All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1171: Chaos

As Han Chen said, I am here to kill you today, not to reason with you.

My purpose is to kill the upper gods. Before, the ice and snow upper gods survived because they lowered their personality, but if you lowered their personality, I didn't want to spare you.

Anyway, I don’t need to consider the consequences when I do things here, so why should I consider your mood?

I wanted to kill you, so I killed it.

Want to reason with me? No time!

I have finished all the things I have to do here, so why do I need to reason with you?

With the fall of one by one upper god, the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars has undergone an earth-shaking change.

A large number of careerists appeared in the Great Qin Kingdom, and some relatively small people caused riots in the Qing Dynasty, and then clustered around a few powerful officials who seized the territory and wanted to become orthodox.

And those with a larger pattern went directly to the empire of the upper gods.

Countless blasphemers took the opportunity to rise up, ignited the fire and became the new gods, and some gods with a long history fell in this troubled world.

The empire that had lost the upper gods fell apart in an instant, and the dark upper gods also fell into personality.

However, his kingdom of God has ushered in an unexpected guest.

"Great Qin Kingdom Lord, I have already given up, why do you come here?"

The original dark upper god, now the dark spirit middle god, saw Han Chen's figure, and panicked for no reason.

Although Han Chen hasn't spoken yet, his eyes have revealed their origins.

He wants to kill himself!

He has already taken refuge in Han Chen in advance, and he has decided to help Janette.

Now most of the influence in the world has been handed over to Janette, which will provide great value afterwards.

Why, why did Han Chen come to kill him?

"Nothing, I just repented suddenly."

As Han Chen said, the sword of the night demon drew a black sword light, but it looked so dazzling in this dark kingdom of God.

After killing the original dark upper god, Han Chen returned to the sea of ​​chaos.

The main reason for the sudden repentance in the end was his whim, which was that he suddenly had such an idea and then put it into action.

If there is any other reason, it should be that Janette doesn't actually need such a support. What she really needs is an opponent.

But he doesn't want to worry about these things anymore.

After all the high-ranking gods fell, Luan Xinghai fell into a separatist situation, and some alien races in the wild areas began to attack the human race on a large scale.

The human race and the races of several friendly human races began to unite to resist the attack of foreign enemies.

However, because of the loss of leadership, this resistance alliance is also very difficult to organize, and from time to time, people are stabbed in the back.

There are more things that stabbed a knife in the back, and fewer people are willing to be heroes.

And Han Chen was just like a spectator, observing everything that happened coldly.

He has always had sufficient confidence in the human race, but he did not deny the inherent shortcomings of the human race. The current chaos is only temporary. No matter what kind of disaster human beings face, he believes that human beings will surely overcome the difficulties.

Then, Han Chen went to those areas where wasteland was reclaimed.

Because of the upsurge of land reclamation caused by Han Chen, a large number of characters flocked to the undeveloped wild areas, including those fanatics left behind by the fallen gods, all turned into cannon fodder for land reclamation.

After those people opened up their homes with their own hands and enjoyed the sense of fulfillment of using their own hands to get everything, they also said that they had no hope for those high gods.

Anyway, everything they need can be obtained by hand, so why bother to believe in gods?

In addition, the national policy of the Great Qin State is that everyone must believe in gods, so these marginal figures who do not want to believe in gods have been excluded.

After the turmoil was triggered, these people became the first front to resist foreign invasion.

Because of this, most people are reluctant to trouble them.

These people accumulated a wealth of combat experience when they opened up wasteland. They used their wisdom and courage to develop their homes, so their persistence in protecting their homes far exceeded those of believers who placed their hopes on the gods, because this is The fruits of their victory.

Seeing the thriving scene, Han Chen couldn't help but show a smile.

People in the whole world think that his hard work is the Great Qin State.

But in fact, these pioneers are the ones he has the greatest expectations.

It's just that because the world changes not overnight, the way of faith must continue to occupy the mainstream position in this world.

Han Chen has never been an eager person, he has enough patience.

The flames of wisdom and courage have been sown, and whether they can burn the forest is up to them.

"Would you like to take a look at Janette?"

Han Chen had such a thought in his mind, but it finally dispelled it.

Janette has learned enough by her side, and which step she can take in the future depends on her in the end.

Next time he comes to this world, he won't know when it happened.

So he doesn't feel that it is necessary for the two sides to meet again.

"Forget it, it's time to leave."

When he was about to parte and return to his hometown, Han Chen suddenly felt a sense of reluctance.

In any case, he also spent a lot of effort here.

This is like a precious work of art, no matter whether the work of art fits your own mind or not, it is the result of so many years of hard work.

The moment Han Chen stepped into the void, 12 streamers appeared over the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, like twelve meteors across the sky and landed in 12 corners of the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

Countless people saw this vision and wanted to chase the meteors, but these meteors disappeared.

Since then, a legend has arisen in Luan Xinghai. God is not the right way to practice. There is a powerful existence. He is the first strong person in Luan Xinghai to master the life and death of Gods. His power has exceeded the limit of this world, so After killing all the upper gods, he left the world.

Before taking him out of this world, his attachment to this world turned into 12 inheritances.

As long as you obtain any one of these 12 inheritances, you can have the opportunity to possess the power of this strong man.

Countless strong men with adventurous spirits left their hometown for this legend and embarked on a journey to find inheritance. Most of these people have spent a whole life without gain.

But the legend of the 12 inheritance is still widely spread in this world.

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