All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1170: Fall one after another

After leaving the kingdom of the ice and snow goddess, the kingdom of gods began to collapse in a large area behind Han Chen, and finally shrank into a relatively small kingdom of gods.

This wasn't Han Chen's surprise, but just a reward for her to cooperate with her answer.

This is an opportunity and a deal.

From then on, the upper **** of ice and snow will disappear in this world, and what can be left is only a middle **** who has fallen from the position of the upper god.

The Ice and Snow Goddess has already expressed her attitude, that is, she will not obey the Great Qin Kingdom.

If she would rather be controlled by some mundane kingdoms, she would rather be destroyed.

But Han Chen didn't care.

The opportunity given to her was the reward she gave, and if she wanted to seek death in the future, it wouldn't matter to Han Chen.

If she can survive the battle of gods, there will be a battle with Daqin.

And Han Chen didn't pay attention to the result anymore.

He is neither a saint nor a nanny, so there is no need to worry about the future of others.

Han Chen's second choice was the kingdom of the flame high god.

After entering the kingdom of God, Han Chen said unceremoniously: "Give you three sentences. You can use three sentences to let me give you a reason to survive."

Flame High Divine Dao: "I can become your slave, for you to drive, let my empire merge into the territory of the Great Qin Kingdom, and cooperate with the expansion of the Great Qin Kingdom."

Han Chen said coldly: "No."

Flame High God Dao: "I can lower my personality, even a middle God or even a lower God."

"No way."

"I can be a great help for you to rule the world, but if you refuse, I will do my best to become an obstacle to you."

"You have no chance."

Han Chen drew the sword of the night demon and swung a sword at the angels in the kingdom of God, and the flame high **** also took this opportunity to drown Han Chen's figure by a flame vortex.

Han Chen's figure appeared outside the flame vortex, and the angels in the kingdom of God, after being free from bondage, looked at the flame high **** with indifferent eyes.

"You, what are you going to do?"

The flame **** saw the indifferent eyes of these angels, and his heart was filled with fear. The powerful flame divine power swept towards those angels, "I am your eternal master, what do you want to do? You want to betray me. Do you? Give me the order to kill the infidel who broke in!"

However, after the flames swept through, the angels rushed towards the gods.

A fierce battle broke out in the Kingdom of God, and Han Chen turned into a spectator.

"Even the gods, not everyone is proud of the strong."

Han Chen shook his head secretly, "Perhaps for these gods, powerful power is their proud capital! Anyway, they are in the kingdom of God, even if it is ugly, it doesn't matter, so there is nothing to care about. As long as you live, everything can be regained."

For the gods who have a long life, anything that can be obtained with time is not so precious to them.

Any shame that can be forgotten by time is not a problem for them.

Even if it is dignity, even if they are reduced to slaves, as long as they survive, there is hope of turning over. When they set foot on the highest point of the world again, all those who know their dark history will naturally be wiped out by them. ,time heals everything.

And they have time.

After three hours of fighting, the angels finally killed the gods, but only one-third of them remained.

Han Chen originally wanted to intervene in order to reduce the casualties of some angels.

But seeing these angels sacrifice their lives in order to kill the gods, Han Chen hesitated.

This is the first battle for these angels to wash away the imprisoned resentment of their souls and fight for their freedom after they were free.

That is their battle, this is their own battle.

Han Chen's shot can reduce their casualties, but it will desecrate their freedom.

Therefore, Han Chen finally did not make a shot.

The flame upper **** eventually fell, and his kingdom collapsed into fragments. These angels returned to the real world after obtaining some flame divine power fragments.

As for what kind of path these angels will take in the future, Han Chen has no time to pay attention.

His next choice is the **** of the sky.

After coming to the kingdom of the **** of the sky, Han Chen spoke with a familiar sentence: "Give you a chance to say three words, and give me a reason to spare your life."

After speaking, Han Chen looked at the environment of the Kingdom of God, "It seems that I don't need me to give you a chance. You have already made a choice, then prepare to die!"

In the kingdom of God of the Sky, all the angels have disappeared.

I don't know if these angels were swallowed directly by the gods or sent to the world.

However, based on Han Chen's understanding of these gods, it is estimated that the former is more likely.

It seems that the **** of the sky has already received the news from the **** kingdom of the flame god. It may be that the news between these gods is common, so there is such a preparation.

The battle between the two parties did not last too long. With the help of Han Chen's full body of gods, the **** of the sky was beheaded in less than 20 minutes.

During this process, the **** of the sky also thought about begging for mercy, but Han Chen directly ignored it.

The fall of the two upper gods is just the beginning for Luan Xinghai.

Han Chen, who had killed the two gods, came to the kingdom of the next **** without stopping, which was the kingdom of the gods on the earth.

But when he came here, he was slightly startled.

Most of the kingdoms of the gods of the earth have directly collapsed and collapsed and turned into fragments. Some angels took the fragments of the gods in the kingdom and descended into the world.

"Your Majesty once said that you will only kill all upper gods."

The upper **** of the earth lowered his posture very much, "I am no longer the upper god, and now your majesty has no reason to kill me."

Since Han Chen only killed the upper gods, he simply lowered his godhead.

It is not as easy for a **** to lower his personality as it seems. When the number of believers is large enough, and when his power of faith is sufficient, even if he wants to lower his personality, it is very difficult.

So he used a very simple method, which was to directly kill his fanatics in large numbers.

"I did say that I only kill the upper gods."

Han Chen's words made the upper **** of the earth breathe a sigh of relief. When he thought he had escaped, Han Chen's eyes suddenly became cold, "But if I want to kill you, do I need any reason? In this world, there are no gods that I cannot kill, and no gods that I have to give a reason to kill."

Sword of the Night Demon, unsheathed!

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