All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1175: Detachment is eternity

"Time and space unified?"

As soon as Han Chen wanted to ask why Myth could not leave God's Domain, the old man from the tower answered in advance.

"You should know that the human sea tactics have always been effective tactics. Enough ants can also kill legends. Of course, enough legends can also kill myths. Although no one is willing to pay the price, at least there is such a possibility. ."

"So if there is a myth-level existence, even if it is an existence that has become a god, if you face an enemy who can manipulate time, although your own existence will not be affected, but if the other party can copy his legendary-level servant into thousands Thousands of people, so even the myths will drink hatred on the spot."

"Even when facing such an enemy, a strong man of the mythical level may face hundreds of civilizations, even if he can really act against the sky, and take all of these hundreds of civilizations. Destroyed, the other party can also restore this destroyed civilization."

"For example, if you stir the wind and rain in the sea of ​​chaos, you can determine the future of the sea of ​​chaos, but facing such an enemy, the other party can create thousands of seas of chaos."

"No matter how you exaggerate yourself, you can never say that you can handle thousands of chaotic stars at the same time!"

"So in the realm of God, only those who are detached can leave the realm of God and have special privileges, because when facing such an enemy, the detached can directly deny all the time and space of the opponent, so the detached need to face There is only one time and space left."

"Even if the other party wants to turn back time, but in front of the detached person, as long as the other party’s actions are denied, then there is no such thing as time backwards. The other party’s so-called time backwards can only become a certain matter. The state at the time point, so the cost of the change process must be borne by the operator himself, and such a huge price can even directly cost the operator."

"So when facing enemies outside of God’s Domain, the existence below the myth has no meaning to go to the battlefield. Even the existence of the myth level will only become cannon fodder on the battlefield. It must be led by a transcendent person. Really have the power to fight against the enemies of God's Domain."

"The reason why there are very few mythical-level existences in God's Domain, and very few mythical-level equipment, is because the detached have the authority to pick out mythical-level existences in God's Domain and serve as soldiers under their command. Fight together by yourself."

"You rarely hear that there are people who are called detached in God's Domain, but the number of detached people is actually not a lot. The first is because the existence of God's Domain is too long. In the accumulation of these long years, they have been born. Many powerful characters."

"There is another reason, and that is the myth of being selected by the detached. Maybe in the process of following the detached, he will also break through and become a new detached."

The words of the tower guardian do not seem to be much, but the amount of information is very large.

Even Han Chen, it will take some time to digest.

No wonder God's Domain is so persistent in cultivating detached persons, because only detachment is meaningful.

Only when you are detached can you protect the things you cherish.

No matter how strong civilization it is, if it cannot be detached, it will be like cannon fodder when facing an enemy that is difficult to understand.

"So, will the detached person fall?"

Han Chen asked suddenly.

When he asked this question, he also had a flash of inspiration.

He just thinks this issue should be more important.

"Death in God's Domain is not a real death. After a period of time, it will be randomly resurrected in another place in God's Domain. Of course, the location of the resurrection can also be determined. Such resurrection is actually unlimited, but it will still affect the soul. Causes damage, so when your soul reaches its endurance limit, there is no way to resurrect."

The tower guardian replied, "The transcendence has another name called the Eternal Realm. This is not just an endless life span, but a true eternal immortality. Even if you are destroyed by the opponent in a certain time and space, you will be in the future. Resurrection in a certain place, as long as this universe has not been destroyed, the transcendence is an eternal existence.

Of course, in this process of resurrection, the soul and memory of the transcended person will also have a certain impact, or progress toward a stronger direction. In the process, some memories and emotions that are useless to themselves will be removed, and life and soul will be used. The instinct becomes stronger. "

Han Chen thought about it, no wonder God's Domain's fighting method is like a game.

It turned out not to be able to quickly accept the new civilization, nor to the gods playing games, but to adapt everyone to the fighting style of the detached from the beginning.

It's just that for weak beings, without experiencing life and death, there will be no real crisis, and a breakthrough between life and death, so there will be the seven disasters and three calamities of the real world.

The battle mode in God's Domain is to adapt to eternity in advance, or as a training ground. The real world is the real battlefield of life and death.

After understanding all this, Han Chen can be regarded as having a deeper understanding of God's Domain.

He is now a myth and can become a **** at any time.

The next step is to seek detachment or eternity.

But he is not so anxious now, just push the boat along the river.

And what he is more concerned about now is the future of the earth.

"Can those who have gained eternal existence be able to reverse time and space?" Han Chen asked.

"No, because we are following a different path."

The old man guarding the tower said, "There is a saying on the earth that different ways of life are not conspiring. Each kind of life has its own suitable path. The reason why different races in God's Domain can gather together can be on the battlefield of transcendence. Unite and unite against foreign enemies because we follow the same path."

"So, what are the true wishes of Earth and Zulong Star?" Han Chen asked.

The reason why the tower guard did not directly tell him the truth between the earth and the Zulong star was because if he could not understand the unique state and the eternal state, there would be no way to understand his words.

Now that he has understood these two realms, he can understand the earth.

"The earth and Zulong star have the same origin. They were supposed to be one in the distant past, but later became two different tributaries under the control of the time manipulator, so the distance between the two is very close, regardless of time. The distance and the distance of space are the same."

The old man guarding the tower said, "However, in the process of time diversion, the two sides have produced different changes, and the reason for the changes originated from an artifact."

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