods.

Now people are not so much as contributing to their faith as they are contributing to incense.

It is not so much to dedicate everything to the gods as to thank the gods for their contributions to the development of the region. This is an incense based on gratitude and trust.

The authority of the gods has been weakened again, and the image of the gods has been changed again.

The proportion of mad believers born is decreasing, but the number of true believers is becoming more and more.

When the fanatics and true believers in the Holy Empire were sent to the frontiers to open up wasteland, some people had already experienced the joy of labor, and the lost true self was recovering and awakening.

The mental outlook of the entire Great Qin State has been changed once again.

Because it is now possible to blatantly fight for power, countless talents have begun to emerge, and the whole country has once again become prosperous.

This is an age of heroes, this is an age of pioneering and enterprising.

Countless heroes have left their names in this era, and many heroes and heroes have also fallen here, but their spiritual will has encouraged generations of people.

Of course, this is a story, but it is true that heroes are prone to appear in the pioneering age.

Those heroes who are eager to move forward and eager to climb higher mountains no longer regard becoming gods as their goal. Those who are truly ambitious want to become like Han Chen who can determine the life and death of gods.

In the nine months after the execution of the Tweet Order of the Alien Edition, Han Chen had to canonize a chief official every month, and directly canonize more than 80% of the territory.

This aroused the madness of more people, because it meant getting farther and farther away from Han Chen.

No one wants to really stay and do things under Han Chen's hands, except for people like Janette.

The territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in the palace.

"Master! What is your order?"

Janet knelt in front of Han Chen who suddenly appeared, showing her loyalty.

The thoughts in her heart are no longer important, because she knows that she should not rebel.

She knew that in front of this terrible monarch, once she did anything that made him unsatisfactory, then the only thing left to meet her was destruction.

Even if he has become a big boss, mastering the endless territory, there are already more than 200 gods under his hand, but there is still no proud capital in front of Han Chen.

Because the current situation was created by this terrifying existence.

The current system of the Great Qin Kingdom was supported by Han Chen.

"Janet, you are the person who has been with me the longest time, and the person who has learned the most from me. If I leave this world, you may be the person who has the best chance to inherit my position." Han Chen Suddenly said.

"Your Majesty is full of prosperity, even if those stupid gods are dissatisfied with your Majesty, those gods cannot threaten your majesty's status and life."

Janet was full of panic when he heard that Han Chen was about to get this world right away.

At first, she thought that if Han Chen was no longer in this world, she should have a chance to replace Han Chen, but she also understood that this road was too difficult.

Without Han Chen, what would she do to fight with those upper gods?

"Don't panic, I mean leaving, not not coming back."

Han Chen shook his head, "I know that if the current Great Qin State loses me, then the current system will fall apart in an instant, and even become fragmented in just a few months. Although your abilities are not bad, this is not It may turn the tide in such a situation."

Janet did not refute, because she knew that what Han Chen said was the truth.

"Before I leave, I will remove some threats for you. As long as you don’t make some stupid decisions, at least you can save your life in the coming troubled times. As for where you can grow in the future, you can only It's up to you."

Janette just wanted to say something, but was stopped by Han Chen.

"The decision I make never needs the support and rebuttal of others, because no one’s support will make me happy, you will not let my decision change, and those who refute me can only usher in destruction, so Before my decision, anyone can only accept it, and you are no exception."

"What I have to do in this world is almost done, and the rest does not require me to interfere too much. I come to remind you, just because I hope to see some surprises and surprises from you, But it does not mean that I have admitted you."

As he said, Han Chen's figure became more and more faint, "You still have one month to prepare. This best era is about to end."

"Yes, my master!"

Janet looked at the place where Han Chen's figure disappeared, and a strong reluctance suddenly emerged in her heart.

She suddenly realized that this might be the last time she saw Han Chen.

She doesn't know what will happen in the future, but she knows that the barrier that has been protecting herself is gradually disappearing, and she will be in a turbulent current, struggling in the boundless future.

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