All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1164: Challenge the upper gods

Dark Spirit Empire, the capital.

This is a huge city with a population of more than 300 million. This is a prosperous city to the extreme.

However, humans are not dominant here.

The Dark Spirit Empire, although the name is also an empire, but compared to the empire that worships middle gods like the Holy Empire, it is not known how much stronger.

The population of the entire empire has exceeded 500 billion, which is a terrible number.

Because they worshipped the **** of darkness.

However, in this empire with a population of 500 billion people, it is the Dark Spirit Race that dominates. After all, the Dark God of Chaos Sea is also a Dark Spirit Race.

Although after becoming a god, the human feelings will gradually disappear, but this is a process. Since the dark **** himself was born in the dark spirit race, of course he must put the status of the dark spirit race in his own kingdom. On top of humans.

Therefore, in the Dark Spirit Empire, humans exist as slaves.

In this empire, all the dominant players are the Dark Spirit Race, and all those who control power are the Dark Spirit Race, but the cannon fodder in the army is the Human Race.

This is why Han Chen chose this place as his entry point.

In any case, even if the humans in this world have nothing to do with the humans on Earth, at least the two sides look more alike.

Between humans and those disgusting monsters that are only 1.2 meters tall and completely blackened, his preferred favoritism is of course humans.

After arriving in the imperial capital, Han Chen did not hide his whereabouts this time.

He waved the sword of the night demon in his hand and pierced the heart of a fanatic, but the power of the sword of the night demon directly attacked the kingdom of gods along the link between the power of faith between the fanatic and the gods. among.

"Damn it, Han Chen, how dare you do this!"

The dark upper **** uttered an angry roar, as if along the connection between the two sides, directly transmitted his voice to Han Chen's ears.

The sky is overcast with clouds, as if the end of the world is coming.

However, Han Chen didn't pay attention to this scene at all.

Even if the deity of the gods came to him, he might not be afraid of him.

The movement here alarmed the people in the entire imperial capital. The Pope of the Dark Spirit Empire walked out of the church, and then issued an order: "Kill the blasphemer!"

Thousands of figures walked out of the church, then spread their wings and flew towards Han Chen.

They are all angels descending on the world, and they hide their powers at ordinary times, and only show their power when they need to fight or return to the kingdom of God.

Now that the intruders have appeared, of course it should be time for them to take action.


The dark upper **** made a panicking sound, but did not let this sound ring through the ears of believers.

If this is the case, then his image will be corrupted.

The upper god's heart was full of panic. The last time Han Chen cut the connection between the angel and the **** with a sword, all the upper gods did not dare to move.

After all, the arrival of angels is their strongest method. Now that these angels are free, their first reaction is to attack their original masters.

Even if he personally descended on the oracle, it was too late now.

"Souls who are always bound by gods, now you can be freed."

The invisible sword cut the connection between these angels and the gods, freeing the souls of these angels and regaining their freedom.

"It's just that, it's a dark god, why is the angel sitting down still of light?"

After cutting off the connection between the angel and the god, Han Chen fell into thinking.

In fact, he had noticed this problem a long time ago, that is, all angels are of light attributes, regardless of the attributes of the gods they belong to.

Even the **** of fire and the **** of earth, the angels under them are still light.

Although some angels have the power of fire, earth, thunder, etc., the light attribute is still the original attribute of these angels.

Now even the dark upper **** of the Dark Spirit Empire, the angels under his command are still light.

"Although light and darkness are not absolute oppositions, there are some connections between the two sides, but as a dark series of gods, the angels under his command are all made up of light. It is too unreasonable! Or, these angels are. The attributes cannot be controlled by the gods at all?"

With Han Chen's current strength and knowledge, there is no way to explain this phenomenon.

The angel who has gained freedom is full of confusion in this world.

Because their past memories and feelings have been washed away.

But there is one thing that cannot be changed, that is, when their memory is erased, when their soul loses freedom, the resentment that arises at that moment.

Every angel used to be the most loyal believer of the gods. Their greatest wish is to always be with the gods and become loyal servants of the gods.

Even if their soul is not controlled, I believe they will be absolutely loyal to the gods.

But the gods still deprived their souls of freedom.

But the essence of their faith is to achieve the liberation of their souls through faith, so that their hearts can feel at ease.

They contributed the most loyal faith to the gods, but they were made puppets by the gods.

This is the resentment that comes from the soul's instinct. When the memory and feelings are erased, the resentment of the soul being deprived becomes more pure.

"Angel, it's Lord Angel."

"No matter what kind of enemy we face, angels will help us repel."

These angel legions had just appeared, and when they stretched their wings, the people in the entire imperial capital were boiling. They knelt on the ground, kissing the ground in front of them, welcoming the miracle.

However, just in a blink of an eye, the wind direction of the entire imperial capital changed.

The angels who had gained freedom saw these believers who bowed down to the gods and felt the connection between these believers and the gods, so they started to take action.

"Ah! Why?"

"Lord Angel, we are the ultimate faithful believers of the gods, why are you attacking us?"

"Why is this?"

These loyal believers all felt stunned. The angels who were the messengers of the gods are now attacking and massacring them.

They were dazed by such a sudden change, and they couldn't understand the reason for such a thing.

At this moment, a voice reached everyone's ears.

"Don’t resist. These angels are the messengers of the God of Darkness. They come to the world to save everyone and lead everyone out of the sea of ​​suffering. After your body is killed, your soul will be redeemed. In the God of Darkness Eternal life in the country."

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