All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1169: I only kill the upper gods

"The least consumption?"

Han Chen didn't expect this answer, which made him a little surprised.

The demeanor and majestic goddess, after failing in one blow, simply gave up the subsequent battle, and began to patiently answer Han Chen's questions.

"I am in the kingdom of God, although I don't say that I am omnipotent, but most of the things I think in my heart can be realized in the kingdom of God. I want to make this world of ice and snow, here It can become a world of ice and snow. I want to turn this into a world of flames. This is a world of flames."

"But after all, I became a **** by the law of ice and snow, so when I transform the same power of faith into ice and snow, the consumption will be one-fifth of the same flame, which is 5 times the effect, transforming the power of faith. It’s the same when I become divine power. I also have some insights about the laws of the earth, so if I want to transform into the divine power of the earth, I can actually do it. It’s just that the same power of faith can be transformed into the divine power of the earth although it will be more than flame It's far behind the power of ice and snow."

Hearing the answer from the Highest God of Ice and Snow, or the Goddess of Ice and Snow, Han Chen also instantly understood.

The gods who follow the path of faith are different from the gods of God's Domain after all.

He can transform the same aura into a dark attribute, or into a light attribute, or other attributes, and the power after the transformation depends on the aura before the transformation, not on himself.

But the speed and quality of this transformation have something to do with the rules that you understand.

The aura of the same power can be transformed into dark power faster, and when he uses dark power, the efficiency will become higher.

With the same power, it is obvious that darkness can exert a higher power.

This has something to do with the rules of understanding.

But the gods of the way of faith are not the same. When they transform their divine power, they need to consume the illusory power of faith.

The power of belief can be strong or weak, so the process of transformation is critical.

"But, why can't you transform the ice angel?"

Han Chen continued to ask.

"I can transform, as long as I am in my kingdom of God, I can also do this kind of thing."

As the goddess of ice and snow said, her white jade finger pointed at an angel, and the light power of the angel immediately transformed into the power of ice and snow.

"I have more understanding of the rules of ice and snow than the rules of light, so for me, transforming ice and snow divine power should be more cost-effective, and the combat effectiveness will be higher."

"But when the souls of every angel make the kingdom of God an angel, their souls will unnaturally lean toward purity and light. If I transform the light power in them into ice and snow, even though they can be more powerful The power of this process, but this process consumes too much. An angel with ice and snow power consumes even more than three angels with light power."

"In addition, angels with bright attributes do not need to be consumed to maintain their own lives, or the consumption in life will be fed back to the kingdom of God. This will form a closed cycle, but if it is to be transformed into ice and snow, then The cost of maintenance will immediately increase by 10 times. If I convert half of the angels that can be maintained into ice and snow angels, then my kingdom of God will collapse due to lack of sufficient divine power."

"I don't know the reason for this, but it is a very natural law."

The ice goddess explained patiently.

After hearing the explanation of the goddess of ice and snow, Han Chen was thoughtful.

Obviously for the ice goddess, the efficiency of transforming ice and snow divine power is higher.

But an angel is a special kind of life.

These angels all have souls, and the souls that can become angels are incomparably pure, or closer to the light.

So even if it is the goddess of ice and snow, the efficiency of transforming the light will be higher.

In other words, these angels have the power to transform energy, and their instinct is light.

"So, under the same divine power, should the power of the God of Light surpass other gods?" Han Chen asked.

If the ice and snow goddess bestows her magical artifact on the angel, she will also give the angel the power of ice and snow, so that the artifact can exert greater effects.

But the **** of light is not needed, the artifact in hand is the artifact of light.

The ice and snow goddess thought for a few seconds and replied: "It's not like that. In addition to restraining the dark god, the **** of light does not have an advantage against us, and it will also occupy a certain disadvantage."

Han Chen was a little strange: "Why is this?"

It is obvious that the attributes of the **** of light are the same as the attributes of angels, why is it still at a disadvantage?

Although he had an understanding of angels in the past, considering the relationship with the angel clan in God's Domain, he was not good at finding out the other's weakness.

If it causes misunderstanding, it may cause trouble to God's Domain.

"There is no way to directly start a war between the gods, because we are constrained by the kingdom of God. If we leave the kingdom of God, our power will be greatly weakened. Therefore, the war between the gods is a war between angels and believers. At this time The power of angels will be crucial."

The goddess of ice and snow explained, “When the attributes are different, the damage to each other will be great, but when the attributes are the same, the damage to each other will be very weak. The **** of light can only use the power of light, and the angels The attack resistance of the light attribute is the strongest, because their own structure is the holy light.

Some angels with extremely pure souls can even absorb part of the opponent’s light attack and turn them into their own power. Therefore, in the life and death war, attributes other than light occupy a more important position. In contrast, we are Attributes should be better at it.

The **** of light can transform the same power of faith into more angels, but in battle, the importance of the number is far less important than the damage, so only when facing the **** of darkness, the **** of light can occupy Advantages, when facing us, the God of Light appears weak. "

Han Chen lowered his head to think for a moment, then raised his head and said: "I am here this time to kill all the upper gods."

The ice and snow goddess did not speak, but the ice and snow power around the **** seat kept gathering.

This is her attitude.

She will not abandon the dignity of the gods like the dark upper gods.

"But, if it's not the upper god, then it doesn't matter to me." Han Chen continued, "the only thing I want to kill is the upper god."

The ice and snow goddess said: "I will not obey the Great Qin Kingdom."

Han Chen shook his head: "It doesn't matter, they also need opponents."

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