All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1163: Repeated names of gods

"Light, darkness, earth, flames, ice and snow, sky, holy sword, war, there should be eight true gods of faith in this world. If other gods want to ignite the fire and become gods, they must come from among the 8 upper gods. Choose one of the names, you cannot choose a name other than the upper god."

"If you don't obey, only destruction will meet them."

"When a brand-new **** is born and chooses the name of the upper **** as their **** name, they will form a special connection with the upper god. After the connection between the two parties is finally established, their future development will also It's under the control of the upper gods."

Han Chen's eyes seemed to see the flow of the power of faith, and the power of faith in countless people was continuously gathering towards the gods of the Great Qin Kingdom.

Otherwise, what is different from the past is that the power of the previous faith may damage one's own soul, but these powers of faith have rarely reached the level of damage to one's own soul.

Although the power of such belief is relatively weak, it is more pure.

This is also the conclusion that Han Chen came to through observation during this period.

The power of faith is not purely harmless to the gods. If the power of faith is mixed with negative emotions, it will form a curse, but if the power of faith is too strong, then the strong will contained in the power of faith will Have a certain impact on the soul of the gods.

This kind of influence is like a worm shaking a tree, and it is minimal at all.

But if such influence accumulates, it will gather sand into a sea.

The gods have eternal life, but under such a bit of change, the gods will get closer and closer to the gods described in their own classics.

At that time, the gods will lose their true self.

On the contrary, many people of the Great Qin Kingdom now believe in gods as they did on the earth, just out of awe of the nature of the heavens and the earth, or their gratitude for the land where everything grows and the city that protects the people. This belief The power of power has less influence on the gods.

Therefore, the gods of the Great Qin Kingdom are destined to "live longer" than other gods.

As for why other gods are unwilling to be on the road, it is because no matter how long your life is, if your power is not strong enough to be replaced, then life span will not matter.

Only by standing at the top of the food chain can you be qualified to pursue longevity.

Han Chen, who understood this, probably understood why the upper gods had to limit the names of the gods below.

Those middle-level gods and lower-level gods are like a filter. They draw a huge amount of faith from the people and absorb both beneficial and harmful substances.

However, because they used the name of the upper god, they also had a connection with the upper god.

This is just like the subordinate countries of the Celestial dynasty. After the small countries of Fanbang become the subordinate nations of the celestial dynasty, they will be blessed by the celestial dynasty, but they also have to pay tribute.

Of course, even if the Heavenly Dynasty does not provide them with protection, they must pay tribute.

It's my kindness that I don't send troops to attack you. Do you dare not pay protection money?

So using the same name means that these gods must provide tribute to the upper gods. Of course, what the upper gods need is the purest power of faith.

The power of this kind of belief is the belief filtered by filters like lower gods and middle gods. It appears extremely pure, and the burden on the soul of the gods will also be reduced.

Even this pure power of faith will alleviate the side effects brought about by those mixed powers of faith.

There is also a certain danger in this approach, which is to give the lower gods and the middle gods a chance to grow.

Therefore, the upper gods must ensure that they have sufficient leadership ability, that they have enough power to control those middle gods and lower gods, and then create the middle gods and lower gods as much as possible within their control. This way A delicate balance can be achieved.

There are very few wars between the upper gods, and even if there is a war, they usually lead a group of younger brothers to fight together, which is the so-called **** war.

Because once they start large-scale disputes with each other, they will weaken themselves, and then give those middle and lower gods a chance to grow.

So when they start a war, they will bring their subordinate gods with them, and they will weaken everyone together.

Han Chen even suspected that the so-called divine warfare was basically an excuse for the upper **** to weaken the subordinate god.

Anyway, the strong don't need to reason with the weak, and no explanation is needed.

When Daqin State was founded, it had already attracted the attention of the upper gods, but if Han Chen didn't have any chance of counterattack, he still needed some preparations to eliminate and cradle directly.

It's just that the last time the Angel Army encircled and suppressed, there was an accident that everyone could not imagine.

That was a situation that even Han Chen himself hadn't expected.

He can give relief to those angel legions.

This has led to a large number of angels staying in the human world and gaining freedom. Some angels have become weapons in the hands of others because they are not familiar with human life.

However, there are still some angels who study the human way of life, and then think back to the identity of being a human being.

After this happened, all the upper gods were afraid to attack Han Chen.

Otherwise, they would send an army of angels over, which would only cause trouble for themselves.

Didn't you see that the middle **** of the Holy Empire was killed by his own angel?

Until they figured out a solution to Han Chen's method, it was impossible to act rashly.

Of course, they didn't do nothing during this period of time. The eight high-ranking gods still dispatched troops secretly, and then sent some loyal ascetics into the Great Qin State, looking for opportunities to destroy the internal affairs of the Great Qin State.

But Han Chen didn't care about these things.

These methods, if they want to be effective, don’t know how many years will come. After all, for the gods who have eternal life, even if it takes hundreds or thousands of years to deal with a difficult one. Enemies are not uncommon.

But Han Chen would not give them time anymore.

As long as these high-ranking gods still maintain a high position, as long as they don't stay here all the time and always limit themselves to the status of the leader of the Great Qin Kingdom, then the world will return to its original state.

Therefore, before he leaves, this threat must be cut off.

"The seeds that changed the world have taken root and have now grown into small saplings. As for whether this small sapling can withstand the wind and rain, that is not something I can control."

"But at least, give the saplings a chance to grow."

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