All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1165: Because it's fun

After hearing Han Chen's voice, most of the believers gave up resistance.

They have firm and pious beliefs, how can they worry that they will not pass the test of the gods?

This also explains why these angels kill them.

The angels killed their skins and saved their souls.

As long as their faith is pious and firm, their souls can enter the kingdom of God and gain eternal life.

So most devout believers put aside their resistance.

Even if their bodies were killed by the angels, they still smiled in relief.

Their faith was rewarded, and their piety was answered.

The prayers day and night were finally exchanged for the salvation of the gods at this moment.

But there are also some people who are not firm in their beliefs, when facing the attack of angels, they chose to resist, such as... the bishop and the pope.

They are people who listen to the voice of the gods, knowing that these angels are just out of control.

So when facing the angel's attack, they chose to resist.

At this time, a voice came into the ears of the believers:

"These people actually fight against the messengers of the gods. They are just wearing the skin of the bishop. In fact, they are the real blasphemers. Let us fight side by side with the angels to purify these filthy souls in this world."

With this sound like a shit-cutter, all the devout believers raised their heads, and their eyes fell on the bishop and the pope.

"Kill these false believers!"

"Dare to attack the messengers of the gods, these people are false believers of the gods."

"No wonder we have the same firm beliefs. We have enough piety, but we can't become bishops. It turns out that these people hold power, they steal the authority of the gods, they blaspheme the spirit of the gods, and pretend to be the gods in the world Spokesperson."

Of course Han Chen called out this sentence.

For these true believers, they have no doubt about their own beliefs, and they will never think that anyone's beliefs will be stronger than their own.

However, they are just ordinary believers, and those bishops go to occupy power.

Originally, none of them had any doubts about this phenomenon, but now these bishops are fighting with angels, which immediately aroused the anger of these believers.

This sentence was like a fuse, immediately detonating the gunpowder of faith in the hearts of all believers.

These angry true believers madly attacked the bishops and popes. The bishops began to explain continuously, but no one listened to their explanations.

"Do not!"

One after another, the bishops were beheaded by angels and believers. Even the pope was beheaded by a few angels before being surrounded by an army of angry believers, and finally fell in regret.

Han Chen, the creator of everything, sits at the highest point of the church, while gnawing on Luan Xinghai’s specialty fruits, while observing all this with the attitude of watching a theater.

In today's incident, Han Chen's character is an evil villain.

Of course, since he came into this world, the villain's positioning has never changed.

The positions of the two sides are different, so there is no justice.

After the pope and bishops all fell, those believers knelt down in front of the angel, waiting for the angel's salvation, and then the liberation of their souls.

But what they don't know is that it is because of their piety that their lives will end.

The whole emperor was plunged into a **** chaos, and countless believers were slaughtered. These free angels would not stop their steps before the dark upper **** fell.

"what do you want to do?"

The voice of the dark upper **** appeared in Han Chen’s ear, “What is your purpose, what is it that you want? You will never do this without purpose, as long as you are willing to say your purpose. ,I can help you."

However, Han Chen just smiled contemptuously: "Help me?"

Hearing this contemptuous voice, the dark upper **** was a little annoyed, but in the end he endured it for a long time, because he knew that he could not do anything with this person.

He has great power, but his power is limited to the kingdom of God.

After leaving the kingdom of God, he can only exert his boundless power through those angels, but as long as these angels meet Han Chen, they will be liberated and will attack themselves frantically.

Maybe he can find a solution in the future, but he may not be able to live in the future.

Now his life is in Han Chen's hands, he doesn't have any hard-hearted capital.

"I am willing to bow my head and admit defeat, I am willing to kneel and beg for mercy."

The Dark Lord gave in very decisively, "I don’t know where you come from, or your purpose, but since you have the ability to control my life and death, then I’m willing to do everything for you. I believe I have enough I believe I will be your greatest help.

If the Great Qin Kingdom wants to rule the entire world, I can also implement the policies of the Great Qin Kingdom throughout the Dark Spirit Empire and make the entire empire become part of the territory of the Great Qin Kingdom. I can become a loyal servant of the adults. All I ask for is Keep the position under the adults. "

Han Chen's movement of chewing the fruit stopped.

He admitted that he underestimated the upper god.

I have to say that this is a very simple and decisive upper god.

The war between the two sides has just begun. Although the turmoil in the imperial capital will have some impact, it will definitely not cause painful consequences.

But after foreseeing the future of his own destruction, the upper **** still resolutely chose to bow his head and admit defeat.

This is equivalent to when the two players are playing chess, they feel the opponent's strength at the beginning, and then immediately abandon the player to admit defeat, not wasting time on this game that is doomed to end.

In fact, he could threaten Han Chen with the threat of burning jade and stone, but he did not use it. Instead, he kept his posture to the lowest level and stepped on his dignity.

He can declare to be Han Chen's servant, and then become a tool and weapon in Han Chen's hands, only to ask Han Chen to retain his current position.

Even Han Chen wondered whether this upper **** would still agree if he made more excessive demands.

"I admit, your condition moved my heart."

Han Chen was silent for several minutes before uttering such a sentence.

"From now on, your lord is my master, and your loyal servant, the dark upper god, will become your most loyal servant and your most useful servant."

The dark upper **** decisively lowered his posture, "As long as the master has any instructions, the subordinates will do their best to help the master achieve them, and regardless of the master's requirements, the subordinates will do their best to complete it."

"I want to go home."

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