All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1167: God war broke out

"The greatest weakness of the gods of the way of faith is that they have insufficient power in the real world."

"If you lose those loyal angels as weapons, their power in the real world will be vulnerable and weakened."

Even with Han Chen's current strength, it would take a long time to kill all those angels, especially it would cause him a lot of trouble.

With such a method as a deterrent, those high-level gods no longer dared to send angels to deal with him.

Having lost the strongest weapon in the human world, those powerful gods have become weaker.

Some upper gods gave the pope or the archbishop the artifact in their hands, and wanted to use them to deal with Han Chen, but under the absolute power gap, these methods were just a futile struggle.

Therefore, under the connection between the believers and the gods, Han Chen continued to cause harm to the upper gods.

Before they could take any further action, the upper gods of the Dark Spirit Empire suddenly broke out a war of gods, ordering all believers under his command, including all his subordinate gods, to mobilize the power of the whole country to attack other upper gods, even if they were It will not hesitate to exhaust the power of the entire country.

Such crazy actions caused dissatisfaction with other upper gods.

So the seven high-ranking gods sent troops to punish the Dark Spirit Empire.

But when their army begins to gather, a black figure will descend.

All the powerful beings leading the army will be directly beheaded by Han Chen, making the army headless.

Or it is only those weak and weak people who rely on the soldiers' faith in gods to command the army.

Losing the army of the top masters, facing the attack of the Dark Spirit Empire, although not a one-sided struggle, it was also losing ground.

"Dark Spirit, what do you want to do? You, as the top **** of Chaos Xinghai, why do you start a **** war at this time? Isn't it time for us to unite against foreign enemies? Why do you choose to surrender to foreign enemies?"

Several upper gods challenged the dark upper gods.

However, the answer they got was: "Do we have other options?"

Those upper gods were silently asked by this question, because they could see that in front of Han Chen, they had no room for resistance.

Although they can still delay time, they will lose sooner or later.

As long as Han Chen is given enough time, he can kill all the upper gods, and he will not allow any upper **** to survive.

So is there any problem with surrendering now?

Anyway, all gods are exquisite egoists. As a selfish god, is there any problem in thinking about their future?

Is self-proprietary wrong?

At least for these gods who are aloof and only consider themselves and treat all sentient beings as their own pigs and sheep, there is nothing wrong with being selfish.

So in fact, the dark upper gods did not consider any problems.

As a result, the entire upper **** of Chaos Xinghai, under Han Chen's suppression, was unable to breathe.

They never thought that there would be such a terrible enemy.

"In fact, we should seriously reflect on it. There are foreign masters appearing in Chaos Star Sea. There is no problem in itself, but why are we at a loss now?"

The upper gods of light put aside the upper gods of darkness and contacted other gods. "Our most powerful means in the world is angels, followed by the pope and bishop. If the power of these angels is truly combined, we are not his opponents. But we ultimately failed because he had the means to liberate the angels."

"Yes, the biggest reason for our failure is not because of our opponent's strength, but our own weakness."

Another upper **** said, "We should find ways to leave more methods in the human world, and we should give humans stronger power to deal with powerful enemies, so that when our angels lose their power, at least they will not Even the possibility of resistance is lost."

If the human world has some legendary existence, even if there are only a few hundred, they can join forces to deal with Han Chen, at least it will be very troublesome to kill.

However, as long as there are some potential masters in the human world, either become a god, or an angel under the seat of the god, or are tied to the stake.

"If humans are given great power, how can they still believe in us?"

Thinking that the upper **** said furiously, "Our biggest problem now should be to find a way to end this **** battle, otherwise we won't even have room for resistance."

The dark high-ranking **** suddenly broke out of a war of gods, disgusting all of them.

Moreover, when a war broke out between the upper gods, it was time for those middle gods to rise.

At the beginning, they consumed the power of the middle gods in the name of holy war, and those middle gods did not dare to disobey, otherwise they would be met by the sanctions of the upper gods.

But now that a war broke out between the upper gods, that gave the middle **** a chance.

Now there is no way for angels to appear on the battlefield, and even experts with a little strength cannot appear on the battlefield, so these upper gods can only be filled with massive armies.

But fortunately, their background is rich enough, and there are enough fanatics in the kingdom.

Therefore, even if a large number of believers are used as cannon fodder, it can also hinder the pace of the Dark Spirit Empire's attack.

Even in the 7-on-1 situation, the followers and army of the Dark Spirit Empire were constantly consumed, and the whole country became empty.

Even if the master level has a certain advantage, it is still unable to recover under the crowded tactics.

"Quick, fast."

The dark upper **** constantly feels the power of his faith, "My power of faith is constantly consuming, and my personality should soon decline. A little bit faster, as long as I can control myself before the killing star leaves. He is lowered to a mid-level **** so that he won’t be a threat to him."

He knew that Han Chen's Daqin State had such an order that all people must believe in gods.

If you refuse to believe, you have to distribute the frontier.

So he should not be against the gods, but against the gods' dominance in this world.

The other high-ranking gods refused to let go of their superior position, and refused to let go of their own figures, so the only thing that greeted them was the disaster of extinction.

Only a person who can bend and stretch like himself can let go of dignity and survive.

He is now trading his dignity for life.

In the eighth month of the outbreak of this holy war, 1/3 of the entire Dark Spirit Empire fell, more than half of the people lost their lives, and the entire empire was in depression.

At this time, a large number of blasphemers in the country took the opportunity to revolt and ignite the fire to become gods.

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