All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1168: The biggest of the selfish...

Han Chen has been in the midst of killing during these hours.

The war at the level of the gods is a long time-consuming war.

It is normal for a battle to last for a whole year.

So he has been searching for mad believers non-stop during this period, and then killed the gods in the kingdom of God through mad believers.

In addition, the dark upper gods triggered a battle of gods, which caused those upper gods to become weaker.

The power of believers is the power of gods, and the loss of a large number of believers also leads to the decline of the power of gods.

Those middle-level gods took advantage of this time to continuously launch wars and plunder territories, and even some ambitious middle-level gods launched an offensive against the seven upper-level gods.

Because they know that as long as these upper gods reign for one day, they will never have a chance to raise their heads.

So in order to be able to break free, they must challenge the superior god.

As for all the gods to unite against Han Chen? What good is that for them?

In the eyes of exquisite egoists, only selfishness is the truth of this world, so they will only consider themselves and will never sacrifice themselves to protect the world.

He is sacrificing the future of this world to perfect himself, and they will do this kind of thing without hesitation.

In the past, there were upper gods suppressing their ambitions, but now the upper gods are already overwhelmed.

As a result, a large number of middle-level gods began to rise, and a large number of blasphemers took advantage of the present to start their own accumulation, igniting the fire of the gods and become new gods.

As for the consequences of such an approach? That is not what they want to consider at all.

They only knew that if they gave up this opportunity to become a god, they might never be able to wait in the future.

Anyway, even if the entire world is reduced to the territory of the Great Qin Kingdom, they can still retain the identity of the gods and have eternal life, at most they are reduced to slaves and lose their dignity.

Han Chen, who was quietly restoring his strength in a certain corner of the world, observed the purgatory-like scene in this world, and said silently in his heart.

"Perhaps selfishness is not wrong, but it doesn't mean that selfishness is right. There is not only black and white in this world, not only right and wrong."

"For the strong from God's Domain, perhaps they are also selfish, but at least they will weigh the pros and cons when facing problems and choices. If they can improve their own strength by one point, it will cause a great deal of damage to the environment. It’s possible for them to give up."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to give up, others will force them to give up."

"This is the birth of ethics and rules."

It's like some people cutting down trees and destroying the environment to gain benefits. Maybe selfishness is right, but if they cause devastating damage to the environment, then their behavior will be restricted.

It is the same in the eyes of the powerhouses born in God's Domain. In order to limit this selfish behavior, rules and morals will be born.

"But if such a choice is placed here in the sea of ​​chaos, it is simply a sub-question. What is the future of the world to me, and what is the future of others to me, even if it causes 100 points of damage to the environment, as long as it can give me It’s worth it for me to improve his strength by one point."

"Even if some people are willing to give up the power gained in this way, there will still be a large number of people flocking to them, desperate for their own interests."

"Obviously knowing that everyone united to deal with me is their wisest choice, but if the casualties will be themselves, then they will refuse without hesitation."

"The reason why the angel army under the gods of the Tao of Faith is terrible is that these angels have put their life and death out of consideration. They are equivalent to an unselfish person, an unselfish team. The so-called undesirable is strong. This is also the thing I am most afraid of."

"But when I can master the means of liberating angels, it's completely different."

"Those believers are people who can give up and give up everything for the faith in their hearts, but the gods they believe in are all high above, and they are not willing to give everything to believers at all."

"So this creates a contradiction, their thinking mode is too single."

"When huge benefits appear before their eyes, when they have a chance to get rid of the constraints of the upper gods, they will fight for them at all costs."

For extremely selfish people, as long as they use profit as a bait, they will try every means.

Especially when those benefits will be taken away by others if they don't take them, and they will hurt themselves, it will make them even more eager.

After all, this world is a colorful world, and right and wrong can never explain everything.

The entire sea of ​​chaotic stars is in chaos. The lower gods and the middle gods want to fight for more benefits. The upper gods want to keep their power. Han Chen's behavior is like throwing a stone on a calm lake, aroused. The ripples shook the whole world and disturbed the calm lake.

Because of Han Chen’s practice, a large number of powerful men who pretended to be believers emerged. They learned from Han Chen’s practice and tempted those pious true believers to curse the gods, and then deceive them to ascend to the kingdom of gods and escape this suffering world.

It is impossible for the gods to explain one by one, and there is no way to even impose the punishment on every believer.

Especially those careerists who want to become the next Han Chen, they venture in groups to the empires of several upper gods, and then establish their own political power in the empire.

The arrival of these careerists has accelerated the weakness of the upper gods.

Those who pursue rights and interests, or even higher status, even risk their lives, the damage they cause is devastating.

So the process of messing up the whole starry sea is simpler than Han Chen imagined.

After recovering a certain amount of power, Han Chen went to the kingdom of the ice and snow upper god.

The barrier on the edge of the kingdom of God was already full of cracks, and Han Chen opened the barrier of the kingdom of God with just a light sword, and then walked into the kingdom of God in an open manner.

When Han Chen's figure entered the kingdom of God, a large amount of power squeezed towards Han Chen.

However, under the protection of the Night Demon's cloak, all power can only be consumed outside Han Chen.

"It's really strange. It's clearly a world of ice and snow, but the angels you send are still light. Some angels have the power of ice and snow, but the main attribute is still light. Is there any secret in this? "

Han Chen is like a tourist, enjoying this country of ice and snow, while chatting casually, as if his purpose this time is not to kill the upper **** of ice and snow.

"Angels of the same strength have the least consumption."

A majestic woman sat on the Ice Throne and answered indifferently.

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