All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1176: Time indexing mirror

Saying goodbye to the old man guarding the tower, Han Chen came to the space above the earth.

From his point of view, you can have a panoramic view of the earth and Zulong star.

This is not the feeling of standing in outer space overlooking the earth, but from the space where he is, being able to see every corner of the earth at the same time.

The two planets are in different spaces, but there is a boundary between them.

That place of transfer is the place pointed by the Kingdom of Gods of the Glorious Vatican. Of course, this is not a coincidence, but the God of Light of the Glorious Vatican specially chose this place as a place to build a new kingdom of God.

The reason why Han Chen was able to fool the God of Light to complete a sneak attack with a dagger was also for this reason.

Because as long as they knew the existence of that artifact, most people could not resist its temptation.

The God of Light thought that Han Chen knew the true face of the artifact and knew that the things in his hand could obtain the artifact, so he didn't think that Han Chen could give up such an opportunity.

It's not that his IQ is not enough, but because his moral values ​​are like this.

For sophisticated egoists, not only are they selfish in their own way of thinking about problems, they are also selfish when they are trying to figure out the psychology of others.

That's why he would not have thought that Han Chen had no interest in that artifact of time.

In other words, in the face of the survival of the earth, the importance of that artifact of time is too low.

The difference in morality made him unable to understand Han Chen.

And now Han Chen saw the true face of this artifact.

Its name is called Time Indexing Mirror, and the effect in this time and space is to make two times that have become different tributaries into separate individuals.

In the face of those who have gained eternal detachment, playing time is meaningless, because the other party can veto all time except for their own approval, so even if you can create hundreds of parallel spaces, the other party can directly veto them.

This is a veto at the conceptual level.

Just like an electron cloud at the microscopic level, it may be able to appear in different places before you observe, but when you observe, all possibilities will collapse.

The function of the time indexer is to counteract this ability.

The reason why such a special artifact can be born is equivalent to following the basic principle of the mutual generation and restraint of all things in the world. Since eternity can veto the existence of time and parallel space, then existences that can resist this ability will be born in the universe.

It is precisely because of this that even if it is God's Domain, there is no way to take this thing.

And the God of Light behind the Glory Vatican, although he is also a **** in name and a **** in power, he is not the only realm in realm.

Inability to be the only realm is equivalent to an infinitely powerful legend.

Maybe there are two tricks when facing the only situation, but in front of the time manipulator, such a **** must be considered as cannon fodder.

Those that can be copied and divided are all ants.

This is also one of the reasons why God's Domain must suppress the gods of the Tao of Faith, not only because the opponent may become an eternal devouring beast, but also because this road is a dead end.

Even if he becomes an upper god, he is still a pet in the cage of time.

Not the only one, but the ants in the end.

There is another advantage of this kind of artifact, which is to help people become eternal.

This approach may be to rely on foreign objects to become eternal, and even if such objects are lost, one's own state will fall again.

But even if it is just an opportunity, it will drive people crazy.

The gods of the Glory Vatican chose the place Zulongxing when they were away from home because they wanted to obtain this treasure.

If you can get the time scale, you can have the realm of eternal realm.

With this state, it is possible to truly comprehend this state and turn oneself into a true eternal state.

Such temptation is also fatal to the gods of the Tao of Faith.

If he can have such a realm, when he returns to the chaotic sea of ​​stars, he can directly sweep the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars with his powerful realm.

The God of Light has been waiting here for a thousand years. During this thousand years, he killed all the existences in the Glorious Vatican that could not become true believers, turning the entire Glorious Vatican into a cradle of faith. , In order to accumulate enough power of faith, and then break here.

The holy lord of the angel clan gave him the dagger so that he could take away such a thing.

As for whether they have a deeper purpose, I don't know.

It's just that even the angels did not expect that Han Chen would be able to give up such a temptation and exchanged a dagger for a hope and an opportunity.

This was Han Chen's choice, and it also broke the angel family's plan.

Before he knew it, Han Chen had reached this point.

Han Chen picked up the sword of the night demon and gently touched the void in front of him, causing a layer of ripples.

He can feel that as long as he uses his full strength, he can break the paper-thin space in front of him, and then take out the contents inside.

However, he hesitated.

"If I remove the time scale, what will the earth look like?"

Han Chen couldn't help asking when he learned about such a thing from the old man from the tower.

"You have become the only realm. No, when your congenital awakening inherited the memory of the strong man who inherited the water blue star, the uniqueness of his body has been transferred to you, except for the realm of no uniqueness. In addition to power and power, it can also be regarded as the only realm in a sense.

So even if you take away the time indexing mirror, nothing will happen to the earth, because the change of time will not affect the only one, but Zulong star does not have the only protection, so when you take away this mirror, Dragon Star will collapse in time and space, and then be completely destroyed. "The old man guarding the tower replied.

In other words, if he took away this mirror, Zulong Xing would be destroyed.

Originally, he had always regarded Zulongxing as his great enemy, as the earth's great enemy, but he didn't expect that now he could use such a simple method to destroy it.

The leap of realm is so terrible.

However, when Han Chen really faced such an opportunity, he hesitated.

If it were before, there was such a chance to destroy the Zulong Star, he estimated that he would implement it without hesitation, because this would reduce a threat to the earth.

What does it matter if the earth can be made safe, even if it is to destroy a civilization?

He has never been a moral saint. I don’t know how many of the past civilizations have been destroyed in the long river of history. Why can’t he destroy one by himself?

"But the current Ancestral Star has no threat to the earth. Why should I use this method to destroy the other party? If I need to destroy Ancestral Star, any method can be used."

The strong strength gave Han Chen enough confidence, allowing him to think about many issues calmly.

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